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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1290393250' post='2519851'] No, it'll give the GM's too much power. If a GM hates someone....boom, that person would be considered inactive and wiped. RP isn't about how much you post, in fact some of the RPers who post the most are among the worst in, at least my opinion, quality. [/quote] True, quality, not quantity, but the problem still remains that in my opinion, people who 'RP' huge empires and yet post a sentence every 24th day just so they can remain there for no reason is not quality. I do not say we should force anyone to become more 'active' than is needed, but I do believe that massive nations with vast amounts of territory should not be allowed to be so inactive when they control so much land. With a nation that is smaller (say, a nation Valencia, or American Union's size) and does not possess so much land, it is not as major, but when a nation controls so much territory and yet does nothing with it it seems to me that is only giving new players less opportunity for land (among other problems with this).
  2. While I agree that the seven days change will not solve the problem (they would just have to post a one liner every sixth day instead, and that'd make too many useless posts), I do believe this is something that should be changed. Perhaps a case by case basis in which the GMs will decide whether or not the person can be considered 'inactive' depending on how much they actually post and whether the content is actual RP.
  3. Wu read over the modified document, and found the modifications to be acceptable as well. She signed her name on the document. Signed, for the Xinyan Republic Provision Government, Wu Zen Jiang, Provisional President "As to a loan, that would certainly help to getting Xinyan established as a fully functional state, and would be gratefully accepted."
  4. [quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1290385340' post='2519587'] Unless we are going to stick with the status quo, there needs to be a vote. [/quote] Can't be a vote until we get some actual, plausible suggestions as to how we can fix this problem. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1290385617' post='2519608'] I favor the system as in. If you have a problem with someone just attack them, if they are truly inactive they will collapse, if not they are active. [/quote] That would be crossing the IC/OOC line. And besides, just as soon as you attack--all of a sudden, they're posting every five minutes. There needs to be an actual, OOC solution, because this is an OOC problem.
  5. Wu allowed a smile of her own, very small and fleeting. "Excellent. The people will be overjoyed to hear this. As for a treaty, I can quickly write one up that will hopefully be agreeable to Zargathia." [quote] New Barag Independence Accord Clause I. The territory of New Barag Right Banner (henceforth referred to as the Xinyan Republic) is hereby granted independence, and permitted to govern itself as a separate entity from Zargathia. Clause II. Should the Xinyan Republic fall into disorder or become unable to govern its people, the territory shall revert to Zargathian administration. Signed, for the Xinyan Republic Provision Government, Wu Zen Jiang, provisional president[/quote] OOC: Was this what you meant? @_@
  6. Wu noticed the smile, but did not mention it--now was not the time to discuss such things. "What you say is indeed true--capacity and resources are of course not the only reason we of New Barag desire to govern ourselves. You see, the people of New Barag have expressed...not [i]dissatisfaction[/i], per se, with the monarchy of Zargathia, but rather differing opinions. Over time, these opinions gradually strengthened and intensified into differing beliefs, and eventually we come to our current state of affairs, where much of New Barag does not desire to be ruled any longer by a monarchy. We have no ill will, truly, towards Zargathia and its government--quite the contrary. However, New Barag believes that a monarchy is no longer capable of taking us in the direction we wish to go. This is why we have come to desire the ability to govern ourselves."
  7. Wu Zen Jiang's appearance did not seem at once very striking, nor did it seem she would stand out in a crowd. She appeared to be in the early or mid thirties range, with short hair that reached to her jawline and a proud but intelligent face; her dark brown eyes indicated nothing, it seemed, of whatever she was thinking at the moment, though a clear determination shone behind them. "Yes, my name is Wu Zen Jiang, president of the provisional government of New Barag," she spoke with a calm voice that similarly gave no indication of her thoughts. "I represent the will of the New Barag Independence movement, which in turn represents the will of the people of New Barag themselves. The people of the New Barag Right Banner district of Hulunbuir believe we have the capacity and the resources to sustain ourselves, we believe we have the capability to govern ourselves as a separate political entity from Zargathia."
  8. The city of Xinyan was the largest town in New Barag--though at this point, that was not saying much. Historically this region had only had a few small and mid-level towns, but lately, the town of Xinyan, having become the centre of the Hulunbuir and the New Barag movement, had begun to grow and soon sprouted into a fully functioning city that, in the future, would serve as the capital of a new, independent New Barag. Lu Gang, after crossing into New Barag Right Banner, would be met by New Barag officials, who would then escort the crown prince to the Xinyan city hall--which was currently acting as the seat of the New Barag independence movement and government. Once they had arrived there, Lu Gang was brought to a conference room where, very shortly after, provisional president Wu Zen Jiang entered as well. "Crown Prince Lu Gang," she greeted the prince, bowing slightly and then holding out a hand to shake the crown prince's hand. "Thank you for coming to discuss the independence of New Barag. Please, have a seat," she gestured towards one of the chairs, sitting at the chair across the table from it herself.
  9. After some time of prosperity and flourishment under the rule of Zargathia, the people in the New Barag district of Hulunbuir were beginning to consider the possibility of independence. At first it was only a small notion, with a tiny following of a few small-scale local politicians. As time went on, however, the movement gained strength, and after several months polls showed that the majority of the population desired independence from Zargathia--in good spirit, of course, since Hulunbuir had felt only positive effects from Zargathia's leadership. The people began to realise that they had the resources and capability to govern themselves, however. Thus, as regional support for independence reached a high, a representative of the Provisional Government of New Barag was elected: Wu Zen Jiang, a local politician who spearheaded the movement for independence. A message was sent to the Zargathian government, with the following content. To: Zargathian Head of State From: Wu Zen Jiang, provisional President of New Barag As you are surely aware, lately there has been a movement for independence in the New Barag Right Banner district of Hulunbuir. We have, of course, never had any ill will or disapproval of the Zargathia, without whom we would never have the resources and capability for independence. We wish to invite a representative of the Zargathian government to the city of Xinyan to discuss the possibility of negotiating independence for our territory. Sincerely, Wu Zen Jiang, Provisional President of New Barag OOC: I couldn't find any cities in the New Barag area, so I kinda had to think one up >_>
  10. For the past few months, numerous factions in the Republic of Wallonia had been growing dissatisfied with the apparent stagnation and decline in Wallonia. The government, it seemed, had not made good on its promises--Wallonia was not a major international player, nor had it garnered any allies in its time. On the contrary, it had suffered a war against the Bornholme regime that had done severe damage to the major city of Seraing, damage that had to this day never been repaired. A sudden decline in economy and affairs (OOC: a war IG) had done nothing to help the problem; it only gave further ammunition to the factions within Wallonia that called for the removal of the current government. As the situation deteriorated further and further, and the government, growing more and more unstable, feared the possibility of an outbreak of violence, ultimately, the government of the Republic of Wallonia asked Athens, which owned protectorate land nearby, to take charge over former Wallonia and turn the land into a protectorate.
  11. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1290364493' post='2519163'] Awesome a new piece of territory for me to annex under the One China Policy! [/quote] That begs the question of why you have not invaded Zargathia under this same policy, but that's off topic
  12. What do I plan to do about it? I'm not sure, that's why I put this here, so we can discuss what to do about it--well, first, to find if anyone even cares, and clearly quite a few people do. At the very least, something should be done that will prevent people from gobbling up huge amounts of land and then never doing anything with it. Like Uberstein and others have said, if they want to control a much smaller territory, then such inactivity, perhaps, is excusable, but at the size the USR, for example, is, I do not think it is excusable for Malatose to spout out one sentence a month.
  13. Nation Name: Republic of Wallonia (RoW) Head of State: Aurelie Desmarais Government Type: Republic Continent: Europe Ambassador: Charles Brun Do you want to provide your own security personnel?: Yes Do you wish for us to send an Ambassador of our own?: Yes Special Requests: Bananas must be available for consumption at ALL TIMES. We cannot stress enough the importance of this.
  14. There is still a second part to this beyond that some new players are afraid, perhaps, to ask for land. How can we address the massive, land-gobbling empires that post a sentence once a month? I'm in favour of changing the rules of inactivity so that people can't just post a single sentence or two on every 24th day.
  15. Hmm, so even though he has zero technology and 560 infrastructure, he gets a navy. I'm compelled to do the same--surely, with 50 tech and 1400 infrastructure, I should be able to get away with it as well.
  16. It doesn't matter if this tweaking of the rules is not in J Andres' favour--the rules should apply to everyone equally, no exceptions, no matter whether they joined two days or two years ago.
  17. This is little more than prostituting Antarctica out to other nations. This does not solve the problem of Tiministan in the least.
  18. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1290289883' post='2518449'] No it just argues what I say, some players want to only post something if they add something to a story, not post in every thread that adds nothing but spam. [/quote] And some players don't want massive empires who post once a month because 'nothing interests them at the moment'. I'm not saying they should post in every single thread, I'm saying they should not be allowed to post a sentence every 25 days to avoid being removed.
  19. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1290289665' post='2518443'] Most likely yes and their activity on other media suggests otherwise. [/quote] Great. I'll go ask Amyante immediately. And if they can be active on 'other media' then why the hell can they not be active on CNRP? That just argues my point even further.
  20. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1290289273' post='2518436'] And most of those large empires will part with pieces of land if they are asked. [/quote] Really. So if I were to ask Malatose if I could have part of his territory, he would say it's fine. If I were to ask Elrich von Richt for a piece of Japan, he'd give it to me. If I were to ask Amyante for a bit of Zargathia, he'd let me have it. Then again, I'd probably have to wait a few weeks to get a reply anyway.
  21. Again, the problem is also these huge empires that gobble up land, don't RP, and basically deprive other RPers the chance to RP where they want to RP, rather than settle for an area they really did not want to RP in.
  22. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1290288335' post='2518420'] Nope, we just don't want a dragon god deciding what we should do. [/quote] Okay, this is not to discuss Maelstrom's dragon god, this is to discuss the problems (as I see it) with the CNRP map at the moment. So let's leave who decides what we should do aside for the moment and stay on topic.
  23. KaiserMelech sums up my opinion perfectly. Doesn't matter if they post 'only when a subject interests them'. It's quite irritating that these huge empires control vast amounts of land and deprive new players of the chance to RP in an area they actually want to RP in--yet they post one sentence just to keep their land there for no purpose. In agreement with KM, the definition of 'active' in CNRP needs to be redefined, because this is not activity as much as it is depriving new players of land.
  24. Maybe they have in the past, Centurius, but clearly not anymore. I believe that if someone posts once every 25 days simply to keep their land, it is not fair, by far, to new players who want some land and can't get it except in Antarctica. If someone posts once every 25 days recognising a new nation or 'updating their military', then they should not be allowed to continue to hold their land, regardless of whether they've gone over 25 days.
  25. I have a problem with CNRP. Taking a look at the map, I see a number of things. White space, it seems to me, is becoming more and more sporadic, and the majority of it is to be found in North America, or even Antartica--and who wants to RP in a desolate wasteland? And even Antartica is being slowly gobbled up. Meanwhile, nations like Japan, Zargathia and Union of Slavic Republics (which controls a vast amount of land) post once every 25 days and don't even RP. This is pretty much akin to keeping land away from potential new RPers, for no purpose, as they don't even do any RP. What's the point in holding land if you're not even going to take part in RP? I understand some people are unable to RP due to problems in their lives, but if someone finds themselves unable to do more than one post every 25 days--one post that can hardly be called RP--then it seemed only courteous that they would allow their land to be white space so that at least new players can have a chance to RP where they like. I know I'll probably just get a bunch of people accusing me of whining, but I felt I should bring this up.
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