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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. The Xinyan Republic supports the nomination of Lavo Shalam for this prize.
  2. General Nangjia observed the ongoing construction with his eyebrows raised just barely. The fact that Marscurian Siberia was still in this stage of industrialisation and development struck Nangjia as strange, for he had not expected this. [i]We can only be thankful for those nuclear power plants the Koreans built for us,[/i] the Director of the Guofangbu thought to himself. He supposed that he had gotten a bit 'spoiled' on how quickly Xinyan City had developed, in large part thanks to the Zargathians and Koreans, as well as to President Jiang (and his own) planning. But when Xinyan had first gained its independence, the state of it was similar, if not worse, than the current state of the Marscurian capital. At that time, Xinyan 'City' was still a town and nothing more, struggling to grow and develop. The General had gotten used to clouds of smoke and thick air in those days as Xinyan pushed itself in the struggle to industrialise. Nangjia sat himself down at the table, but focused on those around him rather than the food; that could wait. The Amarnans seemed rather amiable and friendly, while the Sioux representatives spoke little as of yet. Nangjia determined he would not waste much time on small talk (he was not the conversational type in the first place), or at least take as little time as possible with it. "It was indeed quite a surprise--though not unwelcome--when the Xinyan Republic received this invitation," he said, turning to Khagan Stein. "Given that we have yet to have yet to assert ourselves diplomatically in the world, however, this is a welcome opportunity to do so."
  3. Those damn tricky salads. Steaks are so much more simple and easier to understand. Dunno why we can't just all eat steaks and leave behind the complexity of salads to the evolutionary trash can. I'd say humans have gotten that far.
  4. General Cheng Nangjia looked out the window of the jet as it slowly descended towards Obluchye Airport. He wore the ceremonial uniform of the Director of the Guofangbu, and a network of badges and medals decorated his chest for achievements already made in his time as Xinyan's de facto second in command: organising and developing the military, guiding the industrialisation and development of the nation; there was little of the Xinyan Republic's affairs that General Nangjia was not involved in. Though he was not the vice president (ostensibly the second in command of the nation) General Nangjia was without a doubt the most powerful of President Wu Zen Jiang's Cabinet. Nangjia had noticed at once the relation between many of the nations--Xinyan, Marscurian Siberia, Soldiania, and the Minmatar Republic were all in the same general area, and in addition all four were, though Nangjia hardly wished to admit it of the Republic, all four were considered 'developing' nations. On the other hand, Amarna and the Sioux nation were both North American nations--why would they have been invited? Perhaps this would be explained, the general thought to himself as the plane began to land on the runway, when the meeting began. A few moments after the plane came to a stop, General Nangjia stepped out of the plane. He stood six feet one inch, though the peaked cap that concealed his short black hair made that height seem taller, and the purely ceremonial uniform he wore lent him an authoritative, imposing figure, though not at all intimidating or menacing; it merely gave the impression of one to be respected, though Nangjia himself was far too humble to say such a thing. At forty three years old, touches of youth remained on his stern but not unfriendly face, and he had yet to truly appear to 'age' physically, but years of ceaseless work and business had taken its toll nevertheless on the General. He strode over to the Marscurians waiting for him, and after identifying the primary or highest ranking diplomat amongst them, saluted that person and bowed his head in the traditional Xinyan governmental greeting; he would, of course, shake their hand if they offered it, though he knew of no other gestures of greeting. "I am General Cheng Nangjia, Director of the Guofangbu of the Xinyan Republic." His voice seemed serious, almost grim, but he spoke politely and with respect; he spoke the language well, though not without a small accent to it. "Where will this conference be held?"
  5. [quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1292288948' post='2538955'] http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94239&view=findpost&p=2538717 >>Nanobots Lolwut. Lolwut, I say. I require an explanation for these shenanigans. [/quote] My God, Taggart, your bloody man-eating, transforming nanobots escaped again. Alright, let's go get Spencer and do the whole damn thing over again.
  6. [b]Classified[/b] "Wait, what?" "I'm telling you as it is," was General Cheng Nangjia's only, calm reply to President Wu Zen Jiang's surprised outburst. "But--but this makes no sense," Presideng Jiang sputtered. "We've never even spoken to any of the aforementioned nations, and Greater Mongolia doesn't even exist anymore!" General Nangjia only shrugged his shoulders, and the president seemed to think for a moment. "Though it is true that we severely lack allies--or foreign relations of any kind, for that matter. Perhaps this is an opportunity to ameliorate that." [b]Reply to Marscurian Siberia[/b] We will send Director of the Guofangbu General Cheng Nangjia, the most important political figure in Xinyan aside from the President herself.
  7. [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1292263427' post='2538553'] Really? And what is your proof that Fox NEWS (not Beck or O'Reily) is less authoratative than AP, MSNBC, or CNN? [/quote] I'm pretty sure none of these are altogether very authoritative on such matters. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1292268520' post='2538614'] If you honestly think that a statement followed by the ' ' emoticon isn't sarcasm, then you're a !@#$@#$ retard. [/quote] Also, this.
  8. [b]Protests In Xinyan City as Controversial Treason Trial Continues[/b] A number of people were protesting in Xinyan City today over the ongoing trial of five officers of the Guómín Jūn currently being accused of treason against the Republic. Protestors expressed outrage over the confidentiality of the trial, including refusal by the Guofangbu (Department of National Defense) to give evidence of treason, or even specifics of what the five officers did. The military was called in to monitor the protests as government officers expressed concern that the protestors could grow violent. "When I arrived at Junction 4 [one of the hotspots of protestors] I was rather shocked by their behaviour," says Sergeant Wong Liu, whose squad was tasked with monitoring Junction 4's protest group. "They were unruly--like animals, screaming and shouting. I was genuinely afraid that any moment they would leap onto the tanks and start attacking soldiers and civilians." In response to the protests, General Cheng Nangjia, Director of the Guofangbu, was quoted to have said "they will be allowed to continue as long as they remain peaceful in nature: should so much as a single civilian be injured by these wild protestors, the military will descend upon them with wrath. We will not allow civilians to be hurt by such uncivilised conflict mongers."
  9. [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1292209088' post='2537902'] If you honestly think that, then you're a !@#$@#$ retard. Fox News is just as authoritative as MSNBC, the AP, or CNN. Do not judge their actual news content by their opinion people. [/quote] First of all, I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm. Second of all, Fox News honestly is not authoritative at all :v
  10. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1292202397' post='2537800'] Then check yourself before you come in and get some self-confidence you jackwagon [/quote] All cleared up :v
  11. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1292201165' post='2537790'] If you weren't an !@#$%^& every time you tried to join, or used profanity in your nicks, or insulted everyone all the time you might be allowed to get your voice back. [/quote] Sorry if I occassionally get in a bad mood and the people kicking me every two seconds don't exactly help. I only use profanity in my nicks because when I join as dotCom, what do I get? I get kicked. As for insulting everyone, I'm pretty sure everyone knows I'm a hopeless troll :v And if they don't then they should know that I pretty much mean nothing I say in #CNRP. Again, I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I have a short temper and when people constantly kick me for no reason, I tend to lose it.
  12. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1292201124' post='2537787'] The point of the cap is: You need to prove it can be made You need to prove it can be made in enough quantities and with enough quality to be used on the battlefield You need to prove that it is able to be used as a fully functioning weapon All by 2020. Many things have been developed in the past but failed for numerous reasons. [/quote] Why would it have to be fully functioning and quality? As long as it [b]can [/b]be made, regardless of just how effective it is in actuality, I would think you could have it in CNRP. I mean, honestly, it's kind of pointless for a third world nation to make a railgun anyway since it's rather useless, but still, you should be able to do it since in RL it has been done.
  13. Right, I get it's all fun n all that !@#$, but seriously, can I get my automatic voice for #CNRP back and can I please stop getting kicked every !@#$@#$ time I join? It gets to a point where I have something I need to address but I can't because some !@#$%^& is always kicking me the second after I join.
  14. [b]Classified[/b] With the possibility of a war in Xinyan's vicinity, the Wǔzhuāng Bùduì would go to DEFCON 2 and the Guójiā Kōngjūn air forces would make regular patrols over the borders.
  15. [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1292190372' post='2537606'] I think this article should put to rest any notions of railguns being used in the 2020 limit we have on tech here, even for tech heavy nations. Even Navy higher-ups don't expect them to be functioning as actual weapons by then. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/12/10/navy-railgun-shoots-bullets-electromagnet/ [/quote] Not a viable option as a weapon, but I've already said that they can be made even by Cold War level nations. Yugoslavia developed railguns as early as 1985. I'm not saying they're effective at all, but they CAN still be done.
  16. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1292197019' post='2537712'] We never thought they would blow the tires out on an extremely busy avenue. [/quote] Because, y'know, assassins typically care for the safety of the people around their target.
  17. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1292116237' post='2536943'] And other leaders of stable nations haven't been? Walker Scott is in control for the time being. We are not leaderless. [/quote] A nation that has elements that would want to assassinate its leadership is clearly [b]not [/b]stable.
  18. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1292115404' post='2536933'] Instability? We are more stable than instable. Our economy is fine. Our government is not headless. We do not understand how we are "unstable". [/quote] Your leader was [b]just assassinated[/b].
  19. [b]Five Officers Under Colonel Feng Chao Tried for Treason[/b] Five officers in the Guómín Jūn serving directly under the command of Colonel Feng Chao have been imprisoned on charges of treason according to a spokesperson for the Xinyan Wǔzhuāng Bùduì. The exact details have yet to be released by the military, but the spokesperson revealed that other officers of the Guómín Jūn, including Colonel Chao himself, are under suspicion of being involved. The Military Court, currently headed by Director of the Military General Cheng Nangjia himself, is currently preparing for the trial of the five officers, and it has been indicated the media will not be permitted to observe the proceedings. When asked about the trial of the five officers and about the alleged treason, General Nangjia said only that "it is a matter of the highest national importance". The rest of the government, including President Wu Zen Jiang, has remained silent concerning the matter.
  20. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1292090175' post='2536525'] The tensions were escalated immediately, but CP says "if the tensions are escalated further" Which they are not. ICly, England has just repeated its first post over and over again, making it clear. [/quote] Zoot, you threatened Prussia, and Prussia decided to buy weapons from the UFE in case that threat was made good on. How in hell is that metagaming?
  21. [quote name='Pikachurin' timestamp='1292026230' post='2535937'] "The Federation finds itself agreeing with the Empire of Pravus Ingruo: we also condemn Labrador for conducting this aboveground test, and their blatant disregard for the sanctity of the environment. Due to our proximity to the insanity-fueled state, we would like to let Labrador know that we will not be pleased if this test affects us in any way. Furthermore, we are alarmed that a neighbouring nation reeling into instability are currently in possession of a nuclear weapon." [/quote] It could be far worse. One can only imagine the horrible possibilities if, say, The Castro, whose leader declared his nation 'stinnks' and which was entirely abandoned by its own people, if such a nation gained a nuclear weapon.
  22. General Nangjia swept around to look to the person who had entered their conversation. Though, being a military man, he would not show it, Nangjia was rather taken aback by the reddened eyes of the man before him, who was, if he recalled correctly, the Chairman of the Economic Planning Board in the GKF. At Shojitsu's offer, Nangjia paused for only a moment before making his decision. Xinyan already had its own infrastructure construction projects in the planning stage, though no one outside the highest ranks of the Xinyan government would know of them. And in addition, the Xinyan people could not be led to believe their government was not capable of such feats on its own--it would be most unwise for the government to lose the faith of the people. "While I thank you for the kind offer," Nangjia replied in his slow, deliberating manner of speaking. "I do not believe that Xinyan at the moment requires aid as far as our infrastructure--which, rest assured, is currently being worked on and advanced every day."
  23. President Wu Zen Jiang of the Xinyan Republic expresses her condolences over the cowardly and disgraceful assassination of Empress Hamada.
  24. [quote name='Botha' timestamp='1291701323' post='2532669'] [color="#000080"] I know I have been harping on this until I'm blue in the face, but [i]all RP boils down to mutual agreement and respect[/i]. If you have [i]that[/i], then almost anything is possible.[/color] [/quote] It's a pity it seems more likely someone will get forced into a war with another person who is more concerned with gaining pixels on a map than having a good time and allowing others to have a good time.
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