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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. The name of Ishabad is one familiar to us--your new nation name fools no one. Fortunately you are in Antarctica, far beyond where the Republic of Wallonia needs to worry about.
  2. Any member of Yaza-Hajin found in the Republic of Wallonia will be arrested and convicted as a terrorist.
  3. [quote name='ishabad' timestamp='1288657654' post='2499411'] IC:Emperor Bob hears from a enemy of Valencia and finds out that Valecia wants to kill him so he hides OOC:My pleasure maicke [/quote] OOC: Not to make this even harder on you, Ishabad, but you can't just hear from an enemy of Valencia about what Valencia is planning. That's kind of god-modding, and definitely metagaming.
  4. The Republic of Wallonia would like to know why the hell a country calling itself India has declared independence in Canada--or was it Mexico? Also, we would like to announce that in keeping with this new trend, we are now the Republic of Ecuador.
  5. Argos Davidov stepped out into the arena, feeling the weight of the five foot Zweihander slung onto his shoulder. Hanging at one side were four throwing knives--at the other, a combat knife twelve inches long. Standing at 6 feet four inches and wielding this formidable arsenal, Davidov looked--and fought--like a walking fortress--but looks could be deceiving, and Davidov, while confident, would not underestimate his opponent. Far above, in the leader box, Field Marshal Erich Walther von Model watched keenly; his severe, proud face, slightly marred by his fifty four years of militarist life, made no indication yet what he was thinking. As Davidov turned to salute von Model, the Field Marshal gave a minuscule nod, and then turned his eyes to Davidov's opponent. A prisoner--von Model nearly gave a small smile. The proud Davidov would have been disappointed to hear he would be fighting a prisoner, but Davidov was also intelligent enough to know that criminals could be the most vicious fighters--even if they lacked the discipline of the military. Even before Tristiana announced the beginning of the match, Davidov quickly scanned his eyes over his surroundings and his opponent, calculating the various factors in his head, deciding on the best method of attack. As Tristiana announced the beginning of the match, Davidov looked back to his opponent...and saw not an opponent, not a human, but a being that would soon be cut down by his brute force and skill. Throwing his head back, Davidov allowed a bloodthirsty cackle to escape his lips before he quickly returned his eyes to his opponent and began advancing--slowly at first, then speeding up, until at last he was rushing towards his opponent, the Zweihander poised to stab Meyer in the chest...at the last moment, however, Davidov veered the blade to the left, and the massive sword swept down at Mayer's arm with enough force to lop the limb clean off.
  6. [b]Classified[/b] "Wait...what?" Field Marshal Erich Walther von Model stared at the report. "One hundred soldiers? This is madness." [b] Public[/b] We suggest you build a train. A crazy train. Wallonia will provide Ozzy.
  7. Though the Republic of Wallonia remains neutral, our moral support goes to Ireland, and we heavily condemn the invaders of this nation. England, Scotland, and the Athenian Federation demanded a most illogical thing of Ireland: to release prisoners of war in a time of war. To do so would have been utterly foolish, and the demands were ridiculous; Ireland acted quite reasonably to reject this coalition's ludicrous demands.
  8. [quote]Reply to drunkenville: Your message has been processed, denied, approved, granted, rejected, lost, found, burned in a fire, trampled by a group of stampeding camels, used for archery practice, turned into a paper airplane, blasted into orbit around Earth, eaten by a Martian, regurgitated by said Martian, analysed by the ghost of Sigmund Freud, executed by firing squad, used for the script of a comedy film, confiscated once said comedy film was shut down, and then processed once again to be read by the Chairman. The Machine takes a stance of apathy towards international politics as long as they do not involve this nation. Therefore, we shall not be involved in the nation of Girltopia. The Chairman[/quote]
  9. [quote name='ishabad' timestamp='1288309751' post='2495733'] He is the old president and the only person who wanted to keep our nation a democracy so he started the Cool Democracy Clan and killed citizens so if he wins let him know he will serve a quarter of his life in prison.He is so small since he has no been feed for 15 days and We chose to give him a surgery to make him smaller.P.S our nation is not on the map yet. Nation Name:The Empire of Ishabad Political Representative Attending:Emperor Ishabad Champion Name(with sex):Jimmy Bolusana Champion Style of Combat:Took Karate and Swordmanship Champion Weight:5 pounds Champion Height:1 feet and five inches Preferred Weapon:Bow and arrows,longsword,and whatever else you can offer [/quote] Right, well I'm not sure if this should be reported or not here, but I felt this [i]had [/i]to be brought to someone's attention. You can't make someone a foot and a half tall and five pounds with any means available even within the next decade, much less to a third world country.
  10. [quote name='ishabad' timestamp='1288309751' post='2495733'] He is the old president and the only person who wanted to keep our nation a democracy so he started the Cool Democracy Clan and killed citizens so if he wins let him know he will serve a quarter of his life in prison.He is so small since he has no been feed for 15 days and We chose to give him a surgery to make him smaller.P.S our nation is not on the map yet. Nation Name:The Empire of Ishabad Political Representative Attending:Emperor Ishabad Champion Name(with sex):Jimmy Bolusana Champion Style of Combat:Took Karate and Swordmanship Champion Weight:5 pounds Champion Height:1 feet and five inches Preferred Weapon:Bow and arrows,longsword,and whatever else you can offer [/quote] OOC: That's utterly impossible. You can't use surgery to make someone one and a half feet tall and five pounds. That's just ridiculous. IC (Just as an introduction for my character): Captain Argos Davidov swung the massive Zweihander in a few lazy circular motions, getting a feel for the greatsword. Its blade was a whole five feet of steel destruction, screaming through the air at its victim with seven pounds of metal weight behind it, not to mention the force that Davidov, himself a towering giant, placed on the weapon. He paused and looked at the greatsword with admiration in his cold grey eyes, a smirk slowly growing across his scarred and war-battered face before turning to the other weapons in his arsenal. Four long, wickedly-tipped throwing knives designed for maximum pain and penetration, and, beside them, a combat knife that measured all in all twelve inches long. Davidov didn't count much on needing to use those, but with the ranged capacities of the throwing knives, it gave him that edge over his opponent. His opponent, Davidov remembered, was Gunther Mayer. A serial murderer and rapist. Davidov had been angered and irritated at first at having to fight a petty murderer and rapist for his first fight, but as he watched Alejandro the Black, a similar criminal, in his battle, Davidov allowed the possibility that Mayer would put up a good fight. He did not, however, doubt his own victory--not in the least. Davidov had served years in the military, and fought countless battles, and taken countless wounds only to press on to the victory; he had been a master for years of judo and Systema, and, not to mention, was brutal and ruthless in combat. No criminal, Davidov felt, no criminal could possibly stand up to true military excellence.
  11. Several military sponsored programmes were opened up in the largest cities in Wallonia, particularly Charleroi, Namur, Leige, and Seraing, providing military-level training without requiring military service. Advertisements were administered throughout these cities, with content typically something along the lines of "When the enemy is at your doorstep, only you can drive them out of your land". The military intended for these programmes to create a prepared, non-military reserve that would be able to maintain a guerrilla war in the event that the military was crippled by an enemy. Within the first few days, a total of three thousand men and women had signed up for the programme and begun training in Charleroi, Namur, Leige, and Seraing.
  12. [quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1288241807' post='2494947'] Well, I'm capable of fielding more than the 550,000 official troops I've declared.... the OOC extra troops are, in IC, trained men and women within the civilian population that could offer resistance should my regulars be destroyed. This is owed to my IC heavily militarized society RPs, in your case, what would stop trained reservists from bringing resistance to enemy forces? IC'ly, nothing, but OOC'ly, your max troop count. Saving some hidden reserves can circumvent this. [/quote] Hmmm, that's a good point. I'll take that suggestion, and continue to look into the SHORAD systems usable against ground forces. Thanks for the advice.
  13. [quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1288241345' post='2494933'] I wasn't advocating for the Maginot approach, just trying to make you understand how vague your requirements for this system are. Also, when I mention these solutions, know they are purely in IC terms. Sure, IC'ly, it would be a military training programs for civilians, but OOC'ly, you'd need to take numbers out of your CNRP troop counts. [/quote] Sorry V_V I'm not as knowledgeable as far as military hardware and equipment goes as a lot of other people in CNRP, so when I talk about such things, I have to be vague because I really have no idea about it XD Well, if I have to take numbers out of the soldier count, what does that change as far as city defense capability?
  14. [quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1288240903' post='2494919'] I'm pretty sure gun-oriented SHORAD systems can be trained on ground targets (with questionable results against armor, due to a tendency for the rounds to be of a continuous rod warhead type)... but honestly, your parameters include stuff like Maginot-esque trench-and-bunker systems, the SHORAD guns... heck, even a volunteer weekend warrior program. [/quote] Unfortunately, as the rather quick defeat of France showed, the Maginot line was not particularly effective V_V But the SHORAD guns used against ground targets is a good idea...I'll need to look into how I could get that to work XD A volunteer weekend program, as in, military training of civilians? I'd be all for that, but isn't it against the rules to train your civilian population for war (or rather, use your civilian population for war)?
  15. [quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1288240561' post='2494910'] Again, you'll need to be a mite bit more specific with what you mean... for some reason im thinking sentry guns. [/quote] I don't have the tech for sentry guns V_V Though I mean on a larger extent, a system that would be constantly prepared to do damage. As said, I'm not sure if I could be specific because I don't really know how I could make it work. A city-wide system that would, in the event of an invasion, be prepared to be activated at any time. Could be explosives (though explosives on such a large scale are unlikely to really be accurate or do damage), could be something I'm overlooking.
  16. [quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1288240283' post='2494901'] Area Denial Weapons are a bit advanced much. I am unaware of any system specifically designed to attack land targets aside from machine gun positions or artillery. [/quote] It wouldn't have to be particularly advanced, just a system that could be used to combat an enemy attacking a city. It could be used as a last-resort scenario, if the city is taken, to cause damage to the enemy even if it causes damage to the city's infrastructure.
  17. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1288239742' post='2494891'] 50 tech is not even Cold War, it'll be the early 1950's at best. There's a reason why it's from 0 to 499 tech. Even if we do say it's all of the Cold War era, the Tomahawk was put into service in 1983, which would be "Modern Nation". [/quote] The tech scale clearly states '0-499 tech: COLD WAR TECHNOLOGY'. It doesn't say '0-50: 1950s tech'. 1983 was the Cold War, sorry. The Cold War ran up until 1990 as far as I'm concerned, though it really ended in 1991 with the fall of the Soviet Union. Modern Tech, I assume, is technology we have today (which, as it happens, is what most people mean when they say 'modern'), from 1990-2010.
  18. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1288239195' post='2494884'] You know, dotCom is sure making very advanced weapons compared to his IG tech. [/quote] If you're referring to things like the M1A2 battle tank or the F22 fighter, for example, those were [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=92970&view=findpost&p=2472462"]bought from Selenarctos[/url]. All other weapons/equipment is well within the 'Cold War' era requirement for my tech level IG, as I made sure of before I began them.
  19. [quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1288237254' post='2494864'] What do you mean? Like a SHORAD? [/quote] Well, I already have (or rather, I am already working on) mobile surface to air capabilities, so no, not a SHORAD. I mean something that can target ground forces...I'm not sure if it would be downright ridiculous to do so in peacetime, but I notice a lot of people get called out for suddenly having defenses pop out of nowhere, and I don't want that to happen to me.
  20. Does anyone know of a Cold-War era defense system that can be used in a city during peacetime (for wartime preparedness)? I'm not sure if it's even entirely logical to place defense systems in cities during peace time >_>
  21. Work has begun on the production of the 2K12 Kub surface-to-air missile system, to be mounted on GM chassis's. The Wallonian High Command predicts that by within the year thirty of the Kub surface-to-air missile systems, along with GM chassis's, will be completed and prepared to be phased into the armed forces for military use. In conjunction with the 2K12 Kub/GM chassis project, plans to begin production of a series of P-40 mobile radar systems has been approved, and development of the P-40 mobile radar system has begun. An estimated fifteen units will be completed by the time the Kub surface-to-air missile system project will be completed.
  22. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1288234011' post='2494813'] It seems Slavorussia is still in its delusion of believing that Siberia had always been Russian. If we follow your thoughts of attempting to reclaim lost territory, Koryo would have the same claim to most of Slavorussia, for Koryo is a successor state to the Mongolian Empire. Perhaps Slavoussia should remember that time of history when Rus was under the Yoke. Our main point is that any attempt for a country to reclaim lands jusrt because they once had it is one of the most delusional things possible in this world. We would certainly support claims based on ethnicity, but on prior ownership? We need not speak any more. [/quote] Apparently Koryo is under some sort of delusion that Siberia--at any point in history--has been even remotely related to Korea.
  23. [quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1288230827' post='2494752'] "Because what happens outside of Europe is none of Ireland's business, just as J Andres had no business in Europe. It must be applied both ways, if a nation is to be warred and expelled from the continent then retaining PoWs when the "eviction" was already achieved is basically as if an European nation would try and hold colonies in America, only worse in that since they deal with Humans, not Land, they are under the impression that they can get away with it. Furthermore, in spìte of our acts to get rid of J Andres' european colonies, also we have a defensive pact with J Andres. Ireland's actions violate human dignity and trespass on a non-european sphere as well." [/quote] Again, to release prisoners of war under nearly any circumstances before the war is concluded is a ludicrous proposal. Had J Andres and Ireland made peace, the Republic of Wallonia would agree with Germany; however, until then, it stands to reason that Ireland would continue to keep J Andres war prisoners until peace is declared.
  24. [quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1288228986' post='2494707'] If Ireland and J Andres are still at war then making the Irish hand over prisoners of war without an equal exchange is morally wrong. For whatever it's worht Ireland and J Andres should begin peace talks. [/quote] We find ourselves in agreement with Slavorussia here. Why should Ireland hand over prisoners of war while it is at war? The mere suggestion is ludicrous.
  25. WRS-01 Martel was successfully launched after another several months of construction and testing, to be used for weather and geographic analysis, and, if necessary, for military purposes as well. Two more IRBMs were completed and mass produced, and 10 Radugas and 40 Tomahawk cruise missiles were currently underway as part of the 20/80 plan. Finally, the Wallonian military has begun work on mass producing 20 more units of the GC-140 Titan Heavy VTOL transport, whose blueprints and rights were purchased from Soldania Modern Arms. The entire order is expected to be completed within four months.
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