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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. Definitely not Xinyan military personnel, Xu decided. He also ruled out the possibility that the military was testing him or his loyalty; when the Xinyan military suspected someone, they were not the type to dilly-dally around with intrigues or tests. They would simply arrest the suspect and they would likely never be heard from again. Whoever these people were, they could be the opportunity he needed. If they could get him out of the Republic along with the research and all records of it, and prevent the military from recapturing him... "What you say is true," Xu replied. "If I finished what I'm working on, I'd be awarded Hero of the Republic, first class, and I'd be hailed as a hero by all the Republic--but Nangjia has no need for heroes. He wouldn't want to risk having someone else with all that public admiration. He'd get rid of me; but that's not my worry. If I deliver a nuclear weapon to General Nangjia, he would use it to destroy peace in Asia and across the world in the name of turning the Republic into a world power. Giving such a powerful weapon to a madman ultranationalist like Nangjia...it would be like putting a gun to Asian peace and pulling the trigger." Xu sighed before looking back to the Xia twins. "I do not know who exactly you are, or where you are from, but if you can get me and my research out of here and out of Nangjia's reach, then I'm willing to go along with whatever you have."
  2. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1293286282' post='2553570'] EVERYTHING IS NON-CANON TODAY WHOOOOOOO [/quote] This can only end well....
  3. [quote name='itseZe' timestamp='1293266427' post='2553477'] A ninja I am in editing of haikus but not in much else [/quote] I suggest that you Get training with a ninja Who writes real haiku.
  4. [quote name='itseZe' timestamp='1293266056' post='2553473'] Such a nice haiku poem might have been alright and Merry Christmas [/quote] Ninja-edited your 'haiku' before I could correct you >_>
  5. lulz Alliances need to write poems for every occasion. It would be much more fun.
  6. [quote name='SK Wynter' timestamp='1293259153' post='2553383'] Hey, what about holiday breaks? More time for CN during the holiday break. [/quote] I personally can't stand holiday breaks :v
  7. This is now done and closed.
  8. Jieng's scowl intensified. He was used to being referred to with respect and obedience, so Adnan's tone and words forced Jieng to remind himself he was not speaking to a subordinate. As for being wealthy, Jieng was not familiar with any wealthy 'Adnans'--then again, he was not well versed in international entrepreneurs from Africa to begin with. Nevertheless, Jieng only cared that this Adnan did not seem to know where they were, what this island was called. Given the [i]Amindvi [/i]was a Cochin vessel, Jieng was not concerned that they were in the waters of the Empire of the Twelve Gods; Cochin was (as far as Jieng knew) permitted into Empire waters as a trade agreement. On the other side of the island, one of the officers spotted Annan, climbing down the slope leading down to the camps. "Hey, you there!" he called out, pointing towards her. A number of other soldiers looked up to see Annan fleeing back. "Come on," the officer commanded, and they set off after her.
  9. [quote name='Pikachurin' timestamp='1293243091' post='2553190'] I'm interested. I can send $3 mil now, if you want. On an unrelated note, merry Christmas/happy holidays to everyone in here~ [/quote] Sure, let's do it.
  10. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1293241105' post='2553161'] You could try selling $3 million for 100 tech in the "Black Market" forum section if you are really desperate. Watch the tech hungry buyers come charging in. [/quote] I did, got nothing :/
  11. That aside. If anyone wants to buy tech, I would definitely be glad to sell >_> I really need a tech deal right now XD
  12. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1293233048' post='2553024'] Its that attitude DC. That attitude exactly. Just learn to keep your mouth shut and ignore people. There is an ignore button, your on it everytime your banned. [/quote] I can't help if the kind of person I am is to make sarcastic comments from time to time. I don't think I should be banned for it. I don't honestly think I'm that much of an !@#$%^&. I really don't think I've said things that would actually, truly offend anyone--I've never made any racial/religious cracks of any kind (though I can think of a few RPers who have on IRC). I don't call people insulting things in a serious tone.
  13. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1293225897' post='2552903'] dotCom this thread is for actual rule violations, not complaining because someone is being mean to you. [/quote] Actually this thread is for anything OOC (the title is, after all, CNRP OOC Thread). I think you're thinking of the GM's Court.
  14. [quote name='SK Wynter' timestamp='1293225694' post='2552898'] Couldn't it be possible there was a mix of both? That is, there were people who gave dotCom their blessing on his humour, and others that found it vile. People [i]can[/i] lurk in chats, and after going AFK, come back to a line they find offensive. Then it's just a matter of a report being sent, and the rock goes downhill from there. I can't say anything definite unless somebody gives me a log to analyse. [/quote] It is possible. But admittedly I never poked fun at anyone I thought was liable to find my humour a bit off. I only did so with those I knew would play along and not be offended.
  15. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1293225490' post='2552895'] Except they didn't, hence the complaints and the subsequent bannings. Thanks for playing [/quote] Except they did. Or else they would not have played along. But I can see you refuse to be swayed.
  16. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1293225129' post='2552888'] You shouldn't have to be told. You should know judging by their reactions, judging by the kicks and bans, judging by the warnings. [/quote] Their reactions were usually playing along with whatever I said. They never went 'dude, that offends me' or something like that. They know I'm not being serious, but you insist on kickbanning me anyway, even though I've not offended anyone. Again, if I have offended anyone, by all means, tell me, and I'll apologise for it. But to date no one has done so, and as I said, nearly always whenever I make a comment like that the reaction is playing along. [i]Because they know I was not being serious.[/i]
  17. Looking for a buyer, 3 mil for 100 tech, as long as the money can be sent quickly. This is NOT a long term deal, one time only. PM if interested. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=424815
  18. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1293224246' post='2552860'] If you commit a crime one day, you can be arrested for it next week. There's a legal concept called a statute of limitations - after a certain period of time, someone cannot be arrested and prosecuted for a crime they committed. If you act like an !@#$%^& and I get complaints about it (and I get complaints about everybody, especially from cochin), then I'm going to take action regardless of whether it happened five minutes ago or five hours ago. I'm not on IRC every minute of every hour of every day. By the way, I don't know why you're !@#$%*ing. You haven't been banned for a while. [/quote] No, I haven't been banned for a while, but I have been telling everyone for quite a while that I don't mean every sarcastic little thing I say on #CNRP. I'm sorry if my sense of humour offends people who can't understand that it's just humour and not serious. No one has ever approached me on IRC and said I've genuinely offended or insulted them
  19. [quote name='Baskan' timestamp='1293223972' post='2552857'] Why does it matter, it is Sargun's channel he can do whatever he wants. If he wants to ban people, he has the right to. If he wants to ban people permanently, he has every right. If you don't like it, go make a new channel. My God, this is IRC not a life or death situation. [/quote] No, it isn't, but still, I would like to be able to go on IRC. At the very least, it's a good place to get tech deals (I really need one right now) and just an overall place for me to go when I'm bored >_>
  20. So if I say something kinda !@#$%^&-ish one day, the next day, I get banned for it? Kind of a crappy system, I'd say. Not to mention the fact I've seen those with ops and higher power being just as much (if not worse) asses than I am, and they don't get anything for it. EDIT: I don't take logs of everything we say on mibbit. If I had to have logs ready for every time I was banned, I'd have to be screenshotting IRC every two seconds
  21. [quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1293222208' post='2552822'] Might makes right, it's how CNRP and it's associated communications work. Either take your lashes for going against the powerful and quit whining, or lick some boot, take your pick. [/quote] I'd prefer to take my lashes and then keep going against the powerful EDIT: Sargun, I have admitted that at times, yes, I deserve to be kicked. But this was not one of them. This time, all I was doing was talking to KM. Believe it or not, I am not [i]always [/i]being an ass.
  22. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1293217253' post='2552761'] Well if you were polite you'd stop being banned [/quote] This is hypocritical. I imagine you wouldn't complain if you were banned (if someone had higher ops than you), because it's not like you're always 'polite'. And I was not being impolite at all. I was in the middle of a conversation with KM about his meeting, when randomly, for no reason, I was kickbanned.
  23. The soldiers who passed by the Xia twins seemed to pay little attention to them; their training had ensured that they were unswayed by things like the attractiveness of a woman while on duty. Of course, there were those very few officers who did not share this dedication to their military and their nation....and these few officers, unfortunately, were also willing to take bribes if it suited them. As the execution of five officers only a few months previously showed, however, these soldiers were shown no mercy when they were found, and so those who did not share the dedication of their fellow troops at least pretended to save their own skins. As Commander Xu walked from his room towards one of the resting rooms, he became aware that someone was watching him. Without turning his head, he saw, from the corner of his eyes, the Xia twins. It was not Xinyan military practice to conscript females as...[i]distracting [/i]as the Xia twins. Add to that the fact that Xu had never seen them before (they rather stood out amongst the stony, faceless soldiers that patrolled this base) and had gotten no notification that new troops were arriving, and he began to suspect that perhaps someone from outside the Xinyan military had managed to infiltrate this base. It would not have been altogether difficult, what with the Xinyan military still in organisation. But this could be his way out. As they entered the resting room, Xu gestured discreetly towards one of the tables with seats. When they were seated, Xu muttered in an undertone, "You're two are not Xinyan military personnel, are you...?"
  24. Commander Xu, as of December 23, was currently stationed at a highly secret military research centre located about ten kilometres from the city of Xuhai; it was surrounded by a largely plains-like landscape that allowed the military to detect virtually any vehicles that entered a certain radius around the base. Civilians and uncleared military personnel, in fact, were not even permitted to enter a 'locked zone' that surrounded the area around the base, small enough not to be noticed outright by satellite imaging. At the moment, this base, designated Military Research Base 3, was the centre of the Xinyan nuclear weapons program. Currently Xu was within his own office, sitting before a computer. There was nothing he could do now--soldiers filled the base's halls and rooms like ants in an ant farm, and security cameras monitored every inch of the base, including his own room. If anything, the soldiers were now more useful for keeping Xu in rather than protecting him from external threats. The nuclear weapon was nowhere near completed--the military had yet to even obtain to plans for its production, plans that currently Xu possessed. General Nangjia had been waiting for the completion, but he was now becoming impatient; the military was pushing Commander Xu harder and harder to get finished and deliver the completed plans to them. Xu was conflicted--if he attempted to delete the plans, the military would simply use the backup data that was being updated on his own computer, and then Xu would likely be convicted of treason and executed. But he also knew that if a nuclear weapon was delivered to Nangjia's hands, far greater consequences could be felt--by far more people.
  25. I'd love to be unbanned from #CNRP. I was by no means being an '!@#$%^&' (which Sargun says is the reason I was last banned). I was just randomly kickbanned in the middle of conversation. I would like to be able to join the channel, if only to ask people for tech deals and see what they're planning for me :v
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