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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1295163461' post='2576944'] Ah yes, Tagruato's extra healthy Slusho! drinks are a danger to the world. We're sure you shut down all fast food joints, because you love controlling what your people eat. Although we beg to wonder why such a healthy company as Slusho! would be shut down just because it is labeled "Fast Food". [/quote] Tagruato has no knowledge of Xinyan or how its government operates. We shut down fast food joints because there is a clear connection between fast food and various different health risks, including diabetes, heart disorders, and even heart attacks. If you don't want your food associated with that kind of horrific thing, we suggest you do not label your company as 'fast food'.
  2. The Xinyan Republic severely looks down on fast food and any chain that labels itself as such. Therefore, Tagruato's Slusho trademark will not be permitted to set up in the Republic's territory.
  3. OOC: But you didn't even pwn Labrador yet Sad to see you go (for more reasons than the above >_>). But be well.
  4. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1295118172' post='2576208'] "Egos"? Or should we say protecting ourselves! Disparu WILL invade us, they have said this before! We must strike first. They would otherwise be the ones to disturb the peace. [/quote] Oh? Where has Disparu stated this?
  5. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1295070338' post='2575798'] The Empire should keeps its business to itself. [/quote] An attack on a country of North America should rightly be considered an attack on North American peace on the whole. So it would be for any country of any continent. Not to mention you have made threats of nuclear attack. If Labrador's government expects to make threats of using nuclear weaponry and not expect retaliation from North America and the world at large, then you do not have the qualifications to be running a country in the first place.
  6. As would the Republic. We are eager to see this evidence that would justify such actions.
  7. The Direction Central operatives had barely set themselves up before the Fist operatives entered the scene. In nearby buildings, three of the four Direction Central agents watched over the scene with scoped rifles; the last of the agents stood in front of the hotel. Xinyan militsiya were awaiting orders in locations that would allow them to advance from behind the Fist operatives once they were given the order. Evidence had been found by Direction Central that this Amankaya Reséndez was an unmarried fugitive from Portugal who had fled to the Republic to escape persecution in Portugal. Well, that was all very well with the Republic, but that meant these men who had claimed to be related to Reséndez could only be here for one purpose, and the Direction Central agents were now stationed here to prevent them from carrying it out. Reséndez, meanwhile, remained in her hotel room; she was watching the news on the television, hoping for updates on the situation in Portugal.
  8. The officer looked over the document with raised eyebrows; she was about to say something when something on the screen of the computer caught her attention. She read over the message quickly, hiding a note of surprise from her face, and then turned back to the operative. "Your request has been cleared by Civil Command. If you would wait a moment, I will print the hotel's location and directions where Amankaya Reséndez is staying..." She returned a moment later with a few papers, which she handed to the operative. Meanwhile, the Direction Central officers knocked on the door of the hotel room; when no one answered, they entered. They searched for any evidence of the operatives' true intentions in the Republic before the head officer received a communication from a Direction Central intelligence database, alerting him that the information on Reséndez's hotel had been given. The officers turned and quickly and discreetly left the hotel room. Once they arrived near the hotel at which Reséndez was to be staying, they would await the 'businessmen'. Reséndez was in the hotel on an upper floor, unaware of what was about to take place.
  9. "One moment please..." the civil officer turned back to her computer, and, without a word to the operative for a moment, consulted with a superior, giving details concerning the operative's inquiry before turning back to him. "If you can first provide proof of your associate's relation to Amankaya Reséndez, I can perform a search on purchases, registrations, and documents to such a name. I cannot perform such a search until proof of this is given, if you understand." --------------------------------------- Meanwhile, the Direction Central officer, accompanied by four Direction Central agents, had set off towards the hotel the 'businessmen' had registered at, ostensibly to inquire as to why the businessmen had no registered account of their business in Xinyan.
  10. The eyes of the Direction Central officer were cynical and quite disbelieving as he heard the words of the officer from the Guomin Jun, who was under the impression he was speaking to a superior officer of the army. The soldier had just given a report and orders from the Xinyan High Command, and the Direction Central officer seemed non too pleased with what had been said. "They want us to investigate an, ah....unusual occurance?" the officer sneered, his voice heavy with irony. "Because it is highly unusual for a group of Portuguese to be in the Republic." He was about to tell the soldier to see if he could find "more such matters of the utmost national importance" when the soldier held out the classified report given to him concerning these 'Portuguese tourists'. The officer read over them with a curious eye; this explained quite a bit more than the soldier himself had known enough to say. "I see...I will deal with this, then," the officer turned abruptly. Direction Central, it seemed, may or may not be about to mobilise into combat for the first time. ------------------------ In Xinyan City, a civil officer sat in uniform, reading the Xinyan Tongxunshe newspaper lazily. When the leader of the Fist operatives entered, the civil officer laid down her newspaper and straightened her back up. "What can I do for you?" she said to the Fist operative.
  11. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1295046044' post='2575445'] They now had most of what they needed. Next, they only had to find this hotel, which would be very hard in this city. It seemed almost everywhere they turned, there was another hotel. The operatives stopped dead in their tracks once the captain began talking. They relaxed a bit as he spoke further, but still maintained an air of a heightened sense of tension in their speech and posture. The lead operative of the five began speaking to the captain. "Ah, we thank you for the offer. It appears somebody has seen the woman we are looking for, thankfully. We only need to know which hotel she is in. Would it be possible for us to obtain that information?" [/quote] "As said," the militsiya replied. "If you wish to obtain such information from the government, you will need to process an official inquiry. If the civil officers approve the inquiry, a search can be done; if it is rejected, then nothing more can be done." He gave instructions on how to reach a nearby civil office, and then he and the troops turned and returned to their patrol.
  12. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1295044434' post='2575409'] Labrador sends an apology gift to the Xinyanese government, which contains a card and a jar full of dead fruit flies. [/quote] Consider this the official end of any possibility of Labrador-Xinyan diplomatic relations. Labrador has proven itself continually to be an immature, childish government. Disparu, we wish you the best of luck in removing this hopeless regime from North America.
  13. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1295044199' post='2575404'] The typical Xinyan is about as intelligent as a fruit fly, so those comments have been unnoted. [/quote] Official Response from the Xinyan Government Labrador would do well to keep insults to our people to itself; we do not take kindly to such offensive statements. Also, the demonym is 'Xinyanese', not 'Xinyan'. Labrador should probably do a bit of research before it insults another nation's intelligence.
  14. Typical Xinyan Public Response "lol"
  15. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1294983813' post='2574741'] What I've been watching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh_3lj48RwI [/quote] Awkward.
  16. One woman seemed to have indeed recognised Reséndez before. "I believe I saw this lady...checking into a hotel," the woman stated to the Fist operatives. "A Portuguese woman certainly stands out around here," she gave a small chuckle. "Anyway, if you want to find her, it shouldn't be difficult. The government requires hotels to keep records and IDs on any who register to stay, so I'm sure you would be capable of obtaining such information if you put in a request with the civil department." The Fist operatives, however, as they went about their business, were regarded with a measure of suspicion by patrolling militsiya. Eventually, a number of soldiers approached the Fist operatives. "Excuse me," one of them, an officer, said. "As I understand it you are searching for someone. While we cannot allow you to continue to distribute pictures and leaflets, if needed you can be directed to an office where an official inquiry will take place." It seemed if the Fist operatives wanted to track down Reséndez, they would have to involve the Xinyan government in it.
  17. The military police glanced suspiciously at the 'associates', picking up on the strange accent in the man's Chinese. If he spoke the truth, then there would have been record of the business at hand...but that was not the duty of the MPs, thankfully; these troops had spent hours and hours at this airport, checking without result every single passenger who passed through, and the last thing they would have wanted to do was check if these business associates had proper accounts, records, and documentation. That was up to what they believed was the Department of Industry and Business (though nearly all accounts that went through the Department were also checked by Direction Central). After checking the airsoft guns and determining they were, indeed, not actual guns, the MPs stepped back, and the Direction Central officer stepped forward. He looked the Fist operatives over with no hint of his thoughts in his eyes or movements, and then placed registered tags on the airsoft guns, allowing them to be tracked by the number and code on the tag. "Apologies for the inconvenience," the officer stated. "In these times, no one can truly be too careful. If you would proceed on through the checkpoints, you can ask one of the civil officers for further help and they will direct you to a nearby Department of Business office, where you can continue with your...'exploration'."
  18. The operatives tracking Reséndez had chosen a bad time to take on their mission. With the heightened tensions in East Asia at this point, airport security had been vamped up higher than ever. As the Fist operatives stepped off the plane into the Xinyan City International Airport (the only major international airport in Xinyan), on either side of the exit of the plane was a soldier of the military police, their eyes hidden behind the visors of their combat helmets, standing, it seemed, without the slightest movement. The security would not lessen as the Fist operatives moved further into the airport. Many civilians from other parts of the world, unused to this kind of security, shuffled past the MPs with suspicious and almost frightened eyes. In line for the metal detectors, the Fist operatives could see they were about to be in some deep trouble; up ahead, further MPs were arriving, accompanied by a man who wore a pair of jeans and a coat, within which was concealed an automatic pistol. The man was a Direction Central operative, though by his clothing he may have appeared as simply a government officer overseeing the MPs. His hands were clasped behind his back as he paced and watched over the MPs. An order had come in from the department of military affairs itself; a potential risk, the slightest possibility of a threat. The Direction Central agent bit his lip slightly; it may have seemed extreme, but if it eliminated a threat to the people's safety, could it be considered an overreaction? "Excuse me, sir," the highest ranking MP stated to the businessman who stood at the head of the line. "Apologies for any inconvenience, but by order of the Guofangbu, we must search your suitcase and person." The businessman looked disgruntled, but had no choice but to comply. After he passed without result, the next man in the line was searched as well--and the next person, going further and further down the line...
  19. [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1294959049' post='2574419'] OOC: That's how it read to my government ICly. Don't like it? I don't care. Quit your !@#$%*ing. The comment stands from my government. Have a reaction? Make it IC. [/quote] OOC: Do you have to be aggressive and rude in absolutely every response you make? Cripes.
  20. We agree with Procinctia here. It is clear Dalmatia never intended to release any evidence that Korea was actually involved in this attack--clearly you only intend to use this as an excuse to invade. This is a slap in the face to the loved ones of those who lost their lives in the horrific attack that is now being used by Dalmatia to threaten war against the people of an uninvolved country on the other side of the world.
  21. Amankaya Reséndez knew she had been very, [i]very [/i]lucky to make it to the Xinyan Republic. Even at the moment when the Brotherhood's Fist soldier had demanded documents of her, documents that would have permitted her to be imprisoned by the Brotherhood, Reséndez had known that she could not remain safely in Portugal. In order to escape, she had been forced to kill the soldier with a firearm that, due to Brotherhood restrictions, she legally was not permitted to own--but in these times, nothing that threatened the power of the Brotherhood and its dominion over Portugal in all matters was legal anymore. Fleeing Portugal, and (she believed) the grasp of the Brotherhood and its Fist, Reséndez had chosen to flee to the Xinyan Republic; a small nation, in general neutral to most international matters that did not concern it, the Republic was, by Reséndez's point of view, the perfect place to hide out for a time. If anything, the heavy military presence in Xinyan would serve to deter and discourage an attempt by the Fist to pursue her. Unknown to herself, however, Reséndez was being observed and marked with suspicion by an organisation that no one beyond its own operatives and the highest ranking government and military officers in Xinyan knew of. Direction Central--the secretive intelligence and national security agency of the Republic. At the moment, Direction Central was unaware of Reséndez's intentions or reason for being in Xinyan, but its operatives remained wary of the fugitive.
  22. OOC: High Commander Shepard...that wouldn't be a Mass Effect reference, would it?
  23. "A chamber of commerce would do well to encourage business between businesses of our two nations, as well as bolster our economies. I will ensure a portion of government-owned property is marked for use by the Cochin embassy, and your diplomatic staff may arrive there as soon as it is cleared for use."
  24. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1294800298' post='2572579'] Because France kinda sucks. Also lol WW II. [/quote] So this is the kind of thing that comes from a nation calling itself the rightful heir to the great Chinese civilisation. Pitiful.
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