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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. Lestari


    [quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1299045752' post='2649331'] You've disrespected every Muslim in the world with your ignorant drunken response. It is specifically stated in the Q'uran, as I am sure you know, that your mockery is an extremely serious offense, we too should seek war if an apology is not given to those of us at peace. [/quote] So you would allow the words of a book written by a liar to bring death and destruction to your people. Yet again it is shown why religious government is pathetically inefficient and useless.
  2. Lestari


    Yet again you try to play the victim. You were the aggressor and your cowardly attempts to say otherwise disgust us.
  3. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299037773' post='2649160'] "Xinyang republic is not part of this war. The surrender terms were to apologize and we would be given peace. Stay on your side of the world, Infidel" [/quote] Two things. One. We are the Xinyan Republic. Not the Xinyang republic. And two. We will do as we like, and if we wish to comment on an event that does not necessarily involve us, we will. Call us infidels simply because our citizens are not foolish enough to fall under the deception of your religion's lies and war-mongering.
  4. This 'appology' does nothing and is little more than an attempt to escape the punishment that is due to you. Take what you have brought on yourself.
  5. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298991390' post='2648079'] "We enjoy the Caliphate's mighty stance. It has scared the British out of control. The Caliphate is one of, if not the strongest nation in the world and is a mighty ally. We ask the Caliphate to defend the Government of Republique Du Fleuve if the situation comes to that of Re-Colonizing Africa or an event in where the coalitions sees to remove the Government of Republique Du Fleuve." [/quote] HA....haha...ahaha...ha... First, it is highly doubtful the Caliphate is the most or even one of the strongest nations in the world. Secondly, yet again you are playing the victim. Of course the Coalition sees fit to remove the government of Republique du Fleuve--you have only brought more strife and warfare to Africa by declaring war against Britain, who has a more than valid casus belli to attack the Ottoman Republic.
  6. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298946881' post='2647388'] "The Republic will never surrender! Throw the world at us!" ~Tagruato "We were merely defending our ally, and we have become the hunted. The world finally shows that it cares more about words on paper than it does of the breaching of soveriegnity by Britain in an African nation. Surrender shall never come." ~The Royal Family "We have been abandoned by our allies!" ~Common citizen reaction. [/quote] Three things. One, since when does a corporation speak for an entire nation. Except when said corporation runs the nation. Two, who were you defending exactly? You were the aggressor here. Cease your cowardly, pitiful whining about what you yourself initiated. There is no evidence at all of Britain breaching the 'soveriegnity' (whatever that is) of an African nation. Three, your allies would be entirely foolish to support the actions of your incompetent regime.
  7. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298942394' post='2647309'] "Never. As for Britain: kill our people. While you're at it, eat our children's hearts, burn our corporations and wipe your feet with golden napkins. Your greed and destruction has cost many lives and irreversible damage. Once again, Great Britain proves that no matter where in history they will destroy a weaker nation and its people without hesitation." [/quote] Pathetic. Quit playing the victim here and take the consequences of your disgusting, cowardly actions.
  8. The Ottoman Republic proves itself yet again foolish and incompetent. Though that will not last much longer.
  9. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298895264' post='2646793'] "Republique Du Fleuve forgives the Kingdom of Chunia. The Kingdom of Chunia made a mistake and they are forgiven. The British only want turmoil in Africa and we ask Chunia to Ignore them. [b]Britain will be dealt with Shortly, Chunia would be a great friend to have in the coming conflicts."[/b] [/quote] A public threat against Britain, eh? Very smart move.
  10. [quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1298771974' post='2645742'] Even before the war, Malatose was around 50k NS; only Lavo or Lynneth have approached a comparable strength the United States IRL. Plus, 5000 of those CMs are hypersonic which certainly aren't cheap. [/quote] I'm pretty sure several nations here have the potential to be far more powerful than the RL US. I mean people have used mechs and such, and if I recall correctly some person's nation leader became an AI and uploaded his consciousness to a computer or something :v
  11. [quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1298771254' post='2645732'] These cruise missile numbers seem a little large; even the United States only maintains a stock pile of 3,500 tomahawk cruise missiles. [/quote] But could an RL nation of Malatose's nations' size [i]potentially [/i]maintain such a stockpile? If so, I imagine it is within permissible parametres.
  12. General Cheng Nangjia was not satisfied with the current situation at all. When the Xinyan Republic had taken power, the military had been the most powerful institute in the nation--and therefore the General had been among the most powerful people in the Republic, perhaps on par even with the authoritarian President Wu Zen Jiang. Nangjia had navigated his way into becoming perhaps the most influential force in Xinyan politics outside the president herself, and under his command the military had grown to control nearly every aspect of Xinyan--from the economy to the media to the health sector. All would have been well had President Jiang maintained her presidency, but the President gave into public demands that civil elections be held at last. The candidates included the last person Nangjia wanted to see in power--Liu Wang, the Democrat--or, as Nangjia considered him, the most irritating insect in the Republic. Wang had repeatedly whined about 'authoritarianism' and 'lack of democracy' until Nangjia wanted nothing more than to throw the man personally from the top of a skyscraper. Thankfully, Liu Wang had placed dead last--and Yung Xunshi, who would turn the nation into the UFE's lapdog, had also been crushed. Unfortunately, the situation did not become much better--for President Jiang's Xinyan Party was narrowly beaten out by Wu De Ling's Patriots of Xinyan. And the newly elected President De Ling had decided that the military's huge role in Xinyan politics was becoming a threat. Nangjia's primary opponent in the military, Colonel Feng Chao, was quick to become De Ling's ally. As the President began introducing reforms that limited the military's power, Nangjia knew something would have to be done. De Ling intended to reconstruct the military not as an independent organisation but as an arm of the government, and then to maintain the power of the government over the nation. That did not sit well with Nangjia, not at all. And with Feng Chao declaring his support for De Ling's moves, Nangjia found himself losing the power he had formerly held very quickly.
  13. [quote name='Vince Sixx' timestamp='1298767224' post='2645699'] The commercials were banned in Sweden, particularly because television commercials are banned outright. [/quote] It was more or less the same in the Xinyan Republic, which would also note that Ottoman companies were encouraging citizens to eat a propellant of hybrid rocket motors. They also noted that apparently the company had referred to Wikipedia for its list of uses for Paraffin wax, where every one of those uses could be found listed in those exact words.
  14. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298760854' post='2645632'] "It may have, but we have no interest in your nation." [/quote] You expect the world to take you at your word after this incident?
  15. Pravus Ingruo is entirely correct in its actions and statements. North America is not the concern of the Ottomans, and that a nation that claims to be one of peace, a nation that claims it wants to bring peace and prosperity to Africa would do this is highly unsettling. Pravus Ingruo and Britain have our support in this matter.
  16. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298755820' post='2645574'] "The Ottomans will be protected by the Republique du Fleuve and its allies. We believe they had a right to launch the satellite and we will defend them. We see Pravis Ingruo as the aggressors for shooting down the Satellite" [/quote] The Republique du Fleueve needs to understand one vital fact. The Ottomans were SPYING. Spying is bad. Had the satellite been detected by Xinyan forces attempting to capture information about our nation, the consequences would be far worse than what Pravus Ingruo has given. This was a criminal act and the Ottomans cannot go unpunished.
  17. TIDO Wave should know is a highly foolish move to destroy a piece of advanced equipment that has required extraordinary costs to create. Whoever made this attack--supposing indeed that was the satellite's purpose--receives our condemnation.
  18. The Xinyan Republic finds the actions of Chunai to be disgusting and pathetic. A pitiful attempt to stir up only more violence and misery in Africa.
  19. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298683088' post='2645078'] "Tagruato is shocked you support these terrorists. All Tagruato assets will be barred from entering your country, and no products will be sold their either." ~ Tagruato [/quote] ...given Tagruato has already been barred from entering the Republic by Xinyan authorities, and we have taken measures to ensure none of your merchandise is sold in our borders, this affects us rather...not at all.
  20. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298682116' post='2645063'] "Tagruato is the base, the ground floor of the Ottoman Economy. If we fall, so do they. Maybe your "nation" should learn a thing or two, and then remind itself communism cannot and will not ever work." ~Tagruato [/quote] The fact you equate a distaste against capitalism as communism demonstrates your ignorance. Please, Tagruato, demonstrate further your foolishness in an effort to improve your image. TIDO Wave has our support in removing the tyranny of the corporation from their nation.
  21. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298680770' post='2645043'] "T.I.D.O Wave is not a group. We are an energy, rising to destroy the threat of Tagruato." [/quote] A commendable effort against the evil that is capitalism.
  22. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298651046' post='2644775'] "T.I.D.O Wave is acting as if mother nature is a being greater than Allah. They do not have our support." ~Islamic Confederation of the Ottoman Republic [/quote] And so we learn that apparently remaining true to Allah is more important somehow than the survival of the planet upon which he was invented, and the species that created his concept.
  23. [quote name='Vince Sixx' timestamp='1298524004' post='2643547'] This for my nation [/quote] Our leaders should never, [i]ever [/i]meet.
  24. Xinyan welcomes the PRA to the world and extends diplomatic recognition.
  25. [quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1298516015' post='2643410'] What humour? My nation IS a Democratic Republic... [/quote] And my nation is run by marijuana smoking hippies who love the Lord Christ and want to spread love and Christianity to the world.
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