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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1303091064' post='2692177'] I may be neutral, but I plan on RPing a highly militaristic nation that emphasizes serving, ergo most (if not all) of the nation is active military. [/quote] My nation is exactly that (not to mention extremely aggressive as far as foreign policy goes), but honestly....3.2 million troops? That seems very far-fetched.
  2. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1303087894' post='2692145'] Forces: [b]3,200,000 troops[/b], 3,500 tanks, 1200 fighter jets and bombers [/quote] Good gods how big is your nation? 0_o I mean, there's maybe 6-6.5 million troops worldwide and half of them come from India and China (which I used as the template for my nation's troop count...but I had thought it was about 1.4 million...)
  3. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1303085671' post='2692134'] Am I allowed to RP my military using WWII tech and going over the limit on how much units I can have? I could imagine over one hundred thousand T-34s charging toward a few thousands of M1-Abrams. Quantity over Quality to the extreme. [/quote] I'd actually like to do a world war scenario in a fantasy world with WWII-era technology. None of this high technology cheap !@#$, just straight up strategy.
  4. [quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1303084658' post='2692128'] Why no WMDs? [/quote] ...I imagine because WMDs sort of take the fun out of a world war...
  5. [quote name='jesbro' timestamp='1303073957' post='2692067'] Perfect. I am going to use a random map generator for this though. [/quote] ...well that rather makes a mess of things. The reason I made my nation with so many troops and resources was because I intended for it to be large in landmass. And it can't really be the Eastern European Federation if there is no Eastern Europe 0_o
  6. Ruler: [url="http://img543.imageshack.us/i/greh.jpg/"]General Alexei Kharkov[/url] Nation Name: Eastern Empire Climate: Largely cold and arid Forces: 3,300,500 troops, 4,520 tanks, 3,200 fighter jets and bombers Group: Aggressor Population: 1.4 billion Government Type: Military dictatorship. It is led by General Alexei Kharkov, who has been the supreme leader of the Empire for nearly twenty five years now; while totalitarian in nature, the great advances in technology and living standards made in his regime have led to minimal actual dissent amongst the people of the Empire. Political dissent and freedom of journalism and speech is permitted--with the understanding that anti-Imperial media will probably be ignored anyway. The government has impounded into the minds of every citizen the necessity of serving the nation in any way possible, which has led to a highly ultra-nationalistic viewpoint amongst the general populace. Capital: Eurova (population 23,000,000) Foreign Policy: In essence, the Empire has none. In the eyes of the Empire, the entire world is its property to do as it pleases with. This has, to say the least, not been too good for its relations with other nations, who tend to get a bit miffed when the Empire's reply to concerns that its fleet has been detected near another nations' sovereign waters is "It is our territory, and therefore we may send our fleet to it as we wish". The Empire has engaged in limited foreign policy with other nations when it suits its purposes, but considers such dealings to be 'deliberations with temporary outsider governments that will soon be ousted'. Though it has seemed that the Empire would not make good on these threats, any feeling of security is about to be proven disastrously wrong.
  7. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1302923711' post='2691343'] "You asked for forgiveness, and you threw a generous gift out of a window. Lets hope it didn't hurt someone. Of course, when asking for an apology, dont claim it to be a hollow gesture. A hundred more boxes of tissues have been sent your way, as your government will obviously need them." [/quote] I hope to all that is high and mighty that the explanation for the utter childishness and stupidity of your announcements and actions is that your nation is actually led by a twelve year old. The implications that an actual adult could possibly spout such nonsense is causing me to lose faith in humanity rapidly.
  8. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1302753053' post='2690383'] [font="Courier New"]"No sir, for the people to choose their leaders, it would be unfair for a select few to only vote."[/font] [/quote] And yet it is fair for elections to take place when the General Secretary sees fit? You do realise your nation is practically setting itself up for a devolution into corruption and Soviet-style dictatorship?
  9. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1302690002' post='2689979'] Elections will take place when the Secretary General sees fit. [/quote] You may as well not have them at all in that case.
  10. "An Optional Defence Pact would of course be acceptable. If you would allow me a moment, I will draft a preliminary treaty for you to look over and sign or edit as you see fit." [quote]Kingdom of Cochin-Xinyan Republic Optional Defence Pact I. Optional Defence In the event that one of the signatories is attacked or the target of a declaration of war, the other signatory is strongly encouraged, but not required, to aid said signatory, whether militarily, financially, or economically. II. The signatories are strongly encouraged, but not required, to provide information valuable to the safety and security of the other signatory should such information be discovered. III. Termination Should one of the signatories choose to cancel this treaty, they may invoke a 48-hour termination clause, at the end of which the treaty becomes void. Signed, for the Xinyan Republic, Wu De Ling, President of the Xinyan Republic[/quote]
  11. [quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1302493855' post='2688332'] The PRA would like to know what ideals and principles the Xinyan Republic speaks of. As of late, there has been hardly any activity in regards to Red Dawn. What changed? [/quote] That is exactly it. There has hardly been any activity in regards to Red Dawn. The Assembly has failed to address several points of interest across the globe (most recently anti-communist/socialist uprisings in West Africa by a 'ruling elite') and it can clearly be seen that little has been done in regards to activity concerning internal matters; Communist Australia's signature has never even been removed from the treaty despite the fact that the '72 hour deadline' came and went long ago. Several 'members' of the Socialist Assembly have yet to even acknowledge the votes put forth.
  12. General Cheng Nangjia shall attend on the behalf of the Xinyan Republic.
  13. The Xinyan Republic hereby withdraws from the Socialist Assembly and Red Dawn. This organisation has forgotten the ideals upon which it was founded and no longer seems to follow the principles it initially claimed to uphold.
  14. We find it interesting that the nations of North America stand idly by as more of its continent is secured by foreign powers.
  15. There can be no CB There was ikebana involved
  16. The Xinyan Republic, though it finds itself in agreement with Zargathia's last announcement, shall remain neutral in this event.
  17. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1302148015' post='2685965'] [font="Courier New"]"The people of CRZI will overthrow a leader who cannot manage the country, Therefore we have the same hopes as you do."[/font] [/quote] And you use this to justify putting an underage girl into power over a nation.
  18. It is a pity to see the Zoadoe Islands practices nepotism.
  19. The Xinyan Republic congratulates the Commonwealth for this momentous achievement. OOC: Double points for Sinatra.
  20. [quote name='Imperator Azenquor' timestamp='1301613737' post='2681697'] Adding to the tension in the region, a right wing MRP* of the Union of Patriotic Right Forces (PRF) declared that the government should ‘systematically demolish the mosques in East Ingushetia’ as they are ‘meeting places for those who seek to undermine the Christian Orthodox identity of the state’ and ‘are frankly an eyesore’. The MRP went on to congratulate Governor Ourumov for ‘standing up for the preservation of Vaulian culture’ and vowed to support him. [/quote] The Xinyan Republic is disappointed to hear this as an advocate of irreligious government and atheism in the state. Places of worship for one religion are no better than places of worship for another.
  21. The Xinyan Republic agrees with the decision of Regional Governor Ourumov in this case. If a citizen wishes to practice their beliefs in private, they are welcome to do so. Religion has no place in government or state, and no one has any right at all to preach their religions upon others in public.
  22. [quote name='Californian' timestamp='1301360715' post='2679524'] [i]Do you want a life long companion? Do you like long walks on the beach?[/i] The Free Association is looking for a suitable merge partner on Planet Bob. The only requirement is that you must be located at least an ocean or continent away so we can enjoy each other's presence whilst still maintaining the freedom of a long distance relationship. Ideally we should have had little to no interaction previously, as the Free Association is in the mood to try something new, something romantic, something so sexy the pants might just be ripped off the entire CNRP community. The Free Association is definitely looking to increase the world population, if you know what I mean, so it demands a committed partner. PM ME. [/quote] Very clever.
  23. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1301280841' post='2678728'] "Before we commit to a particular treaty upgrade, may we enquire what are the threat perceptions of Xinyan like? From what sectors do you perceive any threats to your nation originating from?" [/quote] "As of this moment, the Xinyan Republic perceives no threats as far as other nations, given our neutrality in general to matters of the world. As far as any other possible threats, the Republic has remained weary of groups such as TIDO Wave who have threatened allies of ours and the Republic itself, but we foresee very little chance that agents of such a group would be able to amount to much of a threat to our national security."
  24. I would be rather appreciative if I were unbanned from #CNRP >_>
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