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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. OOC: Yeah...environmentalist libertarians in Xinyan... lol nevar happening IC: Any supporters of TIDO Wave who attempt to corrupt the people of the Xinyan Republic will be arrested and punished severely. Let this be known to any environment-liberty freak who attempts to force their beliefs on us through terrorism.
  2. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1300335250' post='2666945'] "It has been a long flight but a person in my kind of job has to bear up with such trifles," KP Varma replied with a smile top Dy Col An Ling upon being hailed at the airport. The drive to the State Building was unremarkable with Varma enjoying the sights of yet another capital city. On meeting with President Wu De Ling, KP Varma would bow to her and reply, "The honor is all mine, President, to visit this beautiful city of yours. May I know the purpose of this invitation, Madam President?" [/quote] "It has been two years since we signed a pact to increase economic cooperation and trade between our two nations," President De Ling replied. "It has worked very well, as Cochinese businesses have prospered in the Republic and helped to bolster our own economy and corporations. Therefore I believe it would be a good idea to continue to improve the relations between Cochin and Xinyan, and take the relationship between our nations to the next level. Does the Kingdom agree?"
  3. Let it be known that the Xinyan Republic's support in crushing these enemies of the people goes fully to the PRA. Private to PRA: If needed the Xinyan Republic is prepared to send troops and supplies to aid in destroying these bandits.
  4. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1300320551' post='2666740'] The United States is saddened to see the cancer of communism in Southeast Asia. [/quote] The Xinyan Republic is saddened to see the United States remains ignorant and discriminatory, reveling in the anti-communist prejudices of days long past.
  5. The Xinyan Republic shall wait to see if the Communist Republic truly represents the desires and interests of the indigenous populations.
  6. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300252428' post='2666247'] You cuss so much, that your posts are unintelligible. [/quote] I'm sorry. My posts are unintelligible because I use big boy words. Your posts are unintelligible just because they are.
  7. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300250484' post='2666208'] inb4 ROTAVELE? RP? Two words that cant be used together. [/quote] Yeah they can. They can if you write '!@#$%*' between them.
  8. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300249076' post='2666174'] Outside readers be aware, The very ones listed that were responsible for the OOC attacks continue their OOC attacks in this thread. Every single one of them. No one on the list that ive thanked (While not being "buddies" with me) they remained civil and did not respond. Therefore, My will lives on.[/quote] I'm not OOC attacking you. I'm telling it like it is, exactly the way you are showing it. And your will doesn't live on. Your !@#$%*ing, on the other hand, does, and everyone just wants it to die once and for all. [quote]In the words of Ragnarok and Polaris... To hell and back, Together. [/quote] I'm not sure if you even understand what the $%&@ that had to do with anything.
  9. [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1300237445' post='2665976'] My obvious disappointment? Hardly. Surprise? Sure. As I said, it is intriguing that I can remain involved and still irrelevant. It is a skill not often seen around these parts. [/quote] It's the Rotavele Law. Anything you say can and will be twisted into completely different meanings by Rotavele and his ever-present buddy Fizzy.
  10. Rotavele, I'm sorry, but you're just being idiotic. Few things. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300187334' post='2665475'] Players such as Triyun, Sargun, Emperor Mudd, [b]dotCom[/b], and ZootZoot took the hate to OOC[/quote] I never 'hated' you in OOC. You were the one who put it that way. I'm just a real ass. [quote]dotCom continued [his] former IC and OOC tears into this new nation. [He] meant to destroy it due to [his] OOC hate of me as a player and my former empire[/quote] Yeah, no. I did not continue anything. I 'tore' into your nation because Zaboor was being just as retarded as Republique du Flueve was, and because IC my nation is extremely against religious nations. And if I wanted to destroy Zaboor, I'd've done it, but you did it for me. And I already addressed your !@#$%*ing about OOC hate. [quote]Players such as Triyun, Emperor Mudd, Sargun, and [b]dotCom [/b]continued the OOC attacks and even attempted to petition me out of the game. Mocking me, Insulting me, and attempting to OOCly Mentally Attrinize me. [/quote] I don't recall petitioning you out of the game. I said you should leave until you decide to actually RP. And you're gonna have to define what exactly 'attrinize' means. [quote]While these players (Triyun, Sargun, Mudd, and [b]dotCom[/b]) hide behind their treaties[/quote] I had at the time no more than a free trade agreement with Cochin. Where are these 'treaties' you speak of? [quote]One day Karma is going to strike and get the best of them. This isn't the end to the storm thats about to happen, Its only the beginning. Everyday the world of CNRP is advancing, to a more Role play and OOC friendly forum. While these players continue to take their IC drama into OOC and morally attack their IC enemies, they will experience how it is to be on the side of oppression.[/quote] All hail Rotavele, prophet of CNRP and doomspeaker. All those who desire his Prophetness to !@#$%* at them and predict their demise please take a number. Rotavele, !@#$%*ing won't get you anywhere. If you wanna RP, fine, I'm good with that. But you don't RP. What you did was not roleplay.
  11. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1300138057' post='2664912'] I'm going to be the dick who doesn't coddle. Your problems are entirely of your own making. You confuse IC and OOC and antagonize people on both levels. You basically re-roll and play the same nation over again when you got rolled in record time the first go around. If you wanted to keep playing the way you had, you would have gotten destroyed time and time again because you seem to seek out war and then try to play the victim when you get hit. Its a piss poor strategy and borders on the OOC misuse of re-rolling. You've shown a total lack of wanting to learn, improve, or change things. Your current style leads to you getting destroyed because you've committed yourself to committing aggressive action. You don't get to do what you want to do so you have to compromise. You don't want to compromise and learn from other people though. I see no reason to ask you not to leave or try to explain things away. Your problems are of your own making. [/quote] Yep, pretty much this.
  12. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1300135321' post='2664852'] Aww, don't leave. You've been a great guy. People like you, who cause international incidents, are more exciting than those who just sit around and RP their loltech "military". [/quote] The world is not divided into people who start international !@#$ and people who sit around and 'loltech'. And Rotavele never started international incidents. He just caused the rest of the community to get a headache from the collective facepalming he inevitably caused with his 'roleplay' as he seemed to think it was.
  13. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1300066557' post='2663846'] Didn't we [b]just[/b] get told off by Manwe about making stuff personal, Sargun? Calm down and step back. [/quote] What does this even have to do with anything.
  14. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1300066311' post='2663834'] You're not very good at this, Fizzy. [/quote] To be fair everyone knows Fizzy doesn't like me OOC. Same with Zoot. I'm just that popular
  15. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1300066186' post='2663825'] What's this Junio Borghese I'm hearing about? :3 [/quote] Long long ago, in a galaxy far far away... I dunno, some !@#$ happened with this !@#$% named Junio Borghese.
  16. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300065850' post='2663813'] Agreed. While me and Fizzy are "Fighting" ICly, Were still friends OOCly, Thats how it should be. Too many people in CNRP take IC into OOC and make the game hate into real hate. That is the real Immaturity. I have no hate or dislike to anyone in CNRP OOCly. Not even dotCom really. I could really careless. I am not one to hold a grudge as people change every minute. [/quote] Really? I was rather under the impression you and Fizzy were united against hating me OOC and IC
  17. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1300065556' post='2663803'] No, I just don't like you ICly or OoCly. [/quote] Well, ICly my nation considers your nation to be, well, nonexistent. But I don't personally dislike you OOC. Just your RP.
  18. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1300065453' post='2663799'] You should leave before rotavele. Rota is somewhat entertaining, you're just annoying. [/quote] And you have some sort of OOC grudge against me for some reason that I have no idea about. Is it because I always call you on your unrealistic, hardly amusing !@#$%^&*?
  19. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300062401' post='2663643'] Drama in the CNRP makes it much more exciting. [/quote] Honestly, you're just taking up space without doing anything remotely similar to realistic RP. You would do better to just leave. Most people aren't even recognising your 'RPs'.
  20. The Xinyan Republic supports Egalitor Scrymgeour in maintaining order and security and in halting this rebellion.
  21. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300002046' post='2662669'] "We still wish to have nothing to do with them, Those nations have never done anything to prove their own opinions into the world. The only friends we want are those who would stand against the world for their friends. Nations such as The Caliphate of Africa and Tunisia. Other nations we do not care about. They would not go to war in defense of an ally if it was possible they would get destroyed, they would follow our opinions and make us some sort of dictator of the world. We want friends who are capable of having their own opinions and not those who wish to conform to all other world beliefs. We are people and we are all different, we all need to learn to express being different." [/quote] That's all absolute bollocks. Not much else to say.
  22. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1300002057' post='2662670'] KP Varma would travel to Xinyan City accepting the invitation from Mr. Wu De Ling, President of Xinyan Republic. [/quote] A runway at the Xinyan City International airport was cleared for KP Varma's plane, and foreign affairs director Deputy Colonel Wei An Ling, accompanied by a diplomatic delegation and a car, awaited Varma at the runway. When Varma reached the delegation, An Ling greeted him, "Good evening, Mr Varma, and welcome to Xinyan City. I trust your flight here was comfortable and satisfactory?" The car then drove through the city towards the State Building, and then Mr Varma was guided to the conference room where President Wu De Ling awaited him. "Mr Varma," she nodded to him, and walked forward to shake his hand. "It is a great honour to receive you again in Xinyan City."
  23. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300001443' post='2662653'] "These nations have no opinions of their own, they are followers of a piece of paper labeled as Red Dawn. Let it be known, the only embassy kept has been that of Tunisia. A nation who has its own opinion on the world." [/quote] Ahem. More than half of those have nothing to do with the Red Dawn.
  24. [quote]To: KP Varma, Minister of External Affairs of the Kingdom of Cochin From: Wu De Ling, President of the Xinyan Republic Subject: Furthering Relations between Our Nations Mr KP Varma, We met two years ago in Xinyan City in hopes of bringing closer interaction and trade between the Kingdom of Cochin and the Xinyan Republic. After the relative success of the changes brought about by that meeting, we are of the belief that continued cooperation and closer relations between our two nations could only benefit the people of both our countries. I would like to extend an invitation for you to visit Xinyan City again so we may discuss the future of Cochin-Xinyan relations in depth.[/quote]
  25. Zoot at least can RP. Rotavele, nothing you write even approaches the merest semblance of realistic RP.
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