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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300000113' post='2662621'] "Anyone who takes this seriously is truly the idiot." [/quote] Making jokes about slaughtering your own population is not a joke, Zaboor. I truly wish your people well in overthrowing you before you do something that will make them truly suffer for your idiocy.
  2. [quote]Article 5: Everything must Perish We believe in killing our own civilians, Our civilians must be killed because they are evil and not allowed to live because they are in the horrible nation of Zaboor. While we have never killed our Civilians and never will, Red Dawn does so we must support them. Also, Every other nations civilians must die.[/quote] You believe in the genocide of your own nation's people, not to mention the massacre of other nations' citizens. Your regime is insane, mad, off its rocker, wack, batty, unhinged, demented, loony, rabid, derailed, daft, crazy, cuckoo, lunatic, maniacal, cracked, nuts, manic, raving, schizophrenic, nutty, unsound, unstable, and completely, totally, mental. Someone needs to get you away from any position of any measure of power before you do any more harm to the poor victims of your disastrous and insane regime.
  3. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299999191' post='2662606'] "No we are saying that we do not recognize Zaboor anymore, It is a truly HORRIBLE nation." [/quote] In other words this is your way of admitting your government has gone insane. Good to know.
  4. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299999096' post='2662603'] "We no longer recognize Zaboor as a sovereign state either!! Thats right were cool because we are conformists." [/quote] Is this your government's way of saying that you are stepping down?
  5. That statement was clearly fabricated, and the UFE never stated it.
  6. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299998778' post='2662593'] "After peeking out of our shell, We see Xinyang Republic as not-so-bad. Infact, were not so much of the same. Xinyang republic has been taken off of the Diplomatic Sanction." [/quote] ...we're not sure what this means, but you have yet to figure out what our nation is called.
  7. This is extremely disconcerting--that regional warlords have managed to somehow obtain nuclear weaponry. We suggest that they be subdued quickly, before the insane regime decides to use these weapons. [b]Classified[/b] The Republic went to DEFCON 2 due to prior threats from the 'Atlas Empire'. Anti-missile and radar stations were put on high alert.
  8. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299995208' post='2662495'] "The Republic is a nation who hides behind its allies. If they were alone, against any nation their pathetic, pitiful government would fall immediately." [/quote] Our allies? Methinks the regional warlords who call themselves leaders ought to learn a thing or two about...well, something, for christ's sakes. The Xinyan Republic has been isolationist for almost all its history. Only recently have we begun to reach out to the world diplomatically.
  9. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299993924' post='2662460'] "And how are we "illegal"? We have support of the people. Furthermore, you are responsible for the actions of the eight mercenaries. Keep a better lid on your men, or higher people with a conscience and that would not happen. You are a dangerous terrorist state." [/quote] Oh, we are responsible? Do you think beyond the level of a ten year old? What does 'higher people with a conscience' mean? Are you endeavouring, perhaps, to spell 'hire'? If so, again, the eight mercenaries were not in the employ of our military (do we need to define mercenary for you as well?). We have little care for your pathetic, hardly amusing antics. If you attempt any hostility against the Republic--You. Will. Burn.
  10. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299990499' post='2662364'] "And what is your 'punishment'? Forcing other nations to attack and slaughter us, then you shall napalm bomb our citizens? International and regional politics are not your place. Your government would be wise to disband." [/quote] You speak of the actions of eight mercenaries who were from the Xinyan Republic and who are currently about to be executed for their crimes. Your attempt to use the actions of these murderers to represent the Republic as a whole is disgusting and petty. As for 'forcing other nations to attack and slaughter you', I am not even sure what that means. Please come back to us when you have the slightest semblance of logic anywhere in your illegal, incompetent 'leadership'.
  11. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299989312' post='2662316'] Another fine example of their immaturity. When one nation shuns you for your wrong doings, you must throw back the insult. The Xinyan Republic is the greatest image of a terrorist state that needs to be crushed. [/quote] We take this as a threat. If the regional warlords who claim to control the 'Atlas Empire' make another unwise threat, or attempt to act on this threat, the punishment will be severe. Do not meddle in international politics; it is not your place.
  12. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299988056' post='2662256'] Furthermore, the Xinyan Republic is also no longer recognized by the Empire for their immaturity. [/quote] Atlas Empire and Zaboor are no longer recognised as sovereign nations.
  13. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299952514' post='2661615'] Rota, Triyun was referring to how it was only a meager regional war not a war of any global significance at all. [/quote] Rotavele, being a hopeless idiot since 2011.
  14. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299968916' post='2661897'] Come on guys, to hell with her, vote for me as the village idiot. I cant lose this award, seriously. [/quote] Sorry Zoot, you have been surpassed. At least you can make some semblance of something approaching RP, even as the village idiot. The same cannot be said of Rotavele.
  15. [quote name='Emperor Mudd' timestamp='1299958694' post='2661717'] How about you go be the village idiot in some other forum [/quote] Seconded.
  16. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299957954' post='2661712'] Somebody doesn't understand intentional irony. [/quote] Rotavele is trying too hard. It's okay Rotavele, you are a moron without trying.
  17. "Who is the true village idoit" I think you answered your own question.
  18. Zaboor proves yet again an incompetent and foolish leadership. It would be best for your people if your government stepped down and allowed them to create a government they approve of--because they sure as all hell can't be approving of this pitiful excuse for a leader. The Xinyan Republic stands by Novak and the Socialist Assembly.
  19. Announcement from the Xinyan Republic: "I lol'd."
  20. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299911170' post='2661119'] Okay okay, I get it. But it was a major massacre. :3 [/quote] Thanks to my troops--er, thanks to Xinyan mercenaries :3
  21. Classified to Novak As a member of Red Dawn and the Socialist Assembly the Xinyan Republic stands prepared to deploy land and air military forces in the event that a conflict arises.
  22. [quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1299866367' post='2660044'] [b]Note to all Embassy Applicants: The establishing of an embassy also is reciprocal, and a Timuridian embassy will be established in your own Capital as well.[/b] [/quote] A specific area of Xinyan City has been allotted for the Timuridian embassy.
  23. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299790086' post='2658956'] Just like you declared war on me for OoC reasons? [/quote] I...what? My nation has never, ever declared war on any nations in the world, much less yours. EDIT: Didn't see what Cent said, sorry about that. Last post here. My point, however, stands.
  24. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299732779' post='2658272'] "In the word of the Sovereign's cat: 'Meow Meow Meow Meow'" [/quote] Interesting how this is your wedding yet you still manage to allot time for your random nonsense.
  25. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299732832' post='2658274'] OOC: Seriously do you still not read? Didn't you learn your lesson from the last war? Good lord. [/quote] OOC: It was an IC response to an IC action. If you gonna !@#$%*, then do it IC.
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