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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1297986705' post='2637040'] "Xinyan should stop being such a nuisance in world affairs. They stick their annoying heads where they don't belong and cause headaches among the international community." [/quote] The message received was received with a great deal of laughter and comedy by the Xinyan government, many of whom commented that they would not be so surprised if a twelve or thirteen year old had sent the message. Public "A nuisance? We were unaware that exercising a nation's right to comment on international affairs was being a nuisance. In that case, the Ottoman Republic should listen to itself sometime. Or at least cease its childish declarations and announcements and start acting like mature adults. To think you are regarded by your people as worthy of governing their fate."
  2. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1297984574' post='2637015'] [color="#FF0000"]Cons [/color] [b]Thousands could loose jobs Many local companies could eat each other up until there were a few big ones left[/b] [/quote] "That isn't called the cons of a Stock Market, those are the cons of capitalism."
  3. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1297983967' post='2637007'] OOC: This is not recognized. First off you are historically incorrect. John Pemberton invented/discovered the formula for Coca-Cola. He latter sold it to Candler who created the "Coca-Cola Company". Also, no one ever RPd the United States in the 1880s and so that is not a true historical reference for CNRP. [/quote] OOC: No one ever RPed the invention of the firearm. Therefore, by your logic your military should not be using firearms, but sticks and stones. Then again, no one ever RPed humans learning to use sticks and stones for weapons. Also, [i]you [/i]are wrong. Asa Candler did not create the company but rather bought a stake in Pemberton's company, later incorporating it.
  4. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1297983652' post='2637000'] How peculiar. It was Great Britains understanding that Coca Cola or "Coke", was already a widespread carbonated drink. [/quote] Indeed, if the Republic understands correctly, it was created by one John Pemberton in the now defunct United States of America, sometime in the 1880s. Typical Capitalist move, to take the labours of another and claim it for themselves.
  5. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1297926450' post='2636493'] Together, we can bring peace to the world, as we [b]work with the United Federation of the East.[/b] [/quote] OOC: Ahem. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=98803
  6. OOC: Nevermind, it's only an announcement, not actual action
  7. We wonder if the CPA is aware they have taken their ideology from the ideals of a man who engineered the mass murder and torture of millions of people?
  8. If needed, the Xinyan Republic stands prepared to aid the government of the République du Fleuve.
  9. It is disappointing to see a nation that yet languishes under the long-past propaganda claim that Communism is evil or immoral. From the tone of the Islands Post, it is clear this is the mindset of the USI's people.
  10. No one in the Xinyan Republic would hear of this as the 'World Freedom Network' was not permitted access to the Republic.
  11. President Wu De Ling will be in attendance on behalf of the Xinyan Republic.
  12. General Cheng Nangjia of the Guofangbu will be in attendance on behalf of the Xinyan Republic.
  13. [b]Private[/b] "Minori Chihara? Now where have I heard that name before?" [b]Public[/b] The Xinyan Republic is happy to see the rise of a sovereign Japan yet again.
  14. [quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1297693811' post='2632945'] Yaza Hajin are a militant network in representation as well as defense of the global Movement for Islam. We are and train our warriors to engage in guerrilla combat operations against aggressive enemies of Islam as well as oppressive conditions it faces around the world. In simple terms. [/quote] And what, pray tell, constitutes an 'aggressive enemy of Islam'? Perhaps you would let us know which countries fall under this category.
  15. [quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1297668963' post='2632670'] It sounds more like you are trying very hard to fit us into your own definition of "terrorists" while putting much of the worlds armed forces at risk of falling under the very same category. What have you to be terrified of? It really is a surprise to see how easy it is to insight fear; you are conditioned well. [/quote] What have we to fear? When an organisation brandishes assault rifles and rocket propelled grenades publicly, and then calls itself somehow 'peaceful'. This is precisely why Yaza Hajin will not be permitted to operate within the Xinyan Republic. There are countless organisations throughout the world that seek to preach Islam without resorting to displaying weapons and throwing threats.
  16. "If Yaza Hajin does not want to be classified as a terrorist organisation, it may be a good idea not to produce videos displaying Yaza Hajin operatives training with live gunfire and wielding RPGs." - General Cheng Nangjia
  17. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1297533367' post='2630431'] "The Ottoman Republic is no longer Ivory Coast. We have replaced the current head of state and renamed our country. Ottoman is the last name of the ruling family." [/quote] Then Ivory Coast was formerly Ottoman Republic, is that it?
  18. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1297484035' post='2629969'] "Xinyan is pathetic. The Ottoman Republic will not deal with your shenanigans. For as long as our family rules, we shall have no diplomacy with you." [/quote] Whatever you say, boss.
  19. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1297476998' post='2629888'] This morning, Abou Roland stepped down from the government and handed power to the Ottoman Family. Us Ottomans will now be the royal family. I, Kiha Ottoman, will be King of the Ottoman Republic. My lovely [b]life [/b]Jihel Ottoman will be our beautiful queen. My oldest and only son, Fergei Ottoman, will be my successor as king. My two daughets, Kerel and Charity, will enlighten our nation. [/quote] Most people don't give their 'lives' a name. Also, did you name your son after that horrible singer Fergie? Not cool.
  20. [quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1297309832' post='2627638'] Count Lvov is the first to greet the guests once again. He introduces himself welcomes the President into the palace. “Good evening Your Excellency. You speak Russian very well. How did you come to learn the language?” [/quote] "Russia as culture and as historical nation has always been of interest to me," De Ling replied. [i]Not to mention when you're the daughter of the biggest politician in the territory, and then the nation, learning major languages is kind of required.[/i] She watched the elabourate welcoming ceremony with a great amount of respect visible in her eyes as she observed the Cossacks, who withstood the biting cold as if it were not even there. Then again, this was Russia, the land infamous for its cold. This was probably considered 'meh, a bit chilly' in Slavorussia.
  21. President Wu De Ling strode up to the doors of the palace, looking up and admiring the architecture as she did so. Truly it was a magnificent, elabourate, elegant wonder--nothing like the cost-effective but admittedly bleak architecture that existed today in the Xinyan Republic--where, it seemed, the most beautiful buildings were the ones left behind by empires and civilisations of old. "President Wu De Ling...of the Xinyan Republic," Her Russian was somewhat awkward; she spoke in with a noticeably present but unavoidable accent, and displayed the invitation to the guards. "Am I able to enter?"
  22. The Xinyan Republic recognises the Caspian Clique.
  23. A quick comlink was set up between Brazil and Arkhangelsk, and within a few moments a reply was being sent back to the Atlantik Clique. [quote]A fleet of battlecruisers under the control of the Federatsiya Arkhangelsk is present in the area and currently on a route to intercept the commercial vessels as well. In addition a smaller fleet from Brazil has been placed on alert to escort Brasilian vessels back when acquired.[/quote] Six 'battlecruisers' (or heavy class missile cruisers) were significantly slower and less mobile than the Atlantik Clique's fleet, but the overwhelming power of their presence once they did arrive ensured that if the situation devolved into violence the CNE would be hard pressed to match the strength of the Averin-class until they received heavier reinforcements. The battlecruisers lacked air support beyond a couple of Mi-28 gunships, however. At the same time, a fleet of Nabuco-class destroyers launched from the nearest Brasilian port, intending to escort the Brasilian ships once they were acquired--through whatever means.
  24. President Wu De Ling of the Xinyan Republic would set off for Pushkin Airport, requesting permission to land as the jet neared the airport. OOC: No time for a fun, lengthy post :v
  25. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1297232225' post='2626715'] "République du fleuve applauds of this. We feel it is an honor to construct this and we will be sure to make the headquarters one of the [b]finest land buildings[/b]." [/quote] Apparently the Islamic Circle is not worthy of a sea or air building.
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