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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. The Xinyan Republic would like to establish an embassy in the Timuridian Empire.
  2. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299727240' post='2658217'] Extremely massive. Its so massive that its not even metagame. These nations were disrespectful to me in an IC thread and I put a diplomatic sanction on them. Its quite simple but it seems people do not let grudges die. [/quote] You admitted yourself there was OOC feelings involved. I don't know why. I've always been lovely to you on IRC :3
  3. Xinyan is severely disappointed that we were not invited. I mean, psssh, you really think we wouldn't act civilly and respectfully?
  4. [b]Classified[/b] "Not a declaration of war? Disappointing." [b]Public[/b] You still spell our name incorrectly. Perhaps Zaboor should figure out what each nation in the world is called before they start levying random and entirely ineffective sanctions.
  5. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299725279' post='2658191'] "What does this even mean? We get married and were copied and now we invented it. Oh well more glory for us." [/quote] Good gods, this is the person running an entire nation? May whatever nonexistent guy in the sky you believe in save your people, because with you in the lead the future isn't looking too good. OOC: Sorry about that...I'm gonna stop spamming up your wedding thread >_>
  6. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299725039' post='2658186'] "You know your doing something right when everyone wants to be like you." [/quote] We were unaware that Samiya invented marriage.
  7. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299540562' post='2655880'] "Nations who swear over public channels are completely immature. Furthermore, Nova Scotia always heads with what is the bigger answer. They have no opinions. They just go with the flow." [/quote] I'm sowwy if we used a bad wowd. We'll use nice wittow wowds fwom now on. If anyone is immature, it is you. To call a sovereign, respected nation 'cowardly' for no reason is childish beyond all doubt.
  8. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299538311' post='2655845'] "Nova Scotia is a coward nation." [/quote] I simply must know. How the $%&@ did Nova Scotia's statement at all imply this.
  9. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299431220' post='2654486'] That's pure idiocracy. [/quote] One word. lol.
  10. The jet plane that carried Cheng Nangjia landed at the runway of the designated airport base, and slowly came to a halt, whereupon the General stepped out of the craft. He wore the ceremonial uniform and peaked officer cap that was customary of the Guofangbu's leading officer to wear on foreign affairs assignments, as well as at Xinyan's military parades and cultural celebrations, and he immediately ordered any aides or officers to remain on the craft, preferring to handle foreign affairs on his own, unless ordered otherwise--and he rarely was. The General strode up to the Heir-Apparent, bowing his head and holding out a hand to shake Sham Timur's. "General Cheng Nangjia of the Xinyan Republic. It is an honour."
  11. General Cheng Nangjia of the Guofangbu will be in attendance.
  12. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299355760' post='2653667'] "Nova Scotia has its own opinions and can voice them without the judgement of foreign powers. That is one of the luxuries of Sovereignty. [/quote] And we can respond to said opinions in kind. That too is one of the luxuries of sovereignty, if you wish to put it that way.
  13. The Xinyan Republic would like to apply for membership. Recently several Socialist policies have been enacted for the betterment of the progress of the nation, and in addition with socialism becoming a popular idealism in the Republic, we believe joining an organisation such as this would be a vital step in Xinyan's progress.
  14. [quote name='Razgriz 2K9' timestamp='1299279715' post='2652788'] The Kingdom of Baron will not recognize this Communist State on our western borders. [/quote] [quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1299281528' post='2652821'] Nova Scotia does not recgonize the Alaskan Socialist People's Republic as a successor to the Federal Republic of Alaska. [/quote] Why, simply because the people have chosen Socialism as a way of progressing their own nation? Ignorant anti-Communists disgust me.
  15. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299217496' post='2652094'] OOC: That was an action not a statement babe. IC: "Hmm? We never mentioned that they were hostile." [/quote] OOC: You stated it in the format of an announcement. Nothing indicated it was an action.
  16. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299210901' post='2651897'] [i]The United States and Scotland's hostility towards the religion of Islam at Broad is noted.[/i] [/quote] There was no hostility in what the United States of the Island said...maybe you're reading a bit too deep into this.
  17. The eight bombers flew over Bouake, smirks spreading across their faces at what was coming, when a sight not far away from Bouake, masses of what looked like people fleeing in huge groups. "Unit A-1, A-2, break off from the main squad," the squad commander said. Then a grin appeared on his face too. "Make sure those poor civilians running for their lives reach their destination just a bit earlier. I want to see a fire blazing across that hillside within the next few moments." As the two bombers selected veered away from the group, headed towards the easily visible masses of refugees, the six bombers left in formation began to make their brutal bombing run. Below, Bouake's civilians were going about their daily business--children were going to school, some sitting outside enjoying the sunlight, sipping coffee outside of Bouake's outdoor cafes. The incendiary cluster bombs then dropped. Flames consumed the streets and all around them, eating vehicles, buildings, and people--all that was in their way. The bombers ruthlessly continued their bombing run until all of Bouake was burning, lit with spreading fire--soon to become a burnt out, rotting corpse. Meanwhile, A-1 and A-2 unit bombers flew over the crowds of fleeing refugees, passing over a few times to allow the terror of what was about to happen sink in on the fleeing refugees. A moment later, the hillside was ablaze.
  18. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299193830' post='2651599'] Meanwhile in the chaos of the moment, the incendiary ordinance weapons nearby where the Xinyan mercs were landing had unfortunately been left somewhat unattended. [/quote] However, with this new development, let's just say the Xinyan troops got a...fair bit carried away. "Load the incendiary bombs onto our attack aircraft," Guang Heibing ordered, a twisted smirk appearing on his face at this latest discovery. Well, hey, the UFE was paying them to kill people, might as well make good use of their resources to do it. The ordinance was loaded on to eight Tupolev Tu-160 bombers, which then took off towards Bouake.
  19. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299178747' post='2651324'] Preparations were made to begin the airlifting in of Mascurian Siberian, Tahoe, and Xinyan units. Private military contractors and their equipment would be given their own landing strips and staging areas for when the units began to enter into urban areas in the future. [/quote] The thirty thousand Xinyan troops arrived soon after at the designated area, and began unloading their personnel and equipment, awaiting further directions from UFE forces.
  20. Very interesting choice of clothing for your leader's public announcement.
  21. [quote] Classified Reply to UFE Understood. [/quote] Thirty thousand troops were dispatched under the command of Major General Guang Heibing--a particularly nasty officer, even at Xinyan standards. They were to arrive and be deployed in the former Ottoman Republic by tomorrow--where they would begin their 'work'.
  22. [quote] Reply to UFE Military Command Three divisions with equipment and hardware are available. Give the word and they will be prepared to move out. [/quote]
  23. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299120881' post='2650495'] "Our 'radicals' are millions of citizens fighting for independence." [/quote] "I am quite sure that when liberating forces steamroll over the Islamist radicals 'fighting for independence', your millions of citizens will welcome them with open arms for delivering them from an incompetent, theocratic regime. OOC: Yeah, you have millions of soldiers IG?
  24. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299120542' post='2650479'] "The only victory here is Death's victory. We will destroy you." [/quote] The Xinyan Republic declared Yaza-Hajin a terrorist group long ago, as did much of the world. And though you attempted to deny it, today you have proven it. Here's hoping the Republic is first on your list of 'death's victories'. Our troops need a bit of a workout and your radicals would provide a nice bit of exercise.
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