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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. Seriously HHAYD, sometimes I think you intentionally COMPLETELY miss the obvious humour.
  2. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1298512948' post='2643364'] I [i]promise[/i] I won't do anything naughty. [i]Trust[/i] me. [/quote] Awwwwww. Why not
  3. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1298511930' post='2643346'] Zoot accused me of needing to loltech to get across a canal. I explained that lolteching is not needed. [/quote] And the humour flew RIGHT over your head. Why do I even try.
  4. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298508244' post='2643267'] "Right we were just stating we are also named after A river. Anyways please find out which definition your trying to insult this new nation with and stick to it to destroy your relations with them. Cheerio." [/quote] Insult this new nation? Kindly clarify.
  5. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298506994' post='2643245'] "Republique Du Fleuve is French for 'Republic of the River'. We cannot locate any data of a Siberian River named Chunia." [/quote] Apparently the Republique did not bother to read the announcement, because it was stated that the Kingdom of Chunia, in central Africa, named itself after a Siberian river. Therefore the comment was not directed at you. However, indeed we know nothing of a river called Chunia. There is however a genus of flower of the Hamamelidaceae family called Chunia. Perhaps the Kingdom of Chunia is named after the flower?
  6. The Xinyan Republic is utterly baffled as to why a Central African nation would name itself after a river in Siberia.
  7. [quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1298500737' post='2643159'] Slavorussia is in Europe [/quote] Silly Justinian. Everyone knows Slavorussia is in Slavorussia.
  8. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1298497818' post='2643136'] As always dotCom proves he deserves his title of Sir dotCom of The Machine, Does Not Enjoy Counters to Accusations [/quote] wut
  9. As always HHAYD proves he deserves his title of Sir HHayd of Heska, Slaughterer of Humour.
  10. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1298426188' post='2642277'] Any citizen of the CCPN that can make it to the United States will be offered Political Asylum from it's government." [/quote] Because I'm sure they'd rather live in your backwards, third world nation than in a modern, advanced country. Attempting to portray Novak as some kind of backwards totalitarian dictatorship in which the people are oppressed and would want to 'make it' to your country will do your argument no good and shows you have run out of actual points to make. Oh dear, now that we've made our point your country is going to blacklist Xinyan and invite our citizens to your country for 'political asylum'.
  11. It would be best that this organisation make sure to omit the Xinyan Republic in its itinerary for its supposed 'worldwide Socialist revolution'. We will tolerate no attempts to interfere in our sovereign internal matters.
  12. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298331323' post='2641065'] Ya know what would be great? A mile long field of punji sticks OUTSIDE the wall. And a half a mile wide field of them inside. Lets see your troops get past that! [/quote] They made missiles and nukes and airplanes and paratroopers and helicoptors for a reason.
  13. [quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1298318142' post='2640854'] If you're expecting people to use medieval tactics, I stand by my field of punji sticks. Not very close to it, though - I might trip and fall. [/quote] A field of punji sticks. Scary !@#$.
  14. [quote name='Emperor Mudd' timestamp='1298264082' post='2640239'] I also hope you realize that there is a thing called aeroplanes that makes walls highly useless. [b]Build a wall high enough to keep out airplanes and I'll be impressed.[/b] Until then, people would just make the inside of the walled off area turn into dust and ignore the wall. [/quote] I will make this a priority. It will take four RL years to complete, will have missile and radar stations hidden in every outpost, it will be NIGH UNSTOPPABLE. (until some !@#$% comes in with the nukes).
  15. [quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298258907' post='2640139'] If you read the Constitution of the Supreme Caliphate, you would see it operates much like any other nation, only towards us, there is a discrimination since we are "The Terrorists who never actually Terrorized anyone but we look like the guys from a movie I saw last week so they must be Terrorists.." [/quote] We state again that if Yaza Hajin did not want to appear as terrorists, perhaps they should not appear in their film messages wielding guns while simultaneously making claims of 'spreading Islam to the four corners of the Earth' (by the way, the Earth is a sphere).
  16. [quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298256577' post='2640089'] [i] you too are an infidel population. we fear no infidel man, State, or army. [/i] [/quote] [quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298257738' post='2640111'] [i] Generalizing our statements won't make you seem right. Also, we believe that God's will for us is not necessarily to be successful; but to be faithful.[/i] [/quote] We were not generalising, you stated it outright. And it is not necessary to the progress of the nation to be 'faithful'--to cling to old ideals and religions can only hold us back.
  17. Calling everyone who opposes you an infidel won't do you much good.
  18. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298243063' post='2639867'] I would invade Rebel Army, but Lavo is locked until the 23rd. :/ [/quote] Go for Lynneth, he has lots of tech.
  19. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298235678' post='2639754'] Because the best thing to do is get rolled, right? [/quote] But of course. Nothin' ain't more fun than being steamrolled by someone ridiculously more powerful than you.
  20. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298178238' post='2639120'] The onyl slightly interesting topic I see is the communist revolution. It seems the main goal of CNRP is making treaties and posting once every 24 days. [/quote] Then make something happen. Invade your neighbour. Go with the flow and have a Communist revolution. Go against the flow and have a Capitalist revolution. Launch nukes at the world's premier power. All this stuff you could be doing and you're sitting here complaining.
  21. The Xinyan Republic is kinda tough. It used to be a sort of military dictatorship in the previous government, and though the current government is working to lessen the military's power, it still holds a great amount of influence and power. Maybe 'Authoritarian' government would be the best thing to call it, since even the current government's policies are rather authoritarian.
  22. The Xinyan Republic mirrors the statements of the Caspian Clique. In the modern world, the only type of government that can be most efficient is a secular, irreligious one. Religion has no purpose in a progressive, effective nation.
  23. General Cheng Nangjia went along with the guidance of the Japanese government officer Wakamoto, following him and his delegation. He had been sent, as a high ranking representative of a fellow East Asian nation, to make this first, small but significant move towards facilitating a cordial relationship between Xinyan and Japan.
  24. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1297988109' post='2637056'] "Xinyan does nothing but comment on the incorrect situations at the incorrect time. If they wish to be taken seriously, they should reconsider when to speak. We are unsure of these "childish announcments." The Ottoman Republic has made not one announcement since the royal family came to power." [/quote] First of all, you were the one who decided to use the USI's news channels to !@#$%* at us, for whatever reason. Nothing here involved you. Second of all, then who, kindly, just made that announcement? It came from someone, didn't it? OOC: @ PresidentDavid: I'm not Communist :v
  25. No representatives of the hardline secularist Xinyan Republic would be in attendance.
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