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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. It has come to the attention of the Xinyan leadership that the equipment currently being used by our military may lack the efficiency against potential threats that we require. Therefore, this is a request and an offer to those nations of the world who possess the greatest military technology and prowess. The Republic is interested in purchasing large amounts of advanced equipment (firearms, vehicles, military hardware, etc), as well as training in the usage and maintenance of this equipment.
  2. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1294383080' post='2567008'] You don't need to be in CNRP to talk to RPers. [/quote] No, but it makes it damn easier.
  3. [b]Elections Come to an End[/b] Today, Wu De Ling, daughter of former president Wu Zen Jiang, was sworn in as President of the Xinyan Republic and all titles which accompany it. President De Ling's party, the Patriots of Xinyan, annihilated the competition during the elections that took place throughout the last months. In a highly elabourate and grand ceremony, De Ling was declared president of the Xinyan Republic by the Cabinet as successor to Wu Zen Jiang. [URL=http://img132.imageshack.us/i/desut.png/][IMG]http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/9629/desut.png[/IMG][/URL] [i]President Wu De Ling, in ceremonial uniform, is declared President of the Xinyan Republic[/i] "Today will mark a new Xinyan, a new Republic, and ultimately a new Asia," President De Ling declared in her inauguration speech. "The Republic will rise beyond anything it has ever been, and in the future it will lead Asia into a Golden Age of peace, prosperity, and power. The Republic will be a model to all nations of the world, an example of the achievements, the marvels Xinyan is capable of." Former president Jiang watched the events solemnly, but declined to speak, citing that given her relation to President De Ling it would be unwise. General Cheng Nangjia, who suddenly shifted the military's support to De Ling in the elections, was unable to speak, as he was directing the troops that marched down Junction One of Xinyan City in a lavish parade. As De Ling left the podium to lead the Republic into a new age, a city-wide celebration of the beginning of a new Xinyan Republic began. OOC: For those unable to come to terms with it, that is not the whole speech. It is an excerpt from it :v
  4. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1294376436' post='2566828'] You haven't been banned for a while now. :3 [/quote] I get banned every month O_o And I seriously need to talk to a few RPers about something.
  5. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1294376099' post='2566825'] It has not been anywhere near a few weeks, it's been four days. [/quote] O_o Time passes quickly. The point remains I need to talk something over with some RPers. It's not like I was banned for any reason this time. Except for talking back to Saarkin, who was kicking me immediately every time I joined.
  6. Speaking of #CNRP, mind unbanning me? It's been a few weeks, and I have to discuss somethings with a few RPers.
  7. The Xinyan Republic is interested in joining this treaty, if possible.
  8. CP, if you have under 500 tech, you can only use technology and equipment that was created before 1991, the fall of the USSR.
  9. Honestly, the game is boring as !@#$ and the gameplay has nothing going for it. Personally, the only reason I stay is 1) for the Boiler Room and 2) for CNRP. I guess also the alliance dynamics, and rising through an alliance's ranks, would motivate people to stay.
  10. [quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1294277372' post='2565108'] OOC: Or maybe it's not supposed to be part of CNRP? That's a possibility, don't you think? [/quote] OOC: I was only asking because if Artemis did not have land, I wouldn't mind giving them some, since they seem to be a very good writer. Anyway, sorry about the OOC...last post.
  11. These attacks are terrible and cowardly, and though our neighbours have been hit as well we extend to the HAE as well an offer to aid in rebuilding your nation to its former glory. We stand ready to send relief and repair corps who will do all they can to save those trapped within the attacked cities, as well as aid in distributing supplies to survivors and repairing what was lost. You need only to tell us where to send them and they will immediately move out.
  12. The polls have closed, and the results are in. The Patriots of Xinyan took first place and won the election with an overpowering 40 percent of the vote. The Asia First Party, surprisingly, managed second place with 30 percent. The biggest shock was the Xinyan Party garnering only 20 percent of the vote, far less than had been expected. Trailing in last with ten percent of the vote was the Democratic Union. The nation is now prepared for its shift in leadership. Wu De Ling will take power as president by the end of the month. Former president Wu Zen Jiang was unavailable for comment on her party's unexpected defeat.
  13. OOC: Excellently written post, but where is your nation located? Did you get land from someone, or is this non-canon?
  14. Official Response from Xinyan Republic, from the Patriots of Xinyan We severely condemn this disgusting act of terrorism on our neighbour and on other nations of the world. We will do anything to aid in the capture and punishment of these cowards, and we are willing and prepared to aid our neigbour Korea, should it require it, in returning to its former capacity.
  15. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1294188867' post='2563661'] Tip: MS Paint / MS Powerpoint Protip: GIMP [/quote] GIMP's never worked for me, and I definitely ain't an MS Paint god >_>
  16. This is directed at Imperator Azenquor or anyone else who knows the answer to this question. Where did you get those little emblem/insignias for your parties? Or where did you make them?
  17. With only a few weeks left until the polls are closed, the results thus far are as follows. The Patriots of Xinyan, are in the lead with 37.50% of the vote. Narrowly in second place is the Xinyan Party, with 26& of the vote. Directly behind them is the Asia First Party, with 24 percent of the vote. Trailing in the back is the Democratic Union, with 12.50 percent. At this point, the race is expected to be largely between the Patriots of Xinyan and the Xinyan Party, as both are believed to have far more support than the latter two.
  18. [quote]The military is currently in support of Wu De Ling, whom we consider the best option for Xinyan at this point. I can say nothing more of it now. -Cheng Nangjia[/quote] Xinyan Party: The Xinyan Party intends to continue its policy of neutrality in East Asia. Considering the often conflicting forces in our area, we think it would be unwise to attach ourselves to a single nation. Patriots of Xinyan: Though we are unlikely to consider a full diplomatic relationship at this point, the Patriots of Xinyan would certainly be interested in trade and research agreements in the future. Asia First Party: The AFP would be interested in increasing the relations between our two nations, as well as with all nations in Asia. Democratic Union: We cannot be sure yet who we wish to ally ourselves with, or when. The GKF's worrying tendency towards hostility with Zargathia is discouraging, given that Zargathia was the very nation that granted us our independence.
  19. For the first time in the six months in which Xinyan has remained an independent state, full elections are being held. Wu Zen Jiang, who was the President of the Provisional government that was the head of the independence movement, immediately became president when the Republic gained independence, and for its first six months, held the position in all its capacities. Now that the Xinyan Republic has fully established itself in the world and as an independent state, President Jiang has permitted elections to occur, and will in fact be running in the elections as the representative of the Xinyan party itself. In a shocking and unexpected turnout, President Jiang's own daughter, Wu De Ling, came forth as the representative of the Patriots of Xinyan, a newly formed party. Two other major parties claimed to be participating in the elections; The Asia First Party, headed by former military officer Yung Xunshi, and the Democratic Union, led by a well known political analyst, Liu Wang, notorious for his consistent attempts to discredit the Xinyan Party as a dictatorship. The parties are ranked here in the order that political analysts agree they are most likely to be supported. [b]The Xinyan Party[/b] (XP) led by [url="http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/5007/renh.jpg"]Wu Zen Jiang[/url] The Xinyan Party, led by incumbent president Wu Zen Jiang, has led the country in its first six successful months as an independent nation. Despite accusations as 'authoritarian' and 'determined to hold onto power', the Xinyan Party remains the most popular political group in Xinyan even after losing the popular support of the military. Their policies advocate a policy of focusing on Xinyan's social and economic problems; the XP plans to maintain the military as it is, without cutting or adding funds. They intend to make school mandatory from class 1 to 8, but have stated education is not considered a particularly large concern in the Republic. The XP has stated that it supports privatising healthcare, and that it intends to maintain the media and economic corporations as arms of the state. [b]The Patriots of Xinyan[/b] (TPoX) led by [url="http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/7310/tangyp.jpg"]Wu De Ling[/url] The Patriots of Xinyan is led by Wu De Ling, daughter of the current president. Though young at the age of 30, Wu De Ling is said to have shown remarkable capacity for diplomatic skill, and the military, in a highly unexpected move, chose to support her party rather than the incumbent XP. The policies of the TPoX advocate putting funds into the Xinyan Republic's military and research institutes; the TPoX have been described as highly technocratic in nature. School intends to be mandatory throughout all grades, and the TPoX has stated it is their intention to have "every child in school by 2012" and to place considerable funds into the education institute. The TPoX states that it is in support of universal healthcare, and that the media and the corporations of the Xinyan republic shall remain as state enterprises. [b]The Asia First Party[/b] (AFP) led by [url="http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/6383/chua.jpg"]Yung Xunshi[/url] The Asia First Party is led by Yung Xunshi, a former military officer who was temporarily placed in charge of the Guomin Jun under direct orders of General Cheng Nangjia. As their name suggests, the Asia First Party intends to increase the Republic's role in Asia, and the AFP strives to maintain good relations with their neighbours such as the UFE, Korea, Cochin, and Zargathia. The AFP states that it intends to cut military and socioeconomic spending to make way for foreign expenditures and forays into foreign markets. The AFP states that education will remain as it is, and does not consider it to be a pressing issue at this point. The AFP remains in agreement with the Xinyan Party concerning healthcare and intends to keep it privatised, but hopes to create private media and economic corporations as well. [b]The Democratic Union[/b] (DU) led by [url="http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/3649/foolt.jpg"]Liu Wang[/url] The Democratic Union is led by Liu Wang, former political analyst who was described by some as "a voice of truth" and by others as "a thorn in the side of Xinyan progress and achievement". The Democratic Union believes that the Xinyan Party and its counterparts are authoritarian in nature and unfit to take charge. The DU's policy on spending is that the military should have its spending cut to increase money flowing into the economy. In addition, the DU has said that it believes education is the right of the people to decide and that attendance of school will not be mandatory. The DU believes that healthcare should be public and that corporations and the media should be privately owned and freely owned by any individuals in the public. More on the parties and their representatives will be given as the elections are under way (OOC: Read: It's late and I'm out of time >_> Also, depending on poll results, this may not necessarily be the result of the elections ). Each candidate is open for questions or comments from foreign representatives.
  20. [quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1294035668' post='2561664'] What is with people and maids? I have never understood why the french maid outfit is considered sexy. O_o [/quote] People are $%&@ed up. There are way more twisted and screwed up 'interests' out there.
  21. [b]Military Parade and Patriotic Show in Xinyan City[/b] This week is the fifth anniversary of the formation of the Provisional Party for Independence for New Barag, the group of officers and workers who toiled to win the Republic independence from its parent state, the Zargathian monarchy. In celebration of this event, the Xinyan government organised unquestionably the largest and most well-funded parade in the Republic's history, dwarfing even the first Independence Day parades. As the Xinyan Republic's military equipment, T-84 tanks, S-300 SAM systems, Smersh trucks, MORAG APCs, rolled down the streets, with soldiers saluting the people from atop them, the onlookers, as well as many troops on foot, began to sing the national anthem of the Xinyan Republic. [i]"Long live the Xinyan Republic, country of honour and strength! Our beloved nation, united in brotherhood Glorious homeland, to you we are forever loyal, forever proud Long live the Xinyan Republic!"[/i] "It is a beautiful sight to see, so many people showing their pride and love for their country," President Wu Zen Jiang said in a speech on the first day of the week-long parades. "It motivates me even more than ever to strive to do my best to serve you, my people, to the fullest extent I can, so you will know your loyalty and pride is for the best of reasons." Towards the end of the speech, the president said, "This is a country built on the work and love of you, the people, whom we as the state serve. May your loyalty be everlasting, your pride never doubted. Long live the Xinyan Republic!" [b]Elections Confirmed to be Upcoming[/b] In an announcement that has been long awaited by some--and long dreaded by many others--President Wu Zen Jiang confirmed that within the month, elections will be held to determine the first 'elected premier' of the Xinyan Republic. President Jiang, who as the provisional president during the independence movement immediately became president of the Republic upon independence, has been described as "the best leader Xinyan could possibly have" and polls showed that even amongst those who advocated elections, President Jiang is considered not only the best, but the [i]only [/i]true candidate for presidency. "President Wu Zen Jiang is the face of the Republic, and that simply cannot be changed," General Cheng Nangjia, Director of the Guofangbu, told reporters. "There truly is no Xinyan Republic without her in the lead." Other members of the Cabinet made similar statements, saying that "the Republic is in a stage where we cannot allow anything to slow our progress" and "the nation has done excellently under President Jiang". However, those who had been calling for elections for the past few months find this reason to rejoice, claiming that it is a necessary step to maintaining the Republic as a nation of the people. Wang Liu, a noted political analyst who has been called a "thorn in the side of Xinyan progress", stated today that this was "an important step in ensuring the Xinyan Republic is a state for the people." Exactly who will be running in this new election is unknown, though rumours claim that the daughter of President Jiang herself, Wu De Ling, may be involved.
  22. This does sound like a pretty awesome alliance
  23. "We were sorely disappointed by the performance of our team this game," Jie Jiang said in an interview after the Rangers' loss to J Andres. "It was a failure and an embarrassment that should not have taken place, especially not after our victory against Transvaal. I know my team will play harder next game."
  24. [quote name='Maleatu' timestamp='1294017882' post='2561305'] OOC: Okay, thanks for the heads up. I will go ahead and modify that tonight. Can I assume that the cut off year is 1990/91 for the Tech I can have? [/quote] OOC: 1991, being the year the USSR fell, is the cut off year, so whatever you use has to have entered production by then.
  25. Nangjia's sneer intensified as his lip curled. Xinyan may be leaning towards Korea to gain its capabilities, but in the long run President Jiang did not want the Republic ultimately being allied with any of the conflicting forces in East Asia--and since Nangjia, much as he did not wish to think of it thus, was entirely under Wu Zen Jiang's control, he could not allow any binding or otherwise commitments to Koryo [i]or[/i] Zargathia. Nevermind that this deal was currently occurring away from the eyes of the all-powerful president--he would soon bring it to her attention, and it was highly unlikely she would disapprove. After all, she had approved the project to develop a nuclear weapon in the first place. "We are not a 'rogue Chinese state'," Nangjia spoke authoritatively. "That is but the imperialistic propaganda put out by the greedy UFE and its syncophantic lapdog allies. Xinyan, while ethnically and culturally Chinese, is in no way affiliated or attached to the UFE, nor is it 'rogue' from the UFE. "As for Xu, if it is discovered that the Commander is attempting to pass on nuclear information or military data concerning the Republic, or in any way acting contrary to the Republic's interests, he must and will be extradited to Xinyan to be dealt with as we desire. The Republic takes treachery very seriously--had you not acquired the Commander before I had, he would be long and painfully dead." Nangjia cast a sadistic grin to Xu that clearly unnerved the Commander even further. "Your third point, I am in agreement with. Xinyan has the material to produce the weaponry and its accessories, if not the capacities. "As to the fourth point, I cannot on my own judge that. President Wu Zen Jiang has made it clear she intends for Xinyan to remain neutral as far as this little...conflict between Zargathia and Korea goes. I am not able to determine that without first consulting the President herself. "You needn't worry about 'my aggression'. I may be the most powerful man in the military, Kei Shojitsu, but I highly doubt the President would allow me to so much as look at any nuclear weapons without her express permission; otherwise I'm sure she'd have me promptly arrested. Besides what I have said, all else will be fine."
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