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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/688/datf.jpg/][IMG]http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/7669/datf.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Several provinces of the CAN protectorate in Canada have united under a common banner seeking independence from the CAN to form their own independent nation. The de facto leader of this independence movement, Rob Halford, representative of the wishes of the people in these territories, along with fellow officers of the independence faction Ian Kilmister and Antony Iommi, wishes to meet with representatives of the CAN to discuss the separation of these provinces from the CAN as one single, independent nation.
  2. ^ Confirmed. Sorry guys. Reality is being a !@#$%*, s'why I didn't log in for a good month or so back there. I'm back and ready to get back into CNRP but by no means am I ready to commit to a full RP like this and I'm sure you all don't want to be always waiting on me when real life comes calling :v
  3. OOC: Will we be seeing Vince's reincarnation any time soon? :v
  4. Lieutenant General Avina was not an 'armchair' general. She had taken inspiration from the very beginning of her career as an officer from the likes of Napoleon and Walther Model, both of whom commanded their troops from the frontlines--sometimes even leading the charge personally. As such when the French troops met the German forces and merged under her command after the battle of Linz, the first thing she did was lead an inspection of the troops and the equipment, ensuring all was up to par before the most important battle in the Eastern theatre of the war. Avina divided the 300,000 troops into five main army groups, each with 60,000 troops; each army group was further broken down into three divisions of 20,000. [quote]Each division of 20,000 was backed up by, I. KV-1 Heavy Tank Brigade, each led by one KV-2 unit II. T-34 Medium Tank Brigade III. 76mm Anti-Air Gun mounted on SdKfz 251 half-track armoured car IV. Katyusha Multiple-Rocket Launcher System V. Hummel self-propelled gun VI. 152mm/122mm artillery gun VII. Cannone da 90/53 anti-tank gun mounted on SdKfz 251 half-track armoured car VIII. SdKfz 164 Tank Destroyer[/quote] Whatever the Austrians had, it was no match for the KV-1 and T-34, Avina thought, satisfied. The troops were prepared for urban combat within the streets and buildings of Vienna, and had absolutely no intention of failure--it was not even a possibility in their minds. The invaders had fought their way through the defences outside Vienna, and now they stood at the outskirts of the city itself, preparing to begin the assault. Meanwhile, above, the Luftwaffe air forces' bombers, escorted by interceptor fighters, routinely launched from German air bases towards Vienna; their target was to cripple any supply routes into and out of Vienna, and prevent the Austrians from bringing in any more troops or supplies. The next day, as the sun barely began to rise above the horizon outside Vienna, the Katyusha launchers lined up outside the city began to unleash their payload, firing salvos of 48 310mm M-31 rockets from each truck. The rockets were targeted at known key supply depots, factories, production centres, and military positions. As soon as they fired their payload, the trucks were on the move again to avoid counter-battery fire. As this happened, the main bulk of the invading forces began to push into Vienna in waves, using a two-pronged pincer, with two main forces driving in from the northeast and northwest. First the KV-1 brigades entered the fray, each helmed by a single KV-2 unit, accompanied by a T-34 brigade, with lighter AFVs and infantry units following in their wake. The KV's, with their front and side armour almost immune to shells ranging up to 7.5 cm in diametre (and certainly could take the Matilda tank's 2-pounder gun), were expected to be a key element in the first wave, clearing the path of enemy armour and equipment before the infantry that followed would focus on clearing out the Austrian troops left behind. All the while, the 152mm and 122mm artillery, aided by the Hummel self-propelled artillery systems, battered the enemy positions, making the push of the KV/T-34 forces into the Vienna perimetre even easier.
  5. Lestari


    [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1309139959' post='2742359'] Oh for heaven's sake. You guys honestly think I cared about the .01 increase? If you did, it's understandable. [/quote] Stop. Just....stop.
  6. Lestari


    [quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1309117591' post='2742102'] Fizzydog, please explain your vote of opposition. [/quote] Oh god, please don't.
  7. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1309038540' post='2741342'] techtechtechtechtechtechtech That's all this place is about, tech. [/quote] For chrissakes shut up with the whining about the tech, Fizzy. Can't you learn to play a different tune for once? If no one gave a damn about all your !@#$%*ing about tech the first fifty times you did it, they won't give a damn if you keep doing it.
  8. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1308983318' post='2741016'] this cant be said enough, having a more friendly environment for the nubs will give us a better field of RPers. [/quote] I'm sorry but Rotavele was no better an RPer before we were all being asses to him than he was while we were :v
  9. "So the Germans have moved on Austria...and Ireland as well..." General Julien Jhudiel's fingers scraped the thin bristles that dotted his chin, as if lost in thought. Across from him sat the only Tribunes whose power over the Tribunal could truly be said to be near the level of the Speaker himself--Senior Tribune Colonel Josef van Buuren and Lieutenant General Zurie Avina. They were deep within the many halls and twisting corridors of the newly constructed State Building--the public squalor and majesty of the Palais Bourbon, which had been used in the months following independence as the seat of the Eastern French government, had been abandoned in favour of a more practical centre, far removed from the prying, ever-vigilant eyes of the national and international public. Here the Tribunal could convene in secrecy and confidentiality, to discuss national and international matters of importance without the public being aware of their actions and discussions. The Tribunal had already spent the past day considering the issue of Germany's invasion of Austria. The nine officers that composed the Tribunal were somewhat split over the decision. The militant faction, lead by Lieutenant General Avina, which controlled the majority of the Tribunal, had voiced support of the new regime in Germany and now spoke in favour of aiding Germany here. A couple of Tribunes, mostly representing the isolationist faction, spoke against military support of Germany, citing Eastern France's prosperity over the years since independence and claiming the move would destroy all that had been done in that time. These concerns were easily swept aside, however, as Jhudiel then spoke in favour of Avina's side, and all dissent was simply silenced. The Tribunal was dismissed, as Jhudiel stated he would make a decision in the company of his most trusted subordinates. However, the decision was already made. Germany was Eastern France's sole true ally, and the Optional Aggression clause of the treaty the two nations had was further reason to aid Germany in this war. The draft had been in service almost since Eastern France had first gained its independence, requiring all youths of healthy physique and mind between the ages of 18-22 to serve three years with the Eastern French army reserves, and production of military hardware and equipment had not ceased since then. Meanwhile, the Eastern French navy was still in the process of construction, with much of the planned naval power still in the designing stage. "The Germans have two main army groups moving in on Austria," Jhudiel recounted. "One striking at the west, at Tyrol, and one at the east, most likely aiming for Linz." "It is probable that from Linz the Germans intend to move down the Donau River and then march on Vienna itself," Avina added, her expression impassive, but a deep anticipation visible in the dull iron irises of her eyes. "If we are to invade Austria as well, it would be best to direct our advance towards the east as well. We can send Field Army One and Two to join the German armies at Linz and then march on Vienna as well. Given the abruptness of the attack, it is doubtful the military presence in Vienna has been well complemented in the interval since the first German attack..." "And what of the Irish to the north?" van Buuren interrupted. "If they do indeed launch a hostile conflict against Germany, it would not be far-fetched to suppose they will also declare war on Eastern France for its role in Germany's invasion of Austria." "We need only strengthen the garrisons at Picardy and Upper Normandy to ensure they will be unable to make a foray into actual French territory. We'll also deploy the navy out to the northern waters to ensure theirs does not approach Eastern France's waters." "We will discuss the possibility of Irish hostility at a later time," Jhudiel responded. "Lieutenant General Avina, you are in command of Field Armies One and Two, as well as their counterparts in the Air Force and armoured divisions. You are to rendezvous with the German forces at Linz and move on Vienna. Colonel van Buuren, you are to maintain the military presence in the north. Cooperate with Admiral Alles and have him move his fleet to the northern waters. You are dismissed--I trust in your wisdom and skill to ensure all goes well on the Austrian front." He directed the final words to Avina, who wordlessly saluted the General and then turned, leaving to begin organising her forces. By the time the Germans had advanced on Linz, the Eastern French forces were prepared to mobilise, having gained access through German land and airspace and confirmation to rendezvous with the Germans at Linz. Avina's invading force consisted of 150,000 troops in total, comprising the two field armies, divided into ten divisions of 15,000 troops each. In addition, Avina placed a heavy emphasis on heavy armour in the invasion force, as three armoured divisions of tanks were dispatched with each field army. A division of 152mm and 122mm artillery pieces and mobile anti-aircraft systems was also merged into each field army. With the preparations and organisations complete, Avina's force began to move to join the German force at Linz. ((Sucks. I honestly had to rush it, especially towards the end there...))
  10. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1308934657' post='2740487'] OOC: This was classified, Its RP to form my new nation. [/quote] OOC: Gods help us all. Where, pray tell, does this take place, 'cos I'm pretty sure you need permission n all that !@#$.
  11. [quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1308900408' post='2740263'] I'm finding it hard to respond to your post without falling out of my chair laughing. you should seek mental help soon if you are that attached to your CNRP pixels.. [/quote] I think what he's saying is more along the lines of... Well, you're writing something, and then someone comes along and decides to kill the characters, destroy the story, etc, without asking your permission. And you can't undo it. Something like that.
  12. PD didn't ragequit, Fizzy did. EDIT: Nevermind, misunderstood TBM's post
  13. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1308870820' post='2739686'] You've come on twice, once when we did briefly and the second time where I was away and Triyun was (seemingly) away as well [/quote] The point is still accurate :v And as it happens I just got on a third time and there still ain't no discussion...so there's that :v
  14. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1308869222' post='2739666'] I don't speak for everyone but I'm sure once we get together and talk about it people will be allowed to join after we get everything settled, even if it's in a minor way of just a regiment or squadron or something. Until then, we're still getting our own roles set [/quote] Everytime I get on IRC no one is discussing it :v
  15. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1308863311' post='2739608'] I wish I had rage quit. [/quote] At least you'd do it in style.
  16. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1308862093' post='2739593'] I don't think any country in the history of our planet no nation has ever launched several nuclear missiles and sat back, waiting to be destroyed for no reason. [/quote] This.
  17. A terse message was released from The Machine. "Marriage, like monarchy, is an outdated and obsolete institution with pointless and time-wasting ceremonies." After which it went back to complete isolation and silence.
  18. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1308808406' post='2739111'] dotCom, you need to get on IRC, [b]ASAP[/b] [/quote] I did. About twelve hours after you told me to :v
  19. OOC: Now you're just proving Pravus Ingruo's suspicions completely correct. Because of this, you've made it clear their hostility was perfectly spot on. Any other RPer, more mature and skilled than you, would have taken the time to prove to the world that their incarnation of the United States wasn't going to sink to the levels of previous incarnations, but I wouldn't have expected you to bother with something like that. If you're tired of rerolling, then stop !@#$@#$ doing it and start RPing with one damn nation. And if you take some !@#$ while RPing as that nation, tough. Grow a pair and RP your way through it rather than ragequitting and nuking everything because you're being a pissy little kid about it rather than an actual RPer. Stop whining about how you had 'plans' and how it's 'frustrating losing all your characters'. You made the first move here, not Pravus Ingruo, and it's [B]your[/B] fault you're losing all your characters, not Pravus Ingruo's. tl;dr: As Yawoo said. Grow up Fizzy.
  20. I can definitely see the Tribunal siding with the new German administration because of the militarist stance and the anti Christian stance. Also if PD joins in against Germany, because PD's country seems anti-socialist and very steeped in Christianity :v Also, WWII tech and strategies.
  21. You can look to me for someone willing to push story rather than potential pixels...considering that in any given war I'm most likely to lose all my pixels than gain any :v
  22. You should totally invade Eastern France. For the record, I also didn't read the OP. I just noticed something about an invasion.
  23. The Tribunal wishes to inform the new regime that any attempts to interfere in internal Eastern France matters as part of this 'Germanic sphere' will not be tolerated.
  24. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1308667081' post='2737244'] What if I offered you a baby panda. [/quote] Does it grow up to be that one badass panda boxer from Tekken.
  25. [quote name='Expletive Deleted' timestamp='1308550219' post='2735636'] OOC: Where's Stephen Colbert? [/quote] OOC: I hope to god neither Stephen Colbert nor Jon Stewart are ever being RPed by Fizzydog...he will ruin my image of them forever.
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