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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. The Executive Director would board a private jet to the Kingdom soon after receiving the invitation, arriving in Cochin City a few hours later and then, soon after, the palace, allowing herself to be guided to the meeting room in which she would meet Kerala Varma. Upon being brought before the king, et Violaine would bow respectfully. "It is an honour and a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness. Thank you for inviting me to your illustrious capital."
  2. [quote]To: HRH Kerala Varma, King of Cochin From: Isabelle et Violaine, Executive Director of the Northern Federation Your Highness, The Northern Federation is a fledgling nation, still trying to gather its bearing in the international scene and establish itself as a nation. One of the priorities I have set in this goal is reaching out to major players in the international economic setting in order to bolster the Federation's economy as well as the global commercial scene. As the Kingdom of Cochin has historically, as it is now, been one of the economic powerhouses of the international economic world, I would be honoured to meet with you or a representative of the Kingdom and discuss the possibility of an economic agreement that would reinforce the commercial standing of the Kingdom and assist the Federation in its first forays into the economic scene. Cordially, Isabelle et Violaine[/quote]
  3. Isabelle et Violaine arrived in Budapest just before the designated time of the beginning of the ball, taking a brief time to admire the sights of the culture-rich city as the motorcade made its way towards the palace. The streets were overflowing with people--it seemed all of the newly declared nation of Austria-Hungary had taken to the streets in celebration. [I]Truly, a magnificent show,[/I] et Violaine thought appreciatively as the entourage approached their destination. She was only more impressed as she exited the motorcade to enter the palace itself, striding forth below the arched roof formed by the sabres of the legendary Hussars and into the interior of the palace. She had never been one for the ornate grandeur of a palace, but et Violaine would admit that the seat of the Austrian Hungarian government was indeed a dazzling spectacle. The Executive Director of the Northern Federation, having always been rather partial against dresses and skirts, had come wearing the same style of uniform she had donned in every public appearance since her designation as the leader of the newly born North American nation; the briery bristles of her short black hair, however, went unadorned by the peaked cap that usually topped the official outfit off. Looking around at the elabourate, lavish gowns that adorned many of the other female guests in attendance, et Violaine did feel slightly out of place--this was certainly a very different setting than was to be found in the Northern Federation. Nevertheless she took in the proceedings, taking up a glass of wine as the Empress, the Imperator of the UFE at her side, spoke at the balcony overlooking the ball floor. She drank moderately of the wine glass in her hand at the toast, clapping lightly along with the rest of the foreign dignitaries as the Empress' words came to an end. She hung back for the moment, preferring not to dance for the moment, simply remaining seated. Executive Director et Violaine was utterly unfamiliar with anyone here, as the Northern Federation had yet to make significant international diplomatic ventures. [quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1314573561' post='2790220'] we'll hold balls there too. [/quote] [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1314575393' post='2790250'] trying to get the formal traditions of European balls [/quote] OOC: I lol'd and I do not care how obscenely immature that makes me.
  4. "The Northern Federation is glad to see the people of Mogatopia have freed themselves of the oppression of MoG[Corp]." -Executive Director Isabelle et Violaine
  5. [quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1314513077' post='2789806'] Voting Fascist.. [/quote] [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1314537554' post='2789914'] Boted Fascist [/quote] [quote name='Shan Revan' timestamp='1314538719' post='2789922'] voting Fascist Party, nominating Rep. Hermann Reisig. [/quote] [quote name='Aggressivenutmeg' timestamp='1314568995' post='2790176'] Voting Fascist [/quote] We wish to point out that there is no fascist party in the polls. There is, however, a Facist Party with similar viewpoints.
  6. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1314544437' post='2789959'] Pyotrgrad, you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. [/quote] We direct you to Mos Eisley port, in the Northern Federation. Which Denard is free to visit.
  7. Executive Director Isabelle et Violaine of the Northern Federation shall be in attendance.
  8. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1314494060' post='2789635'] I'm sad now because I've been looking for that thread and I still can't find it. [/quote] I searched for 'valerie stab eye' in the RP section :v
  9. "The Northern Federation sends our deepest commiserations to the people of Slavorussia and its Emperor in the advent of this tragedy." -Executive Director Isabelle et Violaine
  10. The Northern Federation welcomes this new nation. OOC: Oh look, it's Fizzydog. Hi Fizzydog.
  11. A message was sent to the headquarters of the Confederation of the Arctic Nations. [quote]To: The countries of the Confederation of Arctic Nations and their representatives. From: Isabelle et Violaine, Executive Director of the Northern Federation. Fellow Arctic Leaders and Representatives, As you are undoubtedly aware, the first elections to take place in the Northern Federation recently ended and the people have selected me to guide and represent their nation in its first years as an independent, sovereign country. As such I consider it of high priority for the Northern Federation to reach out to the world, especially to local nations with whom we share the Arctics, and with whom we maintain a sense of kinsmanship after many years of remaining under your guidance and leadership. I am therefore applying for my nation to be accepted once more into the Confederation of Arctic Nations, now as an active participant in local Arctic and global politics, and hopefully to help introduce an age of prosperity and success for both the Northern Federation and for the CAN. Cordially, Isabelle et Violaine, Executive Director of the Northern Federation[/quote]
  12. The polls have closed, and the final results have been announced. With 62.5 per cent of the overall vote, surging far ahead of all competition, the Socialist Coalition took the polls by storm. The Socialist candidate, Isabelle et Violaine, was this morning officially designated by the Federal Committee as the Chairman of the Federal Committee and Executive Director of the Northern Federation, while the Socialist Coalition has gained control of 31 seats in the Committee. On the other hand, the Nationalist Party came second with a comparatively paltry 32 per cent, gaining the party 16 seats in the Committee. Robert Halford, leader and candidate of the Nationalist Party, was unavailable for comment on the turnout of the elections, though et Violaine spoke extensively at her public designation outlining yet again the goals and objectives she set out to complete as the Executive Director of the Northern Federation.
  13. [quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1314296370' post='2788211'] Motoko Kusangi my leader from my first nation is still alive in Russia as I never had her die. Maybe I can bring her back and [size="3"][b]not screw up this time [/b][/size] [/quote] Motoko Kusangi eh. I wonder where that name came from. HMMMMMMMM.
  14. Months have passed since the deadline set by Director of the Provisional Government Robert Halford and his Provisional Committee for free elections, during which time Halford continued to maintain that the nation was not yet ready to face elections at its level of development in terms of infrastructure and institutions. During the interim, several parties and political organisations already began to spring up in the Northern Federation, garnering power and support as the final date on which elections would begin approached. Today, the voting booths were at last opened to the public, as Halford spoke for the last time as Director of the Provisional Government, stating his confidence in the people of the Federation to "do what is best for themselves and for their country". The parties and their candidates are listed below, along with major campaign points and stances on social, political, and economic matters. The largest and most powerful of the parties to have arisen in the Federation is the Socialist Coalition. The Coalition began first as a number of different leftist parties, each vying for popular support and each with similar goals and ideals in mind; they were eventually united under the leadership of Isabelle et Violaine (the youngest candidate, at age 39), who now helms the Socialist Coalition's campaign as their candidate. et Violaine and her supporters cite her low-class upbringing and experiences with poverty as one of her best qualities. "I think I know well the struggles of the lower classes that go so often ignored by the government and the higher classes," et Violaine said during an interview with the Federal Tribune. "And I know what needs to be done to ensure that future generations don't need to go through those struggles to find security, safety, and happiness." The main campaign points of the Socialist Coalition include: -Decrease unemployment rates and ensure proper aid to families below the poverty line. -Ensure efficient institutions for social security, healthcare, welfare, and education. -Instate a secular, irreligious government while maintaining a right to peaceable religious practice (though discouraging such practice in public) -Play an active part in local, and then international sociopolitical scenes. -Cooperate with local nations to improve the living standard and wellbeing of the people of the Federation. Closely following the Socialist Coalition is the Nationalist Party, led by Robert Halford and his party. Though Halford has come under criticism from various points for delaying the beginning of elections in the Northern Federation, Halford maintains that until this point the nation would not have been able to sustain elections. "At this point it is most important that we cement a national image for the people of the Northern Federation," Halford mentioned during a speech as the election day approached. "Something for our people to admire, to be proud of, to inspire our people, something our citizens can be proud to declare their allegiance to." The main campaign points of the Nationalist Party include: -Increase the military and defence budgets, and ensure proper institutions and equipment for the Armed Forces to prepare for possible internal/external threats. -Adopt a highly isolationist stance in regards to foreign affairs. -Instate an atheist, meritocratic government system and remove religious influence on politics and public institutions. -Strengthen the cultural, social, and political identity and foundation of the Northern Republic as a nation and as a people. -Focus on the strengthening of the Federation's infrastructure and the creation of a clear state hierarchy. OOC: This election is the result of the fact that I have nothing to RP, and when you can't think of what to RP, what do you do? Elections, of course (or actually RP something interesting and not, you know, half-assed like this, but to hell with it). I could have made a bunch of boring ass parties that no one likes, but the race is really only going to be between these two and I feel no need to create some sort of 'democratic' or 'conservative' party because no matter what the results are if they came out on top I would have just said either of the above parties won :v.
  15. You're always welcome in the Northern Federation. I'm considering the possibility of terrorist/paramilitary elements rising, if you wanted to be involved in the NF you could maybe have something to do with that.
  16. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1314069484' post='2786562'] I don't think so lol. [/quote] But I've worked so hard
  17. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1314062683' post='2786471'] You know as well as I do that there are people who sometimes go out of their way to aggravate others for no reason or alienate them from the rest of the community. [/quote] Oh, is it me?
  18. My avatar doesn't seem to want to change for some reason. I've tried changing it several times and though it says 'settings saved' and it shows the updated avatar in the avatar change panel, the avatar remains the same in posts :v EDIT: Works now, I guess.
  19. [quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1313180880' post='2778779'] But seriously, you couldn't have tried diplomacy first? [/quote] The Northern Federation mirrors this statement.
  20. After several years of hard work and much effort, the independence movement that had arisen in several prominent provinces of the CAN protectorate in Eastern Canada finally achieved its goal. Independence faction leaders Robert Halford, Antony Iommi, and Ian Kilmister succeeded in at last convincing the CAN representatives at their headquarters in Greenland to grant the people of what is now the Northern Federation sovereignty and self-determination. Halford returned to his newly born independent nation and as per the wishes of the people of the Federation immediately began work setting up a provisional government to guide the nation before a more permanent leadership could be designated. As Director of the Provisional Government, Halford spoke in an internationally-televised conference addressed to the people of the newly independent nation as well as to the international world at large, during which he outlined the goals of the provisional government and in what direction, in accordance with the will and with the support of the people, they intended to take the Northern Federation. [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/714/37150490.jpg/][IMG]http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/4232/37150490.jpg[/IMG][/URL] OOC: Short and !@#$%* DoE. Whoopie.
  21. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1312318249' post='2770303'] When the [b]Muslim [/b]Armies were charging into Europe to impose a [b]secular [/b]progressive communist [b]caliphate [/b]on us back in the 17th Century, where were they stopped? [/quote] Someone apparently needs to learn what the word secular means.
  22. "As per the wishes of the people, we intend to institute a parliamentary republic system. As for relations with CAN, I cannot imagine any reason relations between our nation and CAN would be anything but cordial and friendly."
  23. "The independence movement, as you are most likely all well aware, has been ongoing in the CAN protectorate for several years now," Halford spoke, addressing the CAN representatives after dealing with the pleasantries. "The last referendum conducted on the issue of the territory's sovereignty, as overseen by local authorities and the CAN administration of the protectorate itself, showed that an overwhelming 94% of the population marked to be residents of the territories in question supported at the very least separation from the CAN in favour of self-determination and independence, with various different branches in opinion concerning decisions to follow. 68 per cent of those who voted in favour of independence also stated that they wished for a provisional government consisting of the leaders of the independence movement to lead and guide the newly independent nation until proper institutions and infrastructure were in place to support proper elections for government." "As for what we wish to achieve," Kilmister spoke on. "That in itself, leading the nation to a point at which it is able to hold free elections, is our first goal, as this will secure a stable government whose decisions in the coming years will be supported by the people."
  24. Halford, accompanied by Kilmister and Iommi, would arrive at the CAN headquarters soon after the CAN's responce to meet representatives of the CAN and discuss the situation of the independence movement in their protectorate.
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