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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1308534515' post='2735282'] Take on all of them at the same time! [/quote] That's what she said.
  2. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1308460384' post='2734445'] How will he get to it though? [/quote] Seriously, I don't think anyone would even bother stopping him.
  3. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1308485196' post='2734633'] Not yet... Until some jerk decides to modify rabies to be waterborne. Though I think you would have a bigger fish to fry than dealing with bloodthirsty whales and fish. Such as other animals, or humans that took a drink of the contaminated water. [/quote] Seriously, HHAYD, are you [I]trying[/I] to destroy all the humour of CNRP, however scant.
  4. The United States. Who even needs a reason for it.
  5. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1308442657' post='2734269'] "This general is an idiot. He should pay much more attention. We are talking about the Nova Scotia invasion two years ago." [/quote] "As Speaker of the Tribunal I advise the United States to watch its language and its tone when addressing one of our Tribunes. If this is how you intend to speak with foreign dignitaries and address other nations' leadership, then I shall not have to wait long to see your nation join the long line of failed 'United States' incarnations." -General Julien Jhudiel, Speaker of the Tribunal
  6. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1308415032' post='2733994'] "We apologzie for the mistake. You see, during that time our nation was quite stressed and the majority of us must have missed this conflict." [/quote] "How did you 'miss' a conflict you just spent days arguing about?" -General Zurie Avina of the Tribunal
  7. [quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1308319351' post='2733063'] What the hell is up with the myriad of unrest in various republics. [/quote] s'this new trend I started.
  8. Eastern France hopes to see the 'Christian Democratic Party' voted well out of power. Religion has no place whatsoever in politics, and we would be disappointed to see the government of Vaule fall under such a leadership.
  9. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1308194372' post='2732201'] Famous last words of almost every person who was about to be granted power. [/quote] Yet again irony and humour goes straight over Sir HHAYD of Heska's head.
  10. so i herd lynneth_vortex lieks mudkipz dotTroll (9,001)
  11. Eastern France is disappointed to see the fall of the Union and wishes the Oceanic Union well in securing peace and safety for the Australian people. OOC: WESTERN FRANCE
  12. [quote name='Margrave' timestamp='1307820773' post='2729350'] Eh, if anyone has something to offer me in Europe, I'm down to come back. I do miss writing. [/quote] You should take Western France. 'cos I'm Eastern France n !@#$. Cool !@#$ could happen.
  13. "As to Austria, I admit my knowledge of the latest events concerning the situation is not as detailed as I would like," Jhudiel continued."Concerns have been so focused on development in France that international matters have taken something of a back seat, if you can forgive that. However, we agree in that the worrying involvement of religion and religious sentiment could present potential problems in the future." Both Jhudiel and van Buuren read over the document, and a moment later, Jhudiel glanced back up to the Althing representatives and stated, "We find this to be agreeable." Taking up a pen, he wrote: [i] With the Authority of the Tribunal of Eastern France, General Julien Jhudiel, Speaker of the Tribunal[/i]
  14. "Indeed, the Tribunal has somberly observed the sudden wave of religious fanaticism that has sprung up in Europe, along with other similar problems, as you have said, spreading throughout the continent," van Buuren remarked. "We have taken internal measures to ensure that Eastern France is not strongly affected, but we stand only to gain from the proposal you have suggested, as does Europe on the whole." Jhudiel nodded, and continued. "Eastern France would agree to a mutual defence and trading pact in order to strengthen our nations and hopefully strengthen the state of Europe against the threats it faces."
  15. The two members of the Althing were met at the point of arrival by Speaker of the Tribunal General Julien Jhudiel, accompanied by Senior Tribune Colonel Josef van Buuren. After exchanging greetings, the Tribunes and their Germanic counterparts would be taken by a armoured escort to Palais Bourbon, the current seat of the government where the Tribunal presided over the matters of the nation. While most national matters were overseen by all seven of the Tribunes, matters of international affairs and foreign relations were handled by the Speaker and one of the Senior Tribunes, usually van Buuren. After arriving at Palais Bourbon and entering a private conference room where the meeting would take place, Jhudiel looked to his counterparts and said, "I understand the Germanic Union wishes to discuss something with Eastern France concerning our relations and the overall status of Europe on the whole."
  16. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1307582128' post='2727440'] "If it's an honour then you're welcome to replicate it across the Isle over the course of the next month. I've always wanted to visit France, you know. Maybe I can return the favour," she said as she shook General Jhudiel's hand. [/quote] "You are welcome to visit Eastern France, by all means," Jhudiel replied. "I can see that you are quite busy here at the moment, however, so we will not take up any more of your time. It was a pleasure and an honour to meet you, Taoiseach Ó Cuinneagáin." After bidding the Taoiseach respect and farewell, the two Tribunes followed the lead of many other visitors and entered the bar, seating themselves there and conversing in undertones with one another in French.
  17. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1307574166' post='2727351'] The Taoiseach, not expecting the USI or British or Svalbard representatives to be there so fast, was about four minutes late but came in time to meet General Jhudiel and Colonel van Buuren. "It's great to see some neighbours in your own backyard," she said with an extended hand. "I welcome you to Ireland!" [/quote] Both the Tribunes were outfitted in ceremonial military attire, with both wearing the shoulder badge that marked them to be members of the Eastern French Tribunal. As the Taoiseach appeared to greet them, extending a hand in greeting, both Tribunes moved forward--first Jhudiel, and then van Buuren--to shake the Taoiseach's hand, bowing their heads as well as they did so. "It is an honour indeed to be allowed to visit your nation and admire the beauty of Blackrock Castle," General Jhudiel remarked as he shook the Taoiseach's hand.
  18. General Jhudiel would arrive, representing Eastern France as the Speaker of the Tribunal; accompanying him as well would be Colonel Josef van Buuren, one of the senior Tribunes.
  19. Eastern France recognises the Republic of Ireland. General Julien Jhudiel, Speaker of the Tribunal, and Colonel Josef van Buuren of the Tribunal will attend the Gala.
  20. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1307507017' post='2726655'] But Napoleon and Hitler did it wrong. Martens would know [i]exactly[/i] what to do and [i]certainly[/i] won't suffer a similar fate as the two famous people. Right? [i]Right?[/i] [/quote] Oh, for sure. Like outfitting his troops in summer uniforms and giving them only enough rations to last a few months because of course Moscow will fall by that time...
  21. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1307505491' post='2726621'] I dare you to go after Slavorussia, during the middle of winter. I want to read a RP of Battle of Moscow, fighting in the streets of the city while a severe blizzard is ongoing. [/quote] Because [I]every[/I] time someone makes the !@#$@#$ brilliant decision to invade Russia in the middle of winter, good !@#$ happens. Just ask Napoleon, or Hitler.
  22. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1307505069' post='2726608'] The USA stated today that, in an effort to ease tensions, they would no longer be pursuing the goal to reunite America. While states have the full right to join the Union, the United States will not attempt to persuade the people to join. [/quote] You tried to make a policy of re-uniting the United States, and when the world reacted you backed down sheepishly. Now, why even call yourselves the United States?
  23. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1307489986' post='2726442'] She actually has developed breasts and baby-birthin' hips JUST SAYIN' [/quote] So she's a well-endowed, serene, naive-looking girl. And that makes it the UFE...how?
  24. [quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1307489098' post='2726425'] We have elected a singular man to serve as our King to lead our Nation to glory by the grace of god. [/quote] Disappointing to see another premier who leads 'by the grace of God'. Nevertheless, Eastern France extends diplomatic recognition to New Spain.
  25. [quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1307469778' post='2726213'] I would like your rationale for choosing those personae for these people. Especially what the hell a dolphin has to do with Sri Lanka. [/quote] Or why the UFE appears to be a serene, naive-looking young girl. Or why...just...in general why :v
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