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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. Straight to the point and no nonsense--Isabel was pleased with how quickly the meeting got straight to the heart of the matter. Upon the swift arrival of the Empress of Umbrella in Amazônia, the two leaders met within a secure, private conference room, and the meeting was underway. "To cut straight to the heart of the matter," Isabel was saying as the meeting proceeded. "I believe it would be in the good interests of the Commonwealth, Pará, and the continent as a whole for our two nations to examine the possibility of trade agreements and a Non-Aggression Pact. Lest it seem symbolic or sentimental, I do believe that such an agreement, besides cementing trade relations and diplomatic goodwill between our nations, would signal further progress in the course of a South America united in peace and cooperation. Is this agreeable to you?"
  2. I agree with the majority of the post.
  3. The streets were a massacre--Isabel could see it quite clearly from within the building. The Carolinian contingent was easily mowing down the crazed attackers, but more and more of the insane cannibals appeared to supplant their fallen numbers. [I]If this keeps up, the Carolinians aren't gonna last long. They'll be overwhelmed.[/I] Didn't take years of tactical military experience to figure that one out. There were just too many of the cannibals to hold at bay for long. [I]How the hell did this infection spread so damn quick?[/I] Isabel pre-occupied herself with considering to keep her mind off how useless she was hiding out in this bunker with people right outside dying. The chilling sound of tormented screams, frantic gunfire, and inhuman snarls emanated from beyond the walls of the building, before a silence even more disturbing overtook the area for only a few seconds. And then the psychos began to slam and bang the windows. The security contingent had been slaughtered. The two heads of state were on their own now. [I]$%&@.[/I] There were many choice words Isabel could have used to describe the situation, but the realisation that the zombies (not zombies, dammit, cannibals) were now actively trying to break their way into building that had been McCory's and Isabel's temporary safehouse hit home harder than anything. Those windows weren't going to last long... Isabel took a chance and peered closer through the tinted glass to see what was happening--and it wasn't good. The $%&@ers were stacking up against the windows in a furore to reach more meat. "We need to get out of here and move on to the responce centre in Fayetteville," McCory informed her. "We should be able to find some sort of weapon in here, United Carolinian gun laws are very laxed." [I]Thank the deities for that, then.[/I] "We're on the same page here, then." At the very least McCory was willing to actively take a stand rather than lie down and wait for the military to save the day--if they got here in time, that was. That was good--they weren't going to last very long otherwise. She watched the Carolinian president swiftly scour the building for any semblance of a weapon that could be used against the horde--no guns, she noted with ire as he returned holding a pair of bats and a combat knife. "This will have to last us. I know it's a bit disturbing...are you alright with this?" he asked, holding one of the bats out to her. "We're done for if we don't get out of here, which we can't do if we have no method of fighting that mob," Isabel replied, taking a firm grasp of the bat's handle. "We'd better get moving on a rendezvous with your forces at that responce centre. Where's the...er, 'back door' to this building?" She turned to McCory for an answer, just as the clamour of shattering glass announced that the cannibals had succeeded in creating an opening into the building.
  4. [quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1338847277' post='2977064'] I think all of you are silly and the rule should stay. That is my opinion. [/quote] This statement reflects my view on the matter adequately.
  5. Isabel strode forward confidently, approaching the president of the Carolinas with a cordial smile alighting on her thin lips. Behind him, the capital building loomed overhead, casting a long shadow in the pleasant afternoon sun; and around the two heads of state, Isabel was aware of a number of security guards and other such personnel. [I]A bit crowded, but nothing worrisome.[/I] It did not mar the premier's expression as she approached the Carolinian president. "Thank you for coming, ma'am," President McCory greeted her, responding to her smile in kind. "I hope your trip here wasn't too much trouble. I am President McCory, and I'm pleased..." He did not manage to speak any further before another voice over-ruled his. [I]"Stop him!"[/I] [I]What the hell?[/I] Isabel turned in the direction of the shout--just in time to watch it unfold--a sickly, shambling man stumbling towards them, and no time to make out the details of his diseased appearance before without hesitation, a gunshot signalled his demise. Isabel was a former soldier--she was no stranger, at least had not been, to seeing people shot, but that was in combat. As far as she could tell, she'd just seen a man shot down without cause. [I]Oh !@#$.[/I] And McCory, judging by his reaction, seemed to share that sentiment. "What the hell, Johnson!" he shouted furiously, the smile that had adorned his face not two seconds ago contorting into rage as he turned to the guard who, presumably, had fired the shot. "He wasn't armed!" And then came those four words--those four words that were never followed by good news. [I]"We have a situation."[/I] Needless to say the visit thus far wasn't coming out too happy, but 'we have a situation' [I]never[/I] signalled a turn for the better. And it didn't. "There's a virus, and it's spreading quickly. We don't know what it is...but the patients all had bite marks and just went insane on all the medical staff at Mercy Hospital. They killed them all, sir. They were...they were eaten, sir." Isabel was willing to bet that the one word going through, oh, everybody's head at that moment was something along the lines of 'zombies'. [I]Which, of course, don't exist.[/I] A disease that caused the afflicted to become rabid and instinctively cannibalistic...and lose higher-functioning mental faculties? "The attackers were shot multiple times. They were getting back up." [I]Add '!@#$@#$ invulnerable' to that list, then.[/I] No, really, this was getting to be a bit too much like a b-level zombie film. [I]'Two heads of state on a diplomatic venture suddenly find themselves in a struggle for their very lives against hordes of flesh-hungry, mindless savages'...[/I] It would probably gross an undeserved !@#$-ton of money at the theatres and then be panned across the board by film critics around the world for its horrible dialogue, lack of discernible plot, cardboard characters, and !@#$%* special effects, only to become a legendary cult movie thirty years after its release... [I]Huh, don't I have more important things to think about than b-movie catchlines? Like, perhaps, the fact that I'm apparently in the midst of a zombie !@#$@#$ apocalypse about to boil over?[/I] "You're losing it," McCory retorted vehemently at his security. "There's no way these people could..." And then, as if the fates were determined once again to prove him dead wrong, the raving mad !@#$%^& who'd just been shot point blank in the chest crawled to his feet, spitting and snarling like a rabid Doberman....gnashing teeth trickling very conspicuously with a viscous crimson. And even as the security personnel around responded to his rise, behind him, Isabel could see, rapidly approaching, a mass of others...sickly, decrepit, snarling, vicious, rabid creatures. [I]!@#$.[/I] "Mr President, go!" one of the guards shouted. McCory needed no convincing, and neither did Isabel. She didn't like the idea of running and leaving the security personnel to hold off the oncoming horde, but unarmed as she was, Isabel was fairly certain she'd only get herself killed all the quicker. She followed McCory in silence as they fled into the nearest building, still overwhelmed by all that had happened in such a short span of time. [I]So I'm trapped in a foreign country that apparently is on the brink of emulating every hilariously terrible zombie film ever made, with no tool for self-defence in the unlikely case that, y'know, I get cornered by a raving lunatic who wants to eat my flesh. That's cool.[/I] As they entered the building, Isabel turned to the Carolinian president. "I don't suppose your military has a contingency plan for 'zombie apocalypse', does it?" she couldn't help but murmur in accented English, before shaking her head. [I]More important things at hand than pointless sarcasm.[/I] There were many questions Isabel had that McCory probably could not answer--how wide-spread was the infection? How many could be estimated to have been afflicted by this point? And, most importantly--how had it originated and how did it spread? For now, she could only pose one query. "How far away is Mercy Hospital, and how many patients would have been hospitalised there?" At least, if she knew that much, she could determine how quickly the infection could have spread from the origin, and how many could have been afflicted by now...something, something so that she wouldn't feel completely useless...
  6. The following diplomatic dispatch was diplomatically dispatched to the Umbrella Commonwealth. [quote]To: HIH Alice Wesker, Empress of the Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella From: Isabel Vieira, Premier of the Republica do Pará I wish to extend an invitation to representatives of the Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella to the city of Amazônia to discuss the possibility of trade agreements and, perhaps, a Non-Aggression Pact to solidify a growing period of South American peace and co-prosperity. Hopefully, this meeting can be one more step towards continental cooperation and goodwill. Regards, Isabel Vieira[/quote]
  7. Director of Foreign Affairs Ivan Pintado would represent the República do Pará at all sessions open to non-TSI members.
  8. "On behalf of the República do Pará and its people, I wish to congratulate Diocese on its independence, unfortunate though we find it that independence has been found only in the name of a theocracy. Time will tell if our misgivings in regards to that are unfounded." - Premier Isabel Vieira
  9. Isabel Vieira arrived at Raleigh about noon that Sunday, having heard of nothing amiss in the area of Raleigh. She'd been sceptical of the invitation since it arrived--after all, her intent from the beginning had been to involve Pará solely in South American matters. But the changing political and geographic climate of South America was making this a rapidly less and less favourable standpoint. The Umbrella Empire now dominated virtually the entirety of the middle and northern portion of South America, completely surrounding little purple Pará in a sea of orange--Gallifrey was gone, the Peruvian Imperium had been subsumed by the Commonwealth, and the political landscape had quickly become one more dominated than ever by the Umbrella Commonwealth. To that end, she accepted the invitation extended by the Carolinian president, and shortly afterwards set off for Raleigh. OOC: Short post. All I could manage at the moment. Future posts will be better. :v
  10. OOC: I apologise for neglecting this for so long. Things have not been conducive to me having the time and inspiration for a well thought out, actual, non-!@#$%* reply, so I'll post tomorrow. I can't guarantee that what you'll get is actually going to be a well-thought out non-!@#$%* reply, but I can't do anything about that :v
  11. "On behalf of the Republica do Pará and its people, I wish to sincerely congratulate the people of the nascent nation of Regnum on the acquisition of independence and self-determination." - Premier Isabel Vieira
  12. [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s]My general reaction[/URL].
  13. Isabel was caught between the two questions--one posited by Triumvir Evylan concerning the standards of living in Pará, another, interrupting Evylan's query, delivered from Alexander Gildas. Isabel was not aware if there was any sort of 'head triumvir' leading the Triumvirate, but by all accounts it seemed Gildas was certainly the most authoritative of the three. Avila, the more animated and expressive of the three leaders, and from Evylan, having only recently been elected into his office, Isabel got the impression of a degree of uncertainty, possibly even anxiety, at least judging from the stammering that preceded his queries. For her own part, her expression remained calm and composed. No, she would allow no anxiety and no uncertainty to stain the first impression of both herself and her nation to foreign visitors. She chose to address the question posed by Alexander Gildas. "The greatest problem at the moment, as I see it," she spoke slowly, with each word hanging in the air before making way for the next. "would be the worrying levels of unemployment we've seen since independence. It's not urgent, but it's still a problem we're looking to ameliorate before it does become urgent. As you may or may not know, upon granting the Republic independence the Umbrella Commonwealth dismantled and removed the majority of the Lunar Republic's advanced infrastructure and technologies, which needless to say left a void once occupied by the employment opportunities provided. It's been a challenge trying to create the infrastructure necessary to fill that void and replenish those job opportunities."
  14. A small entourage awaited the Edean Triumvirate. Isabel Vieira had an unfortunate tendency to expect of others what she herself would desire--and thus there was little fanfare involved, much as she would hope were she to venture in an official capacity to another nation. Certainly the Paráense media was not waiting at the site of their arrival to overwhelm them with irrelevant questions, and pervasive inquiries, and all the things media outlets throughout the world were ill-famed for. Vieira had taken steps to ensure their guests would arrive in comfort and ease...at least, as she saw it, which meant that if the Triumvirs gravitated more towards the garish, sensational types of arrival one often expected when the leaders of a more experienced like-minded nation visited a younger hopeful, they would be sorely disappointed. But Vieira intended no disrespect--as she hoped would be evidenced when she herself was to be found accompanying the entourage. She felt it most pretentious, the thought of relaxing contentedly in her office back in the capitol building while the Triumvirate alone travelled to meet her there. No, rather, she would be there to greet the Triumvirs at the airstrip reserved specifically for them at the Amazônia International Airport. The journey would be relatively quiet, a little motorcade crossing through the slim avenues of Amazônia, passing by charming little shops and cafes, and all different sorts of people going about their daily business. Refreshments would be provided for the Triumvirs if they so desired, or withheld until they arrived at the Capitol Building where the meeting would take place. Isabel made small conversation but said nothing in regards to national relations or politics at this point, wishing instead to give the Triumvirate an opportunity to see Pará's capitol city if they were so inclined to do so. Amazônia was not a large city by any regards, but this did not equate to a city with little to see as the entourage made its way through buildings retaining the old seventeenth century colonial architectural style. At one moment, one could look out the window and see, towering overhead, the grand columns and neoclassical lines of the Theatro da Paz--at another, the still, green waters of the Guamá River. Elsewhere, the great João Goulart monument watched proudly over the motorcade as they neared the Capitol Building, gravitating towards the meeting place. At length, the entourage arrived at the Capitol Building of the Republic of Pará, and Isabel bid her guests follow her into the designated conference room. Within was to be found a circular table more than accommodating for four people to talk comfortably--neither overtly large nor uncomfortably small for an official visit. The Premier seated herself at the table as the Triumvirs did the same, and directed a smile at the three leaders of the Free Kingdom of Edean. "Welcome, if I may say again, to the Republic of Pará. I hope you have found your stay here thus far to be satisfactory?" [[Realised I'd clean forgotten to include anything about a hotel at the beginning, and to be frank at the moment I just don't feel a whole lot like reworking the post and working it back in there. Didn't want to let this get held up at all, so hopefully this suffices and if you could kindly suppose the Triumvirs had a stay at one of Pará's finer hotels prior to the events of this post, that'd be great :v]]
  15. [quote]To: The Edean Triumvirate From: Premier Isabel Vieira Allow me then to congratulate Triumvir Evylan on his election, and Mr. Androcles on what I understand to be a successful career building a foundation of prosperity and security for the Edean people. To say your letter finds us in a state of joy as a result of the end of the war would be a significant understatement. With the cessation of hostilities between the two belligerent parties and the signing of their treaty, we feel the atmosphere is now more conducive than it has been in years to forging a South America united in peace and prosperity. Lest I digress, however--I would be most honoured to host the Triumvirate in Amazônia in two weeks. I anticipate the potential progress to be made during the meeting most highly. Respectfully, Isabel Vieira[/quote] [[Go ahead and RP their arrival whenever you like. I had interpreted 'give us two weeks' as saying you would take some measure of time OOC before posting.]]
  16. The reaction in Pará was nothing short of joy at the news of the war's end. For many amongst the general populace--to say nothing of the government--the war had been an object of grave concern, not only because it had been waged by a country that was very nearly right on Paráense borders. It was indeed not long before an official statement would be released by the government. [quote]Pará is most overjoyed at the return of peace to the South American continent with the cessation of hostilities, and we consider the terms released under the treaty to be most conducive to continued conditions of peace. May the cessation of hostilities between Gallifrey and the Commonwealth open the door to the future cessation of any ill will or tension between the two nations, that friendship and unity may truly sweep over the continent once more. - Premier Isabel Vieira[/quote]
  17. To say that Isabel Vieira was just a little anxious would have been the understatement of the age. Of course, as Premier of a nation she was expected to keep a cool head, and she liked to think she was skilled in regards to maintaining clarity and decisiveness, but this was still her first official meeting with the head of state of another nation. No one could possibly be completely confident in such a situation, surely. Or at least, she repeated this reassuring line to herself as she awaited a responce to the communiqué she had personally written and sent out to the Free Kingdom of Edean. Initial attempts to garner a sense of cooperation and unity in South America had failed left and right from the onset--undone by pre-existing tensions and secluded alliances. To say nothing of the two wars that had torn across South America in quick succession, one of which had rapidly veered into the usage of nuclear weapons, and Vieira could only hope the one the Umbrella Commonwealth now waged against Gallifrey would not share the same fate. Pará was a small, developing nation--nothing could be done of that in the short term as war and ever-heightening tension gripped South America, and Vieira could not change the fact that a nation viewed as insignificant, fledgling, weak, such a nation could not be seen by others of the continent as an example to follow. And unfortunately, it seemed all the major players of South America were the ones responsible for the fall of continental cooperation--the Commonwealth, having refused to set aside long-held grudges in the interests of peace and welfare, Neo Roma, with its isolationist stance, all but rejecting any proposition in which the Commonwealth did not also participate. None were willing to work towards the peace and cooperation Vieira longed to see in her homeland. As long as they guided the destiny of the continent, she felt, South America's future could not be ascertained as one of prosperity and unity. And so Vieira turned, however reluctantly, from continent-wide efforts--at least, temporarily. She was not interested in establishing firm alliances with specific nations--that had been the death knell of prior attempts at continent-wide alliance. But at the very least, Vieira sought to reach out to nations she perceived to hold like-minded views concerning South America as a whole--and with this in mind, she contacted the Free Kingdom of Edean, a nation that had previously attempted to organise a summit of all South American nations in the face of continental war and blazing tensions. A summit ultimately defeated before it could even begin by nations profiteering from the war and interested more in advancing their own interests over the interests of peace and prosperity. [quote]To: Triumvirs Alexander Gildas, Rodolfo Avila, and Vivian Androcles of the Free Kingdom of Edean From: Premier Isabel Vieira of the República do Pará Esteemed Triumvirs of the Free Kingdom of Edean, I hope this communiqué finds you all in good health and spirit, and that all is well with Edean. I wish to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to representatives of Edean to the Paráense capital of Amazônia to discuss the future of relations between our two nations, and to discuss the possibility of encouraging further trade and business between Edean and Pará. Respectfully, Isabel Vieira[/quote]
  18. [quote]"The Republica do Pará wishes to congratulate Zimbabwe on their new-found independence, being a relatively newly established sovereign entity ourselves. And we wish Zimbabwe the best of luck in the admirable endeavour of ameliorating difficulties with food supply; if necessary, you may count on Pará to aid you in this regard." - Premier Isabelle Vieira[/quote]
  19. Reaction to the news in Pará was much as could be expected. The general opinion amongst the populace was concern over a war breaking out so close to Paraense borders; on the other hand, the reaction in the government was not quite the same. Premier Vieira was more distraught over a second war splitting South America, erupting at such rapid succession in the wake of the prior one between the UC and Peru, regardless of its distance to Pará's borders. So much worse was it that ultimately the only nation that could, and was willing to attempt to put a stop to it was a foreign power, and their military presence could only escalate the conflict. And as for tiny, slowly developing Pará, located just north of the warzone, Vieira was well aware, much to her malaise, that there was very little the Republic could do in hopes of putting a quick halt to the conflict. Calls for diplomacy and ceasefire would likely be ignored outright by the Umbrella aggressors--especially coming from the minor, newborn nation that was the Republic. It was a most distressing situation, especially given Gallifrey had been one of few nations willing to join Pará in its hopes of a cooperative, peaceful South America--hopes that were every day, it seemed, becoming more and more hopeless. In fact, to hell with calls for peace--Vieira was now only hoping the Commonwealth would not pursue once again their nuclear strike policies. Indecision and distress notwithstanding, however, this war could not go unresponded to, and shortly afterwards Vieira released an official statement. [quote]The República do Pará is immensely disheartened at the prospect of yet another war on South America's horizon, especially one so unreasonable and uncalled for as the one the Umbrella Commonwealth is waging against Gallifrey. All the more saddening is it that the intervention of a foreign power is required to stabilise the situation. Nevertheless, I implore both parties to seek diplomatic options and call a ceasefire to discuss the reason the Umbrella Commonwealth has launched an invasion against a sovereign South American nation.[/quote] Meanwhile, the border security--meagre though it was in the first place--was stepped up somewhat. Pará did not have a robust military force by any means, not in regards to equipment and certainly not in regards to numbers, but the possibility was still present that the war right on the edges of Pará's territory could spill over, and the Republic had to be ready for this grave potential situation.
  20. Pará approves of and supports Act III of this doctrine, though we share reservations concerning the termination of diplomatic immunity and the apparent implication in Act II that any perceived threat will be responded to with violence without proper investigation.
  21. Upon reception of the invitation much discussion was to be had in the Republic of Pará as to whether or not to attend the conference. On the one hand, many government officers and secondary directors in the Cabinet wished to maintain Pará's stance in regards to foreign affairs--one that focused solely on South America and, for the time being, placed little priority on reaching out diplomatically to nations of the world. On the other hand, there was a vocal number, Premier Vieira and many of the primary directors amongst them, who supported Paráense attendance, at the very least in the capacity of an observer, at this conference. The ultimate decision rested with the Premier, and she determined it to be in the nation's best interests that she herself go to the Conference of the Americas--representing, true though it was, a fledgling nation, but when, she felt, that was destined to do great things in the interests of South America and its people. And so it was that on a temperate April afternoon, Isabel Vieira, Premier of the Republic of Pará, disembarked from a small, unassuming little plane at Drogheda International Airport, her 6'3 figure, clad in a simple but stately uniform, nevertheless cutting an interesting form amongst the stringent security of Drogheda's airport. She bore with her no security detail--she felt it would be a most unfortunate choice for a newcomer to the international stage such as herself to imply that the security the hosting nation itself would be supplying was inadequate for her. Instead, alone she embarked unto the security convoy provided to her by California, journeying to the Transamerica Tower to partake in the conference. Upon arrival, she took her seat in the nearest available spot at the conference table, and observed the other delegates and leaders as they went about their business. The more prominent leaders she could recognise--including, of course, the President of California himself--though many others were foreign faces to her. [I]In more ways than one,[/I] she couldn't help but add amusedly at the wide array of different names and ethnic origins.
  22. Federal Hierarchy of Amazonia Formerly Federative Republic of Pará [url=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/19/param.png/][/URL] Government Government Type: Unitary/federal hierarchy Premier: Isabel Moraes Vieira Executor: Alex Valverde Tribune of Viziers - to be updated- Demographics Population: 41,240,000 Capital: Amazônia Official Language: Brazilian Portuguese Recognised Languages: Spanish Demonym: Federal/Amazonian Currency: Brazilian real
  23. [quote name='Elrich von Richt' timestamp='1333245858' post='2946443'] The Principality of Gallia would be happy to assist in any way possible, should either state wish for our assistance in this matter. [i]~ Cordelia gi Randgriz, Princess of Gallia[/i] [/quote] Any and all assistance from the nations of South America is welcomed and encouraged.
  24. [quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1333244920' post='2946431'] [b]OOC:[/b] Isaac, I said I don't want you talking to me OOCly. Yet you do it again. dotCom could have asked and I'd have been kinder (I also told you that). And no, we don't need another OOC response to this, before it gets ugly. [b]IC:[/b] [b]Unknown to the public[/b] Yukikaze Panettone wondered. Hopefully the attempts to demine the area wouldn't cause more deaths than to just leave the minefield that noone would enter anyway. At least noone with enough intelligence to live outside a mental health institute. Well, as former head of the CdSB she had the plans of the field, however, noone asked, so noone would be answered. [/quote] OOC: I could have asked what? It's not your territory anymore, and I do not need to ask your permission to go ahead with this idea. I don't know what you've got between you and Isaac nor do I particularly care. But you seem intent on invalidating the whole purpose of this venture.
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