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Asriel Belacqua

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Everything posted by Asriel Belacqua

  1. I would have to say, that many people in this thread, need to start taking walks around the blocks, thinking about what they are typing and what others are typing, because it just seems like angry rant after angry rant. On to the subject, I don't feel that these types of reps are necessary, and will most certainly NOT do anything to get NPO to come out of Peace Mode. Maybe think of another way.
  2. I fear that I already see history paralleling itself. Many of the same people, many of the same reasons. Many of the same ideals. Different leaders, different fighters, but much is the same. Learn from the past, don't let your differences break up the ideals of Karma, or NPO will do it again.
  3. Keep holding your head high and sticking for what you believe in. Living a lie is not living at all.

    Good job.

  4. I do not agree with this so much, I mean, yes, people who leave "just because" you probably shouldn't let in, but there are some people who are just "lucky" with who they picked and happened to hit every alliance as it disbands or right before it does. I know several examples (myself included) of such a case. I joined back over 1000 days ago, joined NAAC, they disbanded a few weeks later, joined LIH, they disbanded to form a new alliance (The Intelligentsia), they disbanded due to no one joining them, I left to form Browncoats, (everyone knows how that went, sadly, I was an original member and I hated that decision), After which I joined HPS and helped form it, that disbanded due to problems internally, and, well, my point is, I tried my best to hold these alliances together as long as I could (with the exception of the NAAC), and it just didn't work out. What I'm saying is, sometimes you should review the person's reasons, instead of just looking at how many alliances they've been in. Look at the person's character, and not their circumstances. Everyone of my alliances I stayed as long as I could, and am currently staying in the "dead" NAAC, and have been for over a half a year, and do not plan on leaving. There's the difference between character and circumstance.
  5. Resistance is futile... Nuking it only makes it stronger! OUR WEAPONS ARE POWERLESS! These are not the GRL's we are looking for, move along, move along. I know what you're thinking, is it 45, or 50? Well, frankly I got so excited I lost count myself. So I have to ask you a question, do you feel lucky punk? Well? DO YA?! ***WARNING!!! LOG DUMP!!!*** <GRL> I'm in your spot, eating your #1s <Sparta_Official> I'll be back! <GRL>I'll make [sparta] an offer he can't refuse ***Log dump: Over*** Oh, I've got one. A Spartan, a Paradoxian, and a Mostly Harmless guy go into a bar. GRL looks up and says, "Get the $#@! out of here." May the GRL be with you!
  6. "It's the end of the world as we know it!" and, for humor: "If Everyone Cared" by NickelBack.
  7. Many people lately have been talking about change, the change Karma will bring, the change Karma won't bring, the beginning of this, the end of that, and the list goes on, and it's almost confusing to many people who haven't been around for very long. If you do not want to hear my opinion, do not read further, if you don't mind, then continue. I am here to say that I believe the change is good. I believe that a new, and Golden Age of Cybernations is upon us. By Golden Age, I do not mean an age where nations that have gold as a natural resource become more popular, no, though that might happen, I don't know. No, by Golden Age I mean that I believe with all the changes that are to come, more people will join the game, and a population boom, of sorts, will occur. I believe that (following the trend of former wars) many new and unique alliances will form, and some people even deciding to revisit old ones, or return to unaligned status just to make a statement. I believe that this will become the age of choice. Starting with the Vox Populi movement, we have watched as Civil Rights and Personal Freedoms across CN have been expanded greatly, and have turned from a ban on open speech, to everyone demanding they have their say. Even I, have become more vocal (and have started this blog!). Criticize me all you want, it is just my opinion, and I could very well be wrong, stupid, or otherwise. - Asriel Belacqua
  8. The age of "Karma" is not one without consequences. We have seen the greatest destruction of alliances to date. Alliances going from 22,000,000 strength, down to 9,000,000 and only getting smaller. There will be punishments for those who were in charge, but not the membership. Indeed, I believe this to be an era where the leadership have to fear their members more than they have to fear other leaders, like it used to be. I believe it is the beginning of an era where the populations will start to truly control what's going on. Even though leaders will keep the power, the majority of CN now truly knows the power that numbers can bring. If the leaders are wrong enough, memberships have been known to coup the leadership, I don't think this will change. The balance will still be there.
  9. All the best to the New Roman Military. May your alliance's existence be long and prosperous. Remember, touch not the cat without the glove.
  10. Let's say, hypothetically, that Karma does decide to start EZIing those who started EZI in the first place (By the way the polls are going, it doesn't look like a likely scenario, thus why it's hypothetical). Then what is to stop Karma from EZIing someone else whom they feel may have been linked to the start of EZI? And who's to say that someone's friend possibly came up with the idea as a joke, should they be EZId too? Where would the line be drawn? Few people have the self-control to stop an action once it's started. So I ask you, Karma, do you have the self-control to stop yourselves from doing EZI after JUST one person? If you can't stop after one, you probably can't stop after two. Nor three. Then the list goes on. I am not saying that Karma has no self-control, I am saying people in general. I am adamantly opposed to EZIing ANYONE. Including those who started the practice. I am even against PZI. Call me stupid, whatever. I know one thing, and that is this: When you EZI or PZI people, you are only giving them more reason to come back and try THAT much harder to kill you. You are giving them more reason to fight back. I would know. I spent two years rebuilding after the NAAC was condemned. I spent TWO YEARS playing this game so I could see another war where NPO would be knocked down a peg or two. Seeing all the people from NAAC, LUE, etc, that I liked being condemned, and almost forced to leave the game gave me that resolve. That's all it ever does. Punish the bad deeds, but do not forget that punishment can go too far. This is merely my opinion, and it may be stupid, but I proudly call it mine.
  11. There is a problem with your first section, where you name the NAAC. It is the National ALLIANCE of Arctic Countries. Just thought I'd point this out so that history is written as accurately as possible.
  12. I think he meant 9 digits, I could be wrong though.
  13. While the TITLE of the wiki says "National Alliance FOR Arctic Countries" all throughout the wiki-page (including on the right-side where they do stats, flag, etc) it says "National Alliance of Arctic Countries" I can see where you and others would get confused, which is why I'm correcting it, because I was there, I am there, I have talked with Holyone and all the other leaders and have confirmed through all those sources that it is, in fact, N.A. of A.C. and not N.A. for A.C. (abbreviated for ease of typing)
  14. I am sorry to inform you, but you've been misinformed. It was, and always will be (unless someone makes a new mock-up of course) the National Alliance of Arctic Countries.
  15. It disbanded. It just never died. You are correct! NAAC won't reform. It's better to leave it in peace. If Polaris and Pacifica are keeping a watch on the AA, then how come there are people there who are not warred upon? If, by any miracle, NAACers decided to come together under that banner again, it would have very much the same culture, don't know about big though. Thing is though, it won't reform. It's true. It was. Atlantis was made up of many NAACers The NAAC never died, it lives on in the hearts of those who knew her best. Keep it real RoadRash.
  16. o/ To the NAAC. Forever Free, Forever Blue, Forever NAAC.
  17. Something in this thread, that to me, is very disheartening, has come to my attention. There are many in here who ask for the disbandment of the New Pacific Order. There are also those who wish to have every surrender term ever issued by the New Pacific Order to be placed upon them. My friends, comrades, allies, this is not what karma is about. Karma, the coalition, is about changing all that has been wrong in the cyberverse for more than two years now. Comrades, allies, friends, and even to my enemies in the New Pacific Order, this is not what we should be asking for. If you want something to change, YOU must be the change you believe in. If you do not change right here, right now, the terms that are to be given out, you will be an advocate of those terms that you are currently fighting so hard to rid this world of. An eye for an eye will make the world blind. A tooth for a tooth will give every man, woman, and child nothing to eat their meals with. A limb for a limb will leave every man dead, and so on. All that is necessary for evils to continue, is for good men to do nothing. If you truly want change, YOU must start the change yourself. If you do not ask for the change, even when it is for your worst enemy, then you are not a true advocate of change. Yes, I would like to see the New Pacific Order suffer as I have suffered. I would just love to watch the New Pacific Order wriggle and writhe in suffering of the pain they have inflicted upon my brother's in the National Alliance of Arctic Countries, LUE, IAA, LOSS, and countless other alliances. But for the sake of this coalition, for the sake of change, I do not stomp the New Pacific Order while in their own IRC channel, I do not walk up to Moo-cows and say hateful things, I do none of that. Why not? Because I want to see change, so I make sure the change starts with MY actions, MY words, and MY thoughts. Not just THEIRS. And for those of you who say I am pro-Hegemony, or Pro-New Pacific Order, I say read again, and look at who I am, but this does not stop me from knowing that, if we all change, the New Pacific Order will have no choice but to change. If they continue their ways that the majority of the world hates, then they will eventually lose all support, but if the rest of the world uses their methods, we become the very being we fought so hard to protect ourselves from. This is merely my opinion, and what do I know, I'm just some kid. EDIT: Sorry for the wall of text. It may not be compared to some, but, I try to keep my posts as short as I would like them if I was reading them, and this is a wall-of-text that I would debate on reading.
  18. I hope they give your alliance similar terms, whatever alliance it is. However, the people saying it were saying any alliance in general. I am merely saying this is an alliance.
  19. To those who were saying "We won't believe it until we see lenient alliance-wide terms": Here you go. These are your lenient terms. White peace.
  20. o/ NAAC. Gaining NS every day!
  21. The problem with calling this the 4th in the series of "Great Wars" (Meaning GWI, GWII, GWIII, etc), is you then find yourself in an argument with thousands of people who will say that UJW was GWIV, and some who say War of the Coalition is GWV, and some who say UJW wasn't but WoTC was GWIV, and some who say UJW was GWIV and WoTC wasn't GWV, and it just turns into a bloody mess and we end up fighting a war over what the wars should be called. Now, since we all hate THAT type of drama, though we all love the "lulz" drama, I would say let's just leave the debate how it's been left, with GWI-III being the Great War series, and then UJW was just UJW, and WoTC was just the WoTC and this is whatever name it happens to receive (which seems to be heading in the direction of the Karma War).
  22. First one I used was on the night NPO declared on OV, right in the middle of all their DoWs I used: "HAI GUYS! F5 F5 F5 F5! WAR!" Then the next time I DoWd on someone I used: "For Holyone! O/"
  23. Such unfair terms. Let's see, basically white-peace, allowing people to build improvements that help their economy, decomming military (also helps economy), and wearing an AA tag so they can be protected if they need to be, and not confused as an enemy by wearing another AA. Also, that's why the Karma POW alliance has already broken 500K NS, and why NPO has only offered terms as lenient as these about... 1 time, IF THAT? Really horrible terms karma. I hate you all for this. You should all die. /sarcasm.
  24. To all nations receiving messages like that, for there are many, (on both sides I might add) I say to you, keep fighting for what you believe, and know that those messages are not what most people support, but rather only a very vocal minority do. The vocal minorities may piss you off, but do not let them make you think one way or another about your enemy as a whole. People have been known to make as many friends on the opposite sides of a war as they have been to make enemies. Let this be the case now, and may you, even if you are destroying eachother into oblivion, remember that this is simply a game.
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