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Asriel Belacqua

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Everything posted by Asriel Belacqua

  1. Obligatory Hello from Asriel Belacqua. Call me what you wish former members, fact is, I was there.
  2. You'd think... But it HAS been two years... A lot of people have probably left, or just plain haven't noticed this thread yet.
  3. To those saying that Nod isn't taking action and are making fun of them for that reason, they are taking action, albeit in a peaceful way, unlike a lot of you would like, it seems. People here seem to want more war, though I do agree that war is exciting here on CN, I praise Nod for doing what they feel is right, and doing it in their own way.
  4. I am not here to argue or debate over the validity of the CB, or anything, I just have this to say: What we have here, gentlemen, is a severe lack of miscommunication. CDC Leaders didn't talk enough to their member, NSO leaders didn't talk enough to CDC leaders, CDC leaders didn't talk enough to NSO leaders, TOOL could have talked more to CDC, Planet Bob isn't really listening to anyone, and nobody is willing to give 5 feet either way. All this time spent bickering has almost seen through till the end of the war. Whether or not it was right or wrong does not matter much anymore, fact is, it happened, and if it's right or wrong, well, let every man, woman, and child decide for themselves, and whoever gains the majority will win that debate, for right and wrong are opinions. For now? Fight the good fight, learn your lesson if you feel there is one to be learned, rebuild, and most of all, MOVE ON. This is just my opinion, and well, what do I know? I'm just some kid on a computer somewhere, so, probably nothing.
  5. The NAAC lives on in those who knew her best, aye this is true. Still in the NAAC is where I be. Jedman, sadly, has gone away, though his spirit lives on in the NAAC.
  6. I'd have to agree with this man in both of his posts.
  7. The National Alliance of Arctic Countries has never been a proponent of Piracy/Raiding, and are not today.
  8. I believe that same thing. Thus why I'm in the alliance I'm in, and thus why my signature is what it is.
  9. I will let Mogar take this. He has done a much better job at stating some things I wish to state, and I agree with him fully.
  10. Do not assume I have no respect for FAN, for I would have to say that I have more respect for them than you do. They are the best fighters in the game in my opinion, as I have stated many times before and a lot of them were personal friends before leaving CN. Even when we were enemies I respected FAN for their prowess in battle, and the way they act. They are helpless if left in their current state. They can do things that are considered by some to be the acts only a dangerous person could make, but really, compared to what NPO has put against them, what chance do they stand? THIS is what I talk about. Not what I believe you are assuming I am saying.
  11. Compared to NPO's strength currently, FAN is helpless without being allowed to regrow. You are holding them weaponless, moneyless, and shirtless in a cage. Though they have the ability to grow strong, they are currently mostly defenseless. Look at the numbers mate. 900 NPO nations against how many FAN? How many high-tier NPO nations are there vs how many high-tier FAN nations? How many allies vs how many allies? Compared to NPO, FAN IS defenseless if they left Peace Mode. They can fight, and are the best fighters imo on Bob, but even the best fighters will lose if the numbers are against them 50:1
  12. Most of the violations of the terms that occured were a few nations violating multiple things, most of the violators not being official members of FAN (not registered on forums, etc). In my opinion, the fact that you have held such a helpless alliance as prisoner for so long only shows weakness. Not strength. It shows cowardice, an inability to prove that you have no fear. No matter how hard you try NPO, the community is obviously not on your side 100% on this one, and don't try to tell me they are, for you just have to look around, look at all the "FREE FAN" signatures and posts in threads like these to know who is thinking what.
  13. Paradigm, you, good sir, have spoken with a freedom that I have not seen in far too long. It is really nice to have someone state that which you have been stating in the last few of your topics. I agree that the time has come for people to throw up their hands and say that it is time to live their life, instead of trying to save time, or in this case, infrastructure, with which they can live it later. The time is never tomorrow, for tomorrow never comes. Tomorrow is always one day away. Time to live life, not wait around to see what life hits us with. I thank you for your series of posts, they have definately enlightened me quite a bit.
  14. At times I find it best to stand out, even when it might get you killed. As such, I, Asriel Belacqua, do hereby sign this pact and pledge to never condemn someone to EZI, and will even take it further and pledge to never condemn someone to PZI also. Consider my name placed upon this document.
  15. I have always enjoyed your threads, regardless of the quality of the photos (which have always been superb anyway, I just say that now because someone mentioned it earlier), and I am glad that differing opinions are finally being accepted widely enough to not receive 20+ pages of pure flaming-criticism on the OP without a single post of praise. Keep it up, I enjoy them.
  16. Best post here. also, Hi Jaaku, beach and time? Anyway, that's besides the point. Good show RNA. I hate to see relations get to a bad point and am glad that you guys decided to fix them before they got worse. Very honorable.
  17. I am glad that you have found peace. I would suggest listening to the person who sent you an in-game PM suggesting you just let the nation who attacked you off the hook. Asking for reps would be acceptable, though, I personally would just leave it be, though the choice is yours. It is in your right to ask for reparations from the alliance. Peace first though, so you do not get yourself in trouble with the alliance that the nation is/was a part of. Best of luck to you in your search for an alliance, and I'm glad you've decided that not everyone here is a bad egg.
  18. This just in from the international convention in Bern. IRC servers have gotten so large that they have control over the calendar. They have moved the 1 in April 1st to the day after April 30th which used to be May 1st, and have called this new day April 31st. Will this be the end of April fool's jokes? Until next time, this is Asriel Belacqua saying OH MAN I HOPE I GET TO PRANK PEOPLE NEXT YEAR!!!!
  19. I personally agree with this. Being on the Red team the NPO will protect you (and if anyone attacks you, just go on the NPO forums, tell them about it, and the problem is... let's just say... "removed."). I personally find nothing wrong with the "chicken flag" as you call it, then again, I was in alliances for over 2 years of playing CN and I have had my fun and just want to do my own thing from time to time and that "flag" allows me to do so. If I was still a large enough nation, I would send you $3 million tonight, but sadly, I am not, and I have barely enough money to keep myself afloat, so, sorry that I cannot assist you in any way except advice.
  20. Then of course, the whole question of "Are they PZId?" comes in. If they are, then no, they DON'T have the ability to re-roll and start a new e-life. I know, not many FANers are, but I'm sure there are those that are.
  21. Hey hey hey, The "What do I know, I'm just an idiot on a computer somewhere" thing is mine! Don't take it! I own it! K, maybe not, but what do I know, I'm just some idiot on a computer somewhere.
  22. NAAC is not defunct, though not large enough now to be considered a full alliance by most. To those who say NAAC isn't at war with NPO, well, ask Holyone, myself, Lord Chozo, or the others. NAAC never surrendered, and NPO never gave peace. We are technically still at war. GWIII is officially over, but war between these "special cases" are not over, and they could now be considered individual conflicts, as opposed to the single conflict of GWIII that NPO has on that wiki.
  23. Doesn't have to be easy to be worth it mate. Just make sure you don't burn yourself out too quickly. Pace yourself.
  24. Good show as always Prodigm (Yes, the mis-name is on purpose. Try to catch the pun if you dare). Looking forward to your next one (I do hope you have a next one.. ?)
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