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Asriel Belacqua

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Everything posted by Asriel Belacqua

  1. I am glad you have found yourself a little niche in which you can enjoy yourself paradigm. I think everyone should have such a niche, though, sadly, I believe that only a few of us have truly found it. I like to include myself in that small group, though maybe not. You should keep doing these threads. No matter what people say. Do your own thing because there are people who will whine and cry, but they would anyway, and nothing you do will change that. It is worth it. That's just my opinion though, and what do I know? I'm just some idiot on a computer somewhere.
  2. I will tell you frankly, that what a lot of people say in this thread will probably be commonly accepted "good" traits of an alliance, I will tell you something different. I tell you that what you want in an alliance, is what you want. There are some that give more freedom, there are some that give aid, there are some that give voice, and some that give other things. What you look for in an alliance is what you can identify with. It's like choosing a friend. Who do you like to "hang out" with? Is it someone similar? Someone different? Someone different but similar? Someone weird? you get the point. My point is, I have been in many many alliances, some of which I helped create, and even then I was somewhat displeased with the results. The best idea is to start looking at charters, and instead of letting the alliance recruit you, recruit the alliance. That is, YOU be the choice maker. I used to look for alliances of hard-working people, loyal people, people who didn't want or give aid because it gave them a name, but because they just wanted to. You? Well, that is for you to decide. If you like working by yourself, find an alliance that may let you do (mostly) your own thing. I don't know. This is just my opinion, and, what do I know, I'm just an idiot on a computer somewhere. Hope it helped you make the right choice for you.
  3. I'm with ya there. I have until around July of this year before I am 3 years old. Be sure to remind me and I'll give you a cake if I can (having only 500 infra makes it difficult to send cakes. >.>). Have you re-rolled at all?
  4. We all know you did Blacky. Something about those 390 or whatever actions kinda says it all. >.>
  5. I'd like to see a thread about something like this: "NPO gives FAN white peace" with both NPO and FAN in on the joke, so they totally act like it's true, and go on killing eachother. That's original for ya, and would give everyone who's looking for peace for FAN (including me) a good run for their money. Or something like "NPO surrenders to Vox Populi" or the other way around too (Sorry NPO, I hate to use you guys so much in a thread, I just don't know of any other wars going on that are long-lasting involving big-name alliances besides you, because, well, I don't keep up much in politics).
  6. A bump for some friends who helped me and my former alliance out in some hard times, even though I doubt the people I knew are still in it, you guys tend to be pretty cool and solid.
  7. I would not say that I knew it best, but I certainly try to keep it living as best I can.
  8. I must say, I wish that this were not so true. The fact that people are finally able to speak freely is grand, and as it should be, but the fact that it comes only under conditions of being continuously kicked while down (Beat dead horse anyone?) is a sad thing indeed. NPO, I used to have no problem with you, your alliance, how you ran things, or much at all with your alliance and membership in general. Until this issue came up. You say you are protecting your alliance. Protecting them from what? A beetle that you have supposedly had "Victory" over? If the beetle is dead, why do you keep nuking it? If it's not dead, what threat does it pose? It only enters your house, and eats your food, because you have given it no other choice. You have destroyed all other ways in which this bug can live other than to steal from you. Until you let it free, they will continue to do what they are doing. As is what would be expected of anyone who is in such a condition. Extend your open hand, and see if they unclench their fist. Have you even tried it? If not, why have you not tried it? There is no reason. Those who never try, have a 100% of failure. Those who try, even a little, may fail, but not as often as those who don't ever try (Sorry for the major analogy there guys, I just found it the easiest way to accurately state what I was saying). OOC: I find GTTofAK's OOC post most distasteful. Real life politics, especially now, are based on trying to find peace most of the time. People do not keep eachother in eternal war, and when they do, look at what happens, their position on the world stage becomes a joke. Given the circumstances, and how long you guys have been fighting, you should be the bigger man, and TRY TO MOVE ON. Ever tried being the bigger man? I am asking an honest question. Have you TRIED to move on? As for the Hello Kitty Isle Adventure, I'm not even going to go there. Most distasteful. Yes, I realize, my OOC segment on this post isn't very tasteful itself, but that I know, and I for those who are going to critique my post, go right ahead, and thank you for doing so. Also, I will no longer be participating in this thread in an OOC manner. EDIT: Apparently the bug called cocroach (with correct spelling) is banned. My bad.
  9. Aww, at least support the little guys while they're learning... After that, it's fair game. Kidding. Always a supporter of your posts Mogar. Good luck to CBS, new alliances always need it. Don't burn yourself out too fast, else you'll find you hate leading an alliance.
  10. I may not agree with everything you guys are for, but honestly, no one deserves the fate you have been given. As a fellow captive of circumstance and choices, I support this cause, and as such, have added it to my signature.
  11. Was NAAC back in GWIII, joining NAAC back around GWII, and am currently residing in... You guessed it, THE NAAC! Loyal to the end. EDIT: The numbers so far: I fought for CoaLUEtion/League/Aegis--[ 261 ] [37.88%] I fought for the Orders/Initiatiative-----[ 184 ] [26.71%] I wasn't around back then.--------------[ 166 ] [24.09%] My Alliance was Neutral.-----------------[ 78 ] [11.32%]
  12. I would be willing to help, though, honestly, I'm not quite sure how much information I could really provide since I have been only semi-politically active on this forum. Sorry mate.
  13. The nation of Surda shall henceforth be considered a member of TCA! Congrats TCA, another member. All your base are now belong to the NAAC. April fools.
  14. I know, I used paint to make it, so it's not that great, and I need to change the red to a bit softer, and widen the white stripes on the side, but tell me what you think of the rest (Yes, this flag parallels the NAAC's later flag because I am a nation that was in the NAAC and, following #5 I show relation in that way. I whipped that up in like 5 minutes for an RP, and need to do some photoshopping on it to make it "work" better, as I said, the red needs to change, and the white needs to come out more, but any criticisms are welcome.
  15. Well hello readers/investigators/whatever you may call yourself upon stumbling into this humble blog of mine. Now, I know what some of you are thinking (or, at least, I hope I do), which is something along the lines of: What the heck is this? Why am I here? Why should I come back? and all sorts of other questions along those lines. Well, to be honest, this is exactly what the title says, it's my thoughts. That could mean on an issue, a war, or just something you've probably never heard of. Why are you here? Well, I don't rightly know, though I hope you'll stay, as I hope to be writing some interesting things in this blog. Why should you come back you say? Well, hopefully because it's interesting. If it's not, then I do not want you to feel as though you've wasted your time, but I would like you to keep coming back, so the choice is yours. Now for who I am, though you probably don't care. If you don't, skip a few paragraphs to the end. Anyway, I am Asriel Belacqua, former member of the NAAC during GWIII, then joined LIH->The Intelligentsia->Browncoats (left before they became "stupid")->HPS. Now that the boring part is over, I also see myself as a retired member of CyberNations. Why you ask? Well, because I sit in the NAAC alliance, but in Peacemode, and am free to do whatever I like, though I prefer to do nothing. I don't participate actively in politics much, though I do keep up on them as best I can. Anyway, I will call it like I see it, hate me for it, like me for it, but it's who I am, and any comments are appreciated by everyone (yes, even hate-mail). I know I make mistakes, and laugh if you like, I'll probably laugh too, because, face it, falling on your face is funny! I AM biased, anyone who tells you they aren't is an idiot, because you are always biased (unless you just state constant statistics, but even which stats you choose is a bias). To those who take the time to read my ramblings (and put up with my color) thank you so much, I know that I'm just an idiot on a computer somewhere, and so I tell you, take what I say with a grain of salt. Thank you again for reading, hope to see some comments and such soon, and expect more from me, your friendly neighborhood crazy-geezer! -Asriel Belacqua
  16. I must agree with Paradigm. This game has become redundant. They say history repeats itself, and while it may not, it definately parallels itself, and let me tell you, CN has definately paralleled itself many many times in the last two years. Great wars 1-3 were not so much parallels, but almost every war after that was the same. Beatdown, PZI, Beatdown, PZI, Beatdown, PZI and so on. It would be interesting to see something different for once.
  17. I do not know you, but I think now would be a good time to start. You, good sir, have shown today that you are truly more honorable than most. The ability to "own up" to one's mistakes, admit you were wrong, so to speak, is one of the greatest accomplishments a person can make. By making this resolution, in my opinion, you are better than most people who are simply content with who they are or who they have become. I applaud you, and wish you luck in your endeavor. May it work out for the best.
  18. I do not believe that the main intentions for creating this thread were to "stir things up a bit for the evil NPO." I believe that he wrote what he was feeling, his exact thoughts at the time of writing, which is something a few more people should do a bit more often in this free-thought hating world. Again, what do I know though, I'm just some kid on a computer.
  19. We wouldn't need 6 months of unrestricted growth. We'd only need about... 3 weeks. Yeah, FAN, NAAC, and \m/ are just THAT epic.
  20. I, Asriel Belacqua, long standing member of CyberNations and person of no great interest to all but a few, do solemnly swear to all the above conditions, as these have always been the rules I have abided by. This pact now has one more name to add.
  21. I have quoted this man because of the truth he has told us all. I might be personally biased, but I believe it would be the best one to have back to it's previous, and natural state.
  22. If you are not afraid of anything, why not try finding new methods? Ones that may be riskier to your alliance's health, but have the chance of gaining more and greater allies? With risk comes great reward. My point is, you say you fear nothing, yet earlier in this thread, you asked that someone ELSE bring you better methods, instead of looking for some yourself, showing that you had probably never even given it thought before.
  23. There is a cycle of fear amongst the NPO, not necessarly fear in the normal sense, but a fear that if they give up this valuable tool they have used so long, they will not be able to maintain a good position in the game. Let me add my two cents: If you base your actions on fear (See: Pre-emptive striking, PZI, etc.) you will find yourself eventually caught in a cycle of fear and will pre-emptively strike more often, people you "thought you could trust" (which you probably still could have if you weren't fearful so much), and you will result to using PZI more often out of fear that if you don't, you will be destroyed. Though, in reality, here is what PZI and pre-emptive striking does to one and one's alliance: It gives them a war-cry. It gives them a battle-cry with which to garner more support internally for the war. It gives them more resolve, it gives them a reason to fight (Examples: Vox, FAN, etc. etc.). While many members of the alliance might leave, there is always that very visible number who fights and basically doesn't give up, because, well, you have given them a reason to do everything in their power to bring you down. The cycle of fear works so long as the number of your allies stays greater than the number of permanent enemies you have created (due to resolve/war-cries/everything else), the problem with this is, as your allies get stronger and stronger, the cycle of fear will inevitably make you feel like you can trust them less (not always the case, but look at how many power-blocs have been destroyed due to internal conflicts after creating a peaceful hegemony), and then you will garner support against eachother and one side will destroy the other out of basic fear and put them on PZI lists if they think they can get away with it. Do not think I say this like a warning to NPO or anyone, it's just a crazy old coot's look at history through the ages and my personal opinion on this, but hey, what do I know? I'm just some idiot on a computer somewhere.
  24. Congratulations Western Empire, been a long time since I've seen you guys, (really though, it's been a long time since I've seen anyone... suprise!) and you're looking good. Hope the new charter works out for ya.
  25. If you are playing this game, and choose to read threads like these, it is my honest opinion that you chose to lose those 5 minutes (and every other minute you have "lost" in this game), so the fail is all yours, my friend.
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