Hello, friendly neighborhood Asriel Belacqua here, with another thought.
I was talking to a good friend of mine earlier today, and she said that she was having trouble, due to some things that happened as a result of actions she took in this game. The things that were said were OOC, based on IC action, and were not only hurtful to her, but also to me, that anyone would say that to a good friend of mine.
I am willing to bet that if you got to truly meet this person, you would know that you were
Well folks, it's finally happened. I am re-retired. Back in NAAC, and man I am here to say it sucks. Not the retirement, nor being in an alliance, just the in-between. The time I'm at now. Where you feel bad for your former alliance, but are hopeful for your new one.
Well I am here to say folks that you can't have regrets. You made a decision for a reason, and good or bad, you have to stick with it. Why? If you go wishy-washy, you won't ever be able to trust yourself, nor will anyone really be
Well, I know it's been a while since I've posted anything, and at that, most of it has been random. For this, I apologize. I did it for specific friends and people, or just because I felt this would be a quieter place to put my thoughts down where I could look at them later.
So, in this entry, I guess I will say that if you have a request for a discussion, or a topic for me to write about, or just talk in general, leave a reply here and I will do what I can.
~Asriel Belacqua
I come here today, at 2:00 a.m. (amazing, it's earlier than my normal 3:00 a.m. thoughts. I'm getting better) to discuss with anyone and everyone a subject that is brought up often in people's thoughts. This is the subject of "Should I do what's right, even if it's hard, or say screw it and just do what's easy for once?"
As much as I'd like to say doing what you feel you "should" is easy, it is not always so. Many people ridicule those who feel are doing the right thing. They ridicule the deci
I have decided, this, the 21st of July, 2009 that I will start roleplaying in all IC forums. Not to the point where I just post things like "HAI THAR" or whatever, I mean RP as in what I did in the IAA celebration thread.
This has come about in a way to make myself feel better about the quality of posting that goes on, as I am now doing something about it. Even if others will not go as extreme as I, and I do not expect them to, the "o/" responses are not making me feel good.
It has also come a
Warning: I know this may seem arbitrary, though, seeing as it's 3:00 a.m., I wouldn't be surprised by the amount of randomness in this post.
On Alliances:
I recently joined the IAA, which stands for the Imperial Assault Alliance. I'm pretty sure many, if not all of you have heard of it, but I digress.
(Bear with me, it's not a recruitment blog here) I really like the IAA, and many members, even with the recent drama (See: Balsamic Vinegar, AKA Youmaka, and his ex-wife Rebecca), though I have
Dear NPO,
I come to you today as a concerned member of the CN community.
I have a question for you today.
Since when did any amount of monetary reps, and warring for 2 weeks become worse than forcing whole alliances to disband, or be under a viceroyship for a year? (Which, btw, is against the TOS of CN)
Thank you for your time,
Asriel Belacqua
Many people lately have been talking about change, the change Karma will bring, the change Karma won't bring, the beginning of this, the end of that, and the list goes on, and it's almost confusing to many people who haven't been around for very long.
If you do not want to hear my opinion, do not read further, if you don't mind, then continue.
I am here to say that I believe the change is good. I believe that a new, and Golden Age of Cybernations is upon us. By Golden Age, I do not mean an age
Well hello readers/investigators/whatever you may call yourself upon stumbling into this humble blog of mine. Now, I know what some of you are thinking (or, at least, I hope I do), which is something along the lines of: What the heck is this? Why am I here? Why should I come back? and all sorts of other questions along those lines.
Well, to be honest, this is exactly what the title says, it's my thoughts. That could mean on an issue, a war, or just something you've probably never heard of. Why