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Asriel Belacqua

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Everything posted by Asriel Belacqua

  1. Dear NPO, I come to you today as a concerned member of the CN community. I have a question for you today. Since when did any amount of monetary reps, and warring for 2 weeks become worse than forcing whole alliances to disband, or be under a viceroyship for a year? (Which, btw, is against the TOS of CN) Thank you for your time, Sincerely, Asriel Belacqua Edit: Forgot the warring for 2 weeks, and the fact that it IS against TOS
  2. ... Like NPO has NEVER completely destroyed a sovereign alliance (*looks at the various viceroys, forced disbandments, etc, etc, etc*) yeah... that's going to help your case. Not saying I want NPO to disband, just saying don't destroy the legs you stand on here.
  3. According to Cortath, you're just a liar and your math is wrong. DO THEM AGAIN! PRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Also: Steelrat has officially won this war NPO, give it up, he's a genius in math, and so are many others, and we have backed up the numbers many times. You're just making yourselves look uncoordinated (in terms of "can't get 90%") and incompetent.
  4. NinjaPirate: Here NAAC is, not liking something, here we are taking a stand, and here YOU are telling us to shutup anyway. Have a nice day, ok?
  5. Almost every alliance i have been in has had 90% activity. During a war/Before a war that number has typically increased to 95% activity. These alliances were also seen as "incompetent" by many alliances, including some from NPO. Are you telling me that these alliances are now seen as "utopian" or "exceptional" or "above average" in terms of activity? What a change of policy.
  6. /thread. ROFL I feel that the most important event would either have to be the Great Wars (Yes, I'm considering them a series, not singular events), or the formation of the first alliances.
  7. /debate right there. Seriously.
  8. I have heard several times that they are willing to discuss the part of the 90% membership clause (to get REAL active members, not including ones that are on vacation/ghosting/etc). That is what I am referring to in my post, not the numbers of the reps.
  9. It seems that Karma is willing to discuss, but not the NPO... Hmm... Interesting... /pr
  10. Hi-ho, hi ho, it's off to WAR WE GO! With a little bang and a little smack! Hi-ho! Hi-ho hi-ho hi-ho! Also: Obligatory spork-pr0n:
  11. Or, for the sake of allowing more options in the poll (like the lack of Asia, etc), Western USA, Midwestern USA, Eastern USA, then Western Canada, East Canada, Central America, South America, Western Europe, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle-East, Far East Asia, Asia (whatever's left), Africa, Oceania, Australia, New Zealand. Otherwise, good poll. I mean, you forgot some, but, it's a big list and it still gives people a good idea of what the demographics are (also: and lulz at atheism beating Christianity on this).
  12. (Posting in black to get the point across) Guys, he went over this SEVERAL TIMES. The poll somehow posted before he was done adding in all the options, one of the biggest of which would be adding several countries that do not exist in there, and other such things. He has already apologized for this, several times, and I just want to say, maybe you should read even the first page of his responses (I believe it's his very second post in this thread, which is like the 3rd or 4th post down that he states he messed up). If you cannot do this, then do not complain about him forgetting something, because you are too lazy to read and see if there's any reason why he forgot it. /rant. Otherwise, voted Christian, 17, Rocky Mountains. This poll is enjoyable to see the demographics, even if we are missing out on a lot of people (looking at you guys Europe, Asia, Australia, SA, and anyone in NA that got left out).
  13. <insert mindless GR/IAA hailing and praise here> Also: HAI GR GUIZ! Spam's on me.
  14. (ooc:)Benedict Arnold... If it wasn't for him, we would've lost the Revolutionary War when Cornwallis and the other two generals did their combined attack that ended up being only Cornwallis. Arnold got the other two generals to retreat back to their respective places and then defeated Cornwallis himself at that battle. He was a military GENIUS and was a great man. Congress refused to give him any recognition for that battle and he, being human, was obviously pissed. They also refused to put him in command of another army (even though he did so fantastically with the last one) and basically pissed him off to the point that anyone with a level head (and a need for food, clothing, etc) would leave the Revolution and join the British side. He paid for that though, seeing as the British never treated him like a citizen and he became hated by the whole world. Yes, this is going off on a tangeant, but, I see Fran's decision MUCH like Arnolds. Misunderstood. That's all it is. People need to read history. (Yes I know, I can't remember the battle's name and such, but I know FOR SURE the general idea of what happened) Now if you'll excuse me, I'm done with this thread.
  15. Feels like forever doesn't it! lol. Only 5 more days until you can feel old too! I'll be waiting with the welcome wagon.
  16. When you start looking for blue pens, and throwing away all the black ones in your office/room/house so you can write in all blue ink.
  17. Thanks for the support, and you bring up very good points. I feel it to be a great thing, whether or not others judge the same, well, it's their opinion. I'll be sure to congratulate you if you send a reminder. This club is open to all members who wish to feel like they are old. Keep on trucking! Nice to know some people enjoy my posts that I don't really know. I hope you stick around until that time too, I enjoy your posts as well. Thank you too, best of luck to you in all your endeavors. I doubt I'll get too involved, but, I think I might try sooner or later to get re-involved to a point, and expect continued support from me as well. o/ to you too
  18. I am nominating this for the "CN Humor" thread. No, I'm not Walford. I wasn't ever in GATO. If it was a joke, then even better.
  19. I am pretty sure most do too. Frankly, I don't care. People who read my posts know me well enough to know the content of them, those who don't, well, they'll just never know. Ignorance is bliss, no? My friends see them, my friends read them, and the people who matter read them, that's all that matters to me. Have an enjoyable evening.
  20. And considering that I have Sugar and Wine (officially one of the worst trade-sets in the world) I am proud of my achievement of never re-rolling/purging. Also: Thanks Nintenderek, you're one of the reasons I included Browncoats as a whole in there. Keep it up.
  21. In the words of the borg, "Resistance is futile" It really is... I feel hopeless.
  22. I am going to refer you to a part of my post: Thank you for your input. Sebet: Keep on trucking. It's nice to see people who've been around for a while still going, and hoping to make it farther. Don't quit for anyone.
  23. Everytime I said "no" it was like plucking a grey hair... Two more came back to eat me alive.
  24. An older man with graying hair walks out onto a podium in front of a small crowd. He did not expect many to show, but even this was a little smaller than he expected. He is wearing an tattered brown coat with a few dusty medals on it, with a small flask barely showing out the sides Hello everyone. Not many of you may know me, not many of you may care. If you do not care, I ask that instead of laughing, crying, flaming, trolling, or what-have-you, just leave. This is your warning, I am old, boring, and don't frankly care what you think. The man waits a while, watching a few disgruntled observers decide that it's best they leave, and then continues. My name, is Asriel Belacqua, as many of you probably know. I became a leader on this rock at approximately 5:48:25 PM local time on August 29, 2006. Since that time I have not grown much, nor become a prestigious leader, nor a strong nation capable of showering gifts numbering in the billions of dollars to my allies. What I have done though, I feel, is greater than those actions. I have been a leader of a small group of friends that I would now not give up for the world. I have become allies with people I never thought I'd care about, and have endured many hardships with these friends, helping them through theirs, and them helping me through mine. I have learned to realize the importance of (ooc) "This is a game, have fun" (/ooc). I have learned the importance of small people, small actions, and even smaller punishments for mistakes. Many of you are saying, "Why should we care?" "Who are you?" and other such questions. Frankly, you'd know why you should care, if you knew who I was. As for who I am, it is unimportant, for I really am nobody. I just simply wanted to celebrate my 1000 days in a way that (while it may be unoriginal), seemed large enough for the occasion, so I put it here. Here's the part you all love and hate, the people who made it possible, my friends, allies, comrades, and just simply, "mine." - The people I'll look out for no matter what. Holyone: You have taught me many things, too many to be listed, and have been a good friend for as long as I've known you. Keep up the good fight, Forever Blue, Forever NAAC, as it should be. NAAC: As a whole, the rest of you, rock. Quite simply, you made this game fun for me, and I keep playing for you guys. All ex-NAACers, feel free to rejoice that you kept people wanting to play this game, even 2 years after the alliance itself left. Veneke: You, more than you know it, helped me get through my many terms in gov't, and helped me stay in CN when I didn't want to anymore. Most of all though, you've been a great friend, and I know I can count on you when I need some help or advice. Keep it up. Browncoats as a whole: Best alliance group I could think of. Sure, we had our pitfall at the end, but up until then, we were golden. Everyone hated us, but we kept trucking anyway. You are all great friends and I know that I am proud to keep my coat Brown and keep thinking of our "boat" that we had. Chimaera: Even if you are at the bottom, you're not the least important. You have also been a great friend, and a persistent recruiter. (which I hate you for btw <3 ) Keep living the dream you crazy cat. There are many others who know they should be here, but I do not want to bore people, just know that if I have reason to talk to you, you're important enough to know that you could be put on this list, because I don't talk to many people. Asriel Belacqua moves slowly back from the podium, and reaches into his coat pocket. Out of the pocket comes several flat squares. As he opens the first one, it reveals itself to be the old flag of the National Alliance of Arctic Countries. He puts this one on a pole and gives it to one of his personal assistants who is standing nearby, then starts opening the second square. It turns out to be the flag of the late Browncoats alliance, which he also puts on a pole and gives to an assistant. The last square he starts unfolding shows itself to be the flag of the Imperial Assault Alliance, which he proudly puts on a pole, then carries it personally out of the room slowly, with the other two following behind. Tl; DR: "Yes, I do feel old, thank you for noticing." -Asriel Belacqua
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