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Asriel Belacqua

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Everything posted by Asriel Belacqua

  1. You forgot about me. I'm on there somewhere. Ninja edit: Over 500 posts! Yay. What an accomplishment for me.
  2. Warning: I know this may seem arbitrary, though, seeing as it's 3:00 a.m., I wouldn't be surprised by the amount of randomness in this post. On Alliances: I recently joined the IAA, which stands for the Imperial Assault Alliance. I'm pretty sure many, if not all of you have heard of it, but I digress. (Bear with me, it's not a recruitment blog here) I really like the IAA, and many members, even with the recent drama (See: Balsamic Vinegar, AKA Youmaka, and his ex-wife Rebecca), though I have to say, that retirement was definitely better. While I know that many would say "But the fun part of CN is being in the politics and getting to know people" etc etc, I do know this, and I do enjoy meeting new people, but let me tell you about "retirement." While in "retirement" you don't HAVE to do anything. Anything you do is because you want to, with no fear of harming other people's pixels. You can still go on IRC and have fun on forums, but you don't have to worry about the "dull" side of things in CN, and can have more fun creating drama. It's a bit like going rogue, except, you are not leaving the game, and are still "playing by the rules" of alliances, in that you aren't just declaring on everyone and nuking them, though I guess you could... Anyway, in closing, I know it's not much of an article this time around, it's late (or early), give me a break. Just want to say, thanks for reading, and, I love alliances, I just like being free too. Maybe some of you should try it out. ~Asriel Belacqua
  3. You chose to do this. The choice was yours. The consequences are therefore, also yours to accept when you choose to do something. Did you expect us to give you more money and wish you along your merry way as you go rogue on our leaders?
  4. We were holding them off. We were not going to attack you at all. We were just warning people of your actions. You chose to be aggressive. See you on the way down.
  5. Liars, thieves, and traitors, are three types of people I cannot stand. Apparently, these two were all three in one. I may not be prestigious by any amount, but I hope that people heed my warning that you should keep your eye open when dealing with people of this calibre.
  6. If we do that ("reset") I would say do what the moon-game did, and keep this "planet" alive, but close registration, and just make the "new planet" the open-registration one. I am not really for this, as, like Londo said, it's very possible to build up your nation in a relatively short amount of time (I have had to do this several times, my nation is over 1000 days old, and I'm currently at 600 infra and no tech because I'm tech-dealing, and it's relatively quick already to build up to a "good" level).
  7. Yes, I know, despicable for stealing rum. I just... I CAN'T HELP IT!!! IT'S TOO GOOD! At least it wasn't Uber's beer though, that would be absolutely horrifying. Plus, I stole the rum from my own storeroom, does that count? And the mudkips are definitely residing on the gray sphere. Don't you see them? They are right beside NONE and all that is evil in this world! We must kill them! KILL THEM ALL!
  8. I don't know who you are UberSpion, but I swear, I did not take your beer. I take rum, sure, but not the beer. Except the belgian kind, but that's because it's really good. That's beside the point though. Seriously? NPO UberSpion? They are in the past now man, move on. Karma is too. They are so last month, I don't see why you bring them up here. Maybe it's because others brought it up, sure, but why should you? You're just as bad as they are Uber, and I know you stole my Pop Rocks, and I demand them back before I give you any Belgian Beer back. Will you comply with my offer? I thought so. Also, about the war on mudkips, you're right. We should. How abouts you and I form a coalition against these evil mudkips before they destroy us all? I would like that.
  9. The being at war for 2 months part, I have no sympathy for. FAN was at war for more months than NPO the first time, and a year (or more, can't really remember) the second time. Sure, FAN didn't lose as much NS as NPO did overall, but I'm sure the loss of 75% of their members, 90% of their strength, as well as basically all their PR and Foreign Relations, was quite a heavy price to pay.
  10. shh, you are ruining my ebil plot against bob. Silence you fool!
  11. Bob didn't want to give us the satisfaction of having a big flag, so he took his own ego down a notch just to make sure we didn't get a big flag. Isn't that right bob?
  12. National Alliance of Arctic Countries (N.A.A.C.) I am going to have to nominate this flag right here. Simple, memorable, feeling of strength behind it, but not scary, easy to draw as a kid, etc, etc, etc.
  13. Dear NPO, I come to you today as a concerned member of the CN community. I have a question for you today. Since when did any amount of monetary reps, and warring for 2 weeks become worse than forcing whole alliances to disband, or be under a viceroyship for a year? (Which, btw, is against the TOS of CN) Thank you for your time, Sincerely, Asriel Belacqua
  14. I did not spell the word wrong, I use the word "bye" to the same effect that you use that other word. B)
  15. Does he even deserve that "good" in that "goodbye"? I think he just deserves the "bye."
  16. When he makes his way down to 4,000 NS I'm attacking him! Yes, pathetic that I'm only 2K NS, bite me, I've been warring for the last 6 months, but this, this seems like a reasonable cause, since not only is his flag offensive, but his whole attitude in general.
  17. Hail to the shortest MDOAP in history with the longest signature list!
  18. No, I did not, and I do not agree with this one either. Fact is, that's how they will see it and I'm in no position to change it. And after what they did to my countless friends who were forced to leave the game under their boot, I don't much care enough to voice it to the people who could change it. Ahh, apathy, such a wonderful thing. Again, I don't agree with this system, when either side is doing it. I don't fear the NPO will come back, and I am not actually beating down the NPO, I am not at war with them, nor was I ever, except when they were at war with my alliance, which was far in the past. I am not out to loot and plunder them, again, I have no say in the reps or terms, and I would not actually gain anything from them.
  19. But! BUT! BUT! But.... yes sir... You makes me a sad little penguin. Edit: Everyone loves their alliance, and I do not disagree with loving your alliance. Fact is, alliances lose wars, and crap happens when you lose wars, but that's when you come together more as an alliance.
  20. Ok, thank you kind person. You heard it here folks, karma is, in fact, NOT worse than what NPO has allowed to do. Thank you and good day.
  21. Would any NPO sympathizers like to respond to this letter? I'd really like an answer, and I don't want to PM you all, as that would just be annoying.
  22. I should edit that, I meant it WAS borderline against the TOS, and then, afterwards, they officially stated it was. My point still stands though, and I'd appreciate it if it was addressed.
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