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Everything posted by Dre4mwe4ver

  1. Sad to see this treaty had to end this way. Good luck, guys. o/
  2. My sincerest condolences to the general membership of the Independent Republic of Orange Nations.
  3. The sun set last night. The III% rose in this morning. Rise and shine, motherfuckers. o/ III%
  4. ohai, welcome to the party! no worries, you're not late, it's just getting started. o7
  5. Army of bandits, eh? I'll go get my bandana. o/ SUN o/ Honoring Treaties
  6. o7 The Last Republic Honorable move, and welcome to the fray! And most importantly... o/ Space Jam
  7. Bob has once again entered rough times. CnG sees her allies in Non Grata, the New Pacific Order and The Imperial Order are under attack by a wide coalition of forces. We see the world burning and at war. In times of global war, it can become easy to let fear or conflicting ties complicate what should be a simple decision. We have all seen alliances make mistakes in global wars, driven by fear or greed instead of honor. Not us. Our allies have been attacked, and we will not sit idly by, no matter the odds. We shall honor any and all requests for help by our allies. Pursuant to Article III of The Unity Covenant and in defense of our allies, the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization hereby declares war on Invicta. To our friends, we are with you to the end. Invicta, we have nothing but respect for you, and are confident we can have a clean and honorable fight.
  8. Thank you, EvU. It was an absolute honor and a privilege. You are truly some of the best allies anyone could have ever asked for. With a heavy heart, we bid the Everfree Union farewell, and with open arms, we welcome them into GATO! o/ EvU The Alliance Affiliation of The Everfree Union is hereby protected by the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization. ~Dre4mwe4ver, Assembly Chairman of the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization
  9. I like sandwiches. Good luck, and let the nukes fly! o/
  10. Yeah, man. I love me some good old fashioned DH, and I absolutely despise the likes of Pacifica and TIO.
  11. Honorable move. o/ NG Good luck and have fun! The most impressive kind is when you're afraid to post a DoW, wait until peace is coming, hit a couple nations just before said peace, then complain about lack of fighting because of the peace you were desperately rushing for to begin with got declared. Those are precious.
  12. That's exactly the point I'm making: "GATO was just out of the smoke-filled back rooms", because from your narrative, you state "C&G" as a whole, an entity which GATO is a member of. That gives the impression that what you're stating is that GATO partook in these... activities, which is a complete fabrication. But if we're on the same page and have the same understanding that this is not the case, then just fix that little error, and by all means, carry on.
  13. Well, yes, it kinda is your narrative problem because it's your narrative that you provided false information in. My advice to strengthen your argument is simply don't lie. It takes away from the legitimacy of your narrative when you do. If you're willing to lie about any aspect, then there's every reason to doubt the other aspects of that narrative.
  14. Sounds like a party. Congrats to URON for picking up a great group. Also, Walsh, what the hell is wrong with you, letting Xanth do stuff?
  15. Could I possibly get a copy of this script? You know, the script you said I was sent for approval? You know, the script I never approved, or received? Yes, that one, please. Thanks!
  16. Sorry. We'll just blame the mic :wub: No pressure. I want to say yes, because that'd be more fun. /me sighs. Well, I guess if one of us is going to let their delusions leak onto the OWF, then one of us is going to have to clean it up. GATO never sought to make MI6 our enemy. I consider many MI6 members close friends, both former members of GATO, and many others, (you know who you are, hi!... no, not you, sorry) and with MI6's formation, was keen to explore cordial relations, given those ties, along with our common ally in House Baratheon, who I know we both value and respect. I know there are those in MI6 who feel similarly. However, circumstances change, as we can see, and I'm not here to join you in the finger pointing game. But for the service of your alliance, follow the example of some of MI6's more exemplary members: Don't pretend you're some brave victim rising to a challenge that never existed. Don't pretend your hands are clean of the dirt of discontent. Take responsibility for your actions. Or you could say we're no longer cute again, and break our poor little inactive and irrelevant hearts.
  17. o/ RIA Fun, fun, fun, I'm glad you tl;dr'd for me. Much easier to understand. Thanks <3
  18. He lost when he picked up the mic to begin with. Oh, now, now, you know what you were expecting. Don't be a bad sport ;)
  19. ... ... ... "This is not the thread you are looking for, trolls," said GATO. "This is not the thread we are looking for," said TOP and MI6. "We may move along now to the correct proceedings," said GATO. "Move along now, move along," said TOP and MI6. ... ... ...
  20. Digging in the closet of old things that haven't changed. o/ our longstanding treaty with our friend in INT
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