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Max Power

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Everything posted by Max Power

  1. Congrats, much love, and thanks for the admittedly unexpected shout out.
  2. Sounds great, and as mentioned, not the right link.
  3. [quote name='Master-Debater' timestamp='1293855090' post='2559823'] So does this mean that the both of you will "retire" later this year after a devastating set of wars? [/quote] More specifically, against green alliances? Congrats to Exodus and we need more football-themed treaties.
  4. Um... yay? The "LOL" in that war flag pretty well sums it up.
  5. I like the DoW and the Nicole Pisari pic, but wow, is BoS ever a micro... nano-alliance, even?
  6. Welcome to green and feel free to stop by our forums/IRC. As mentioned, Legacy will be good protectors. Is the protectorate meant to be long-term or just a temporary thing?
  7. Ruler Name: Max Power Forum Name: ^ Alliance: Basketball Ninjas Let's see BN deciding some awards! Also, I voted null for all three options above. There are already more than enough awards.
  8. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1293735052' post='2558429'] Hopefully you appreciate that the fact you could pay them off in one day shows the leniency of the terms and how lucky you were. A heppy new year to you also, and may it be one in which you don't put your allies in a sticky position for fun. [/quote] This plus the "that was fat" replies. Both apply here.
  9. Minute Maid Light is best - not so much sugar. Good with vodka too, of course. I've never had reconstituted orange juice, but if it's anything like reconstituted beef broth, I may have to pass. Nice review. Terms like this make wars better.
  10. Can I vote for all of them? I agree that the 16 in your OP are all we really need.
  11. Congratulations! It was a pleasure helping load you up with tech. I'll have to keep track of when this contest takes place...
  12. Complete sympathy and great decision. There's nothing like inactivity to undermine an alliance.
  13. [quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1293209724' post='2552691'] I voted Null Vote... AND WON! Once upon a time (three days ago), I ran out of tinfoil so I tried a plastic bag hat to see if that would block the effects of the orbital mind control lasers. What ended up happening was that my brain quickly ran out of oxygen and had it not been for my faithful helper monkey Mr. Chuckles, well, I wouldn't want to think about that... But I bring all this up because RIGHT BEFORE I BLACKED OUT, I had this very thought: Now that I'm getting a full complement of oxygen to my brain, I don't think this any more. Loosen your tie or quit wearing turtlenecks, Fernando12. You'll see world affairs much more clearly that way. PC/iFOK didn't abandon an ally as much as that ally abandoned them and their counsel. It was like this: NEW: I'mma jump off this cliff. Jump with me! PC/iFOK: Dude, that's stupid. No way. NEW: I'mma do it now! PC/iFOK: Seriously, no. Please. Don't. NEW: Here I go! AAAAAAAH! PC/iFOK: HOLY [all-caps expletive deleted]! HE DID IT! HANG ON, NEW, HERE'S A ROPE! GRAB ON AND YOU WON'T HIT THE BOTTOM! WE'RE HERE TO HELP YOU! NEW: No way, dude, I want to see the bottom of the cliff! See ya! THE CHORUS OF TROLLS: If you guys were *real* friends, you would have jumped. Cowards. Of course, the Chorus of Trolls would love to see PC/iFOK take that jump, as it would weaken the power structure that faces them. Of course, they'll still troll and not listen to reason, but that's the way they are... And, on a side note, nothing can substitute for tinfoil. NOTHING. Not even duct tape. I'll tell you about my experience there some other day... [/quote] Best reply in this thread. I voted Umbrella, but it could just as easily be VE or FOK. It's a pretty balanced bloc, all told. By the logic of blocs being controlled by outside allies of some of the members, we could make some pretty hilarious polls here. Who's with me on the ODN/UPN cancellation being the final waning of UPN's iron-fisted dominance over C&G?
  14. [quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1293443927' post='2555180'] Indeed, I'd agree that is an issue. They can't exactly stop those members from leaving though. =/ It is not something I agree is right though. It is still an individual's actions though and not the alliance's. The war was aggressive in nature and should not spiral into a larger conflict. NEW chose this path for fun but to support that war is to support the aggressive part of a treaty, not the defensive. [/quote] Not only the aggressive part, but an aggressive part that most alliances don't consider valid. As mentioned, NEW wanted fun and got it in a radioactive way. There doesn't need to be some massive all-out war because of it.
  15. Happy Birthday from BN. Keep blingin'. \m/
  16. [quote name='Gairyuki' timestamp='1292994623' post='2549262'] That flag is just awful. [/quote] It reminds me of that old Invicta one. A horse, words everywhere whether or not they're relevant, and a whole ton of purple: the ingredients for any great flag. *OK, it's more of a bluish colour on this flag, but the point stands.
  17. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1293078975' post='2551054'] [ooc] The picture you showed was not Jesus' birth, it was his crucifixion. And as a Christian I find you using this quite in bad taste. This is a game, for you to use such a picture in this context is absolutely ridiculous. I'm religious and I do take offense to that. [/ooc] [/quote] This. Also, this is really an OOC thing...
  18. BN will not be placated unless it receives both cake [i]and[/i] bonbons.
  19. Had someone actually not seen this meme?
  20. *facepalm* ODN being indirectly linked with IRON is hilarious though.
  21. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1292484942' post='2540772'] Does sound like a brand of washing machines though. [/quote] I can only imagine that's part of the appeal.
  22. Writing the official mission statement for my alliance. And my 551 casualties. Schad deserves the crap he gets for being so warlike, having 780 of them.
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