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James IV

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Everything posted by James IV

  1. [quote name='Comrade Craig' date='21 July 2010 - 04:07 PM' timestamp='1279746409' post='2383247'] A few tips to consider: 1. Check out the [url=http://theinternational-cn.com]INT forums[/url]. Make use of transparency so that your graphic can seamlessly blend into the background. 2. Our flag (the rising sun + 3 star) has some symbolism outside of the normal red & yellow commie stuff. The three stars represent the three alliances that merged to form INT. The rising sun represents all the usual things: ascendancy, rebirth, etc. I'm particularly fond of the 3-star symbolism, so anyone who successfully incorporates some version of it into their design gets bonus points from me. (I'm just a member; these are just my opinions) -Craig [/quote] Looks like I will have to add more stars to keep in the running. lol
  2. [quote name='Cataduanes' date='21 July 2010 - 11:48 AM' timestamp='1279730878' post='2382703'] Nice one Jamesy, not bad for a Man Utd fan [/quote] Heh, just trying to earn some allowance money. All the Finns and the brass keep spending Nordreich's treasury on the booze.
  3. I wish MCXA the best of luck on your new path, and may it be your own.
  4. [quote name='Baron Terror' date='21 July 2010 - 09:12 AM' timestamp='1279721519' post='2382510'] There is no "lol" in front of commies, this will simply not do. [/quote] How could I be such a noob? Forgive me? [img]http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/4137/lol2u.png[/img]
  5. Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=36269 Alliance Representing: Nordreich Image or Link to Submission: [img]http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/8900/lolxj.png[/img] Money please.
  6. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='21 July 2010 - 02:20 AM' timestamp='1279696786' post='2382254'] [color="#0000FF"]I thought he was in MK actually. I must be thinking of a different James. Nevertheless, what I say remains true.[/color] [/quote] There is a "James I" that is MK. My comment earlier is that I think this a dumb move by MK when GOONS and \m/ could have done this on their own. I don't like tech raiding either so you could probably guess what I think about this. You are right on this one though. As much as I don't care for NPO, this is just people waving around their e-peens. [OOC] I like the ODN's pip the best right now, but might change back to the Polar one. Sorry if it confused you. [/OOC]
  7. This is worth more to the NPO not DoWing. They can easily recruit new members who want revenge and will sell tech to boost the upper tier and they can be the "victim" on the political scene.
  8. I suppose that if NOIR really wanted to, it could end black sphere raiding, but I doubt it.
  9. I see the NPO being a "free agent" like Terrel Owens in the NFL. Right now they are the black sheep of the political scene. At some point though, some alliance is going to be looking over their treaties and will come to the conclusion that for them, the risk of signing with NPO is less than the reward. NPO is still a very talented alliance with quite a bit of NS of their own to throw around. If signing with NPO looks like it will help overthrow the SG bloc in place, someone(s) will pick them up.
  10. Yep. This is just "might makes right" 2.0.
  11. Haha, I don't blame ya with the Red Safari out there.
  12. And the NPO falls further behind in the race to be #1. Sorry to see yall go.
  13. ODN rejecting an Option? lol j/k Best of luck to yall.
  14. I go crazy when StarCraft doesn't work to. =(
  15. I doubt that just because SF and C&G would break up that the war would be even. Alliances jump to the more powerful side, not the one that looks weak from bad PR.
  16. The alliances in SF and C&G along with their lapdog Sparta are the bad guys now. /sarcasm
  17. Well, when war does come it barely lasts a week before everyone starts complaining about it.
  18. I imagine everyone must be all TORN up inside about this one. =/
  19. [quote name='Omniscient1' date='15 July 2010 - 12:04 AM' timestamp='1279170231' post='2372341'] Good job, but why two topics? [/quote] They are really sorry?
  20. But, but! You aren't making the meanies in GOD and GOONs pay for this.
  21. Lol, this outta be good. Edit: Also, congrats!
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