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James IV

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Everything posted by James IV

  1. Its because I am Nordreich isn't it!
  2. [quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280770295' post='2398538'] Please enact #7 of your charter. You're not helping. [/quote] Looks like you will have to update your list there....
  3. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1280711049' post='2397684'] You are sovereign so yes. But be ready to deal with the backlash. MHA is dealing with it and just showed that any treaty can be canceled. [/quote] You are right here. If an alliance is going to take that path though, why even sign treaties?
  4. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1280710254' post='2397664'] Read the OP. MHA just put their names on a document that cancels a previous document. The newer documents supersedes the old. [/quote] So I guess cancellation clauses are obsolete altogether then? If my alliance just writes a new document saying we are no longer bffs with one of our allies, we can cancel what we want when we want by this logic.
  5. Congrats to the Gramlins. While people may not like you, yall will at least stand for something.
  6. Haha, I actually remember the Freak Safari thing. Good times.
  7. I learned my lesson after the NPO thread. You just have to read the first few and people just rehash from there. lol
  8. Heh. Q was helpful when I needed help. [OOC] I had to do a project for school on Trotsky [OOC/] I am sure it will be felt by you guys. I am sure that your new government is capable of keeping your alliance running smooth though. Congrats.
  9. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1280439195' post='2394388'] James will win! No one will be able to beat his lolcommie MSpaint sig. [/quote] Heh. Wise man is wise. Just check the INT's forum banner soon to see mine. haha
  10. Why does it matter? As soon as the war unfolds people start crying "New Hegemony", "curbstomp", and anything thing else as soon as they can tell they are losing or will take a loss and because alliances don't want bad PR they back off and most of the fighting is over in a week.
  11. GARO is hindering the return of the cat pip.
  12. Heh, I didn't care for you before, but I look forward to seeing the new you. Welcome home.
  13. [quote name='ilselu1' timestamp='1279997323' post='2387591'] And that ilselu1 character, he's shady. [/quote] Yep. Its time Archon cleaned house over there.
  14. [quote name='Haflinger' date='23 July 2010 - 12:49 AM' timestamp='1279864162' post='2385555'] Actually, the move of NAC and us puts Red ahead of Purple in total nations. Although Red's average NS is still quite a lot lower than Purple. But total nations is what really matters for trades. [/quote] Heh, I wasn't looking at stats to be honest. Politically, the red sphere is the "NPO" sphere and will be be for some time. I am sure at some point in time though, that Red will see more growth as there will be other alliances that become politically isolated on their relative spheres and see Red as their next move for whatever reason. Although you also bring up the point of ANS which these days is more important these days on the global scene when it comes war time and that might play into things as well.
  15. [quote name='Samotopia' date='22 July 2010 - 11:49 PM' timestamp='1279860560' post='2385447'] I can see how that would make sense if an alliance like Ragnarok or VE moved to Red. But Invicta won't help. Not in my opinion anyways. Not that i care about the Red Sphere at all. I just like to follow Invicta around and wait till they do something that i can laugh at [/quote] I think it will just take time myself. It will take a while for the Red Sphere to actually catch up to developing like the rest of the spheres have. I don't care for Invicta much either, but I believe this opens the door for future development.
  16. Well, the guys who pick up your remnants will be really glad to have you guys. Welcome to NoR Chet.
  17. Alrighty. I will think about it and see if I can add anything constructive that would hold up for this and let you know. I like the project though.
  18. Looks like Goose caught someone on his lawn again.
  19. By "Convention", does that mean you are looking for more people to hammer out a final agreement to set in motion?
  20. For some time I have been thinking it would take an already established alliance moving to Red to help build the sphere up. We shall see if Red does indeed become a more attractive sphere for more alliances. Edit: Also, good luck.
  21. [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' date='21 July 2010 - 09:07 PM' timestamp='1279764420' post='2383813'] I'm not gonna lie, I see the name in caps and was thinkin this was going to be DARK LORDS on a different sphere [/quote] You are not the only one. I miss them already. =(
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