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Everything posted by Shimmer

  1. It's simple. Just happen upon a place you'll fit in. I had a hard time after TPF. Micros, ODN, Gramlins and MK in the span of ~two years or so. Now, I've been in GATO for close to 2.5 years minus two months or so.
  2. Congrats TPF! It doesn't seem like it's been that long at all. So excited to be allied to you again! Link to DoE: http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=71615&hl=
  3. [center][img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j54/steelrain_photos/aclogo2.png[/img][/center] I'll keep it short and sweet. June Congress and June-July High Court Results are below. [quote][size="5"][b]Election Results[/b][/size] [b]Congress[/b] [list] [*]Unstpblpimp - Temporary Speaker [*]Hammad0252 [*]Sisao [*]E-n-s [*]Sadizo [*]IG-576 [*]Rishabh Tatiraju[/list] [b]High Court Justices:[/b][list] [*]King Gregory [*]Kevlar [*]jaquesparblue [/list] [/quote]
  4. Congrats to Ironfist Running the Economy over there I see. Great Treaty between two fine alliances.
  5. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1338341411' post='2974279'] Congrats Invicta! You're no longer two chains away from that cat alliance with 250 ghosts. [/quote] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1Yt0xJKDY8
  6. TPF doesn't make cancellations public. They have made quite a few over the past few months.
  7. Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 3,799,998 Attacking + 4,909,092 Defending = 8,709,090 Casualties Casualty Rank: Ranked #25 of 14,199 Nations (0.18%)
  8. Congrats STA! Always a lovely bunch to speak with.
  9. [quote name='Rogal Dorn' timestamp='1337571172' post='2970107'] other people are editing the wiki?!?!?! [/quote] King Wally.
  10. [quote name='Rokula' timestamp='1337570572' post='2970092'] I must be dense, all I see is an comic book cover in the OP? [/quote] NPL Emblem is below the price. NPL Wiki is updated. I suppose they were seeing who had absolutely no idea what was going on and would just follow the "crowd."
  11. Waiting for NPL to either join or fix it's wiki.
  12. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1336354857' post='2964622'] This is all pretty cute and all. Pretty amusing to see as well. I don't think your hatred of GATO phases them one bit to be quite honest with you and they probably laugh about it in their private channels. Furthermore, your view of them as the most "traitorous group of people on Planet Bob" can't be any farther from the truth. I'm sure TPF will have a hell of a time with those good people on brown. [/quote] I'm pretty sure he just didn't think it out. He visited us just yesterday looking for an embassy. Amazing how opinions change in a matter of hours and if not. Why would even want an embassy with such <insert random Omni GATO sucks comment here>. Another example of being unable to move on.
  13. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1336354587' post='2964620'] That's a complete lie. I gathered every single high ranking GATO gov member into an irc room. We all decided on a course of action. We sent that action to congress. Congress voted and approved part of the action. Then you guys tried to coup me, brought up several VoNCs all of which failed, and then leaked the logs of planning said action to NSO in some attempt at PR recovery. Once again, this highlights why you're the most traitorous $%&@s that have ever existed. Max had a hard time being elected to congress in the first place. He only received his seat after some of those running left to GARO. [/quote] I asked you nicely in our last topic to quit derailing every topic we have. Omni, you're a never-was whose only claim to flame is trolling one of your ex-alliances in an attempt to stay by some warped sense of the definition 'relevant.' You got to Assembly Chairman and missed vote of no confidence by literally one or two votes. GATO has sense moved onwards and upwards. Please stop derailing every single topic of ours. Go sit in Odyssey and for once mind your own business. I don't see us harassing your topics. Also, don't even start with me as I know your keyboard moves quicker than your brain. (Seen it on many occasions.) I hardly post on the OWF and typically stick minding my own business. Something you apparently need a few lessons in. Lastly, your avatar should be a clown for a more accurate portrayal. If you have any true grievances grow a pair and talk to us. Your OWF shenanigans do nothing, but scream attention whore. If you can live with that, I'm certain we can.
  14. Congrats TIO. You sexy beasts.
  15. Congrats NPO. As a former signatory of Red Dawn I was wondering how much use such a treaty had these days. Apparently not much.
  16. Congrats IRON and NPO. Nice to see this friendship rekindle.
  17. Congrats to two alliances of whom I have a lot of respect for.
  18. I may not be fans of ROK. However, this is one of the most classless cancellations I have ever seen. I wish you both a speedy disbandment.
  19. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1336102012' post='2963244'] Treating an alliance you helped to create, how it feels TimLee? [/quote] It's taken way too long. Still miss the days of CDS though. Probably the highlights of my career even if our war machine was atrocious.
  20. I blame the double post on using a mac to post it.
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