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Everything posted by Shimmer

  1. Brehon you know I am quite fond of you from our previous dealings. To attribute the OP to Pacifica would be misguided.
  2. I look forward to what this new chapter brings. I must say this alliance has the most activity I have seen since GWIII. I look forward to the fun that is ahead. Oh Noes. I'm Gov!
  3. I'm surprised to see this. I figured C&G wouldn't be disruptive in their fellow bloc-mates direct allies. Between this and the tirade in the Hooligans thread. I'm disappointed. LoSS I support you for doing what you think it right. Military prowess or not you are always an alliance that shows up to bat for your allies with the best of your abilities. A lot more than can be said for most of CN. NoR no disrespect to you all as well. I have no opinion of you positive or negative.
  4. I've never been a member of Hooligans. It is my understanding letub hit term limits.
  5. I hope GATO takes this opportunity. Not because I dislike RnR, but because too much posturing occurs. Someone bring it. No outside aid. No Ghosting 3-4 Cycles. Roll on.
  6. I wish nothing, but to cure the members of community. DoG is a very serious thing. If you think otherwise, that is unfortunate. We must help those heal, which need it the most.
  7. I'd like to advise anyone who wishes to retain their sanity to no longer quote HoT or reply. It tickles his fancy when people reply and keep him stuck in his delusions of grandeur. How this made it to 20 pages shows me how fast the quality of posting has dropped in six years. Help him heal. Don't reply. Community Service Announcement: Symptoms and Treatment: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-delusions-of-grandeur.htm
  8. Had no idea you were still around. I hope you're well LD.
  9. GATO never takes reps regardless of the outcome of wars. That is why we tend not to have major issues with alliances on either side. The only alliances that tend to give GATO a hard time are the ones we aren't at war with.
  10. I'll be frank. If anyone wanted to use senators as a way to advance themselves in a war. (Which is useless due to resource changing.) They would have probably sanctioned some of the upper-tier in peace mode....not a loudmouth on the OWF who frankly isn't worthy of a sanction. He's more like the dog that tries to hump your leg on occasion you just shake-off and carry on with your day. Edit: I mean no disrespect to all the dogs in the world.
  11. No one is going to open up their nations into a tier that they have no chance of winning it. It's as simple as that. Anything else is baseless posturing for the most part. One side is avoiding their top tier. The other side is avoiding their bottom tier. Everyone is simply maximizing damage output and minimizing damage taken. Both strategies are at work. That being said, GATO is doing absolutely fine and we don't care much for what the OWF is saying. Our allies are satisfied with our response and overarching strategy to this war. Just because the other coalition isn't can only mean one thing that the strategy is effective or they are simply mad they can't touch us. This war has also just begun. I'd be rather shocked to see it end before May myself.
  12. I can simply speak for myself as a member. Taking anyone that wants some: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=49094 RnR and Legion guy could both really use some assistance.
  13. Interesting. Two former CDS'ers in Gov.
  14. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1357334823' post='3071344'] So yesterday, I essentially rated a horrible ODN gov on what I call the "Walling Scale of Fail".... just when I think things cant get worse, GATO posts this! Now I must rank the GATO gov on the "TimLee Scale of Fail"...So here goes... [b]Assembly Chairman:[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Laserwolf -- TimLee's Puppet[/font][/color] [b]Minister of Foreign Affairs:[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Dre4mwe4ver --- Worse than TimLee[/font][/color] [b]Minister of Defense:[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Magicninja -- quite possibly TimLee's offspring[/font][/color] [b]Minister of Domestic Affairs:[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Armen17 ---TimLee sympathizer[/font][/color] [b]Minister of Finance:[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Chimaera --- TimLee's Alterego....[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The death of C&G will come soon. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Good lineup friends.[/font][/color] [/quote] I'll have to see if life permits me to be more active in the future. I certainly agree with your assessment of our government. It's far more accurate than I expected it to be.
  15. Six Pages. No mention of GATO. I'm a little disappointed.
  16. I'm not going to spend four pages reading this. There is no secret that GATO/MK are not the best of friends and have had a contentious relationship in years past. However, both are capable in working together towards mutually beneficial goals such as the last few wars. Anyone who looks at alliance culture can see that to be true. Basically everyone plays politics regardless of how incompetent they seem. GATO got a lot of what it wanted in the past wars, but escaped being bashed to death on the OWF because it is believed that they are just being dragged as lap dogs. However, the goals that were set out in GATO Gov were accomplished in them with the brute force of the OWF hit being taken by other alliances. That being said, I'm not Gov nor speak for GATO. I'll add my useless speculation to this: You won't see GATO and MK on the same side in the next war.
  17. Congrat's Voodoo. I see you've been busy since you joined TOP.
  18. Nice to see some of the oldies returning to government.
  19. [quote]Nation Created: 9/29/2006 6:52:20 PM (2,192 days old)[/quote] I would just like to thank the CN Community for my awesome time here. I've spent half of my High School Career and am currently working on my Senior Year at University. This game has been a wonderful place to come and waste time at varying amounts depending on what has been going on in my life at the time. Though I am not very active anymore, I thank you all for making this quite the place to be rather we have been the worst of enemies or greatest of friends. I would be surprised if I can cross the seven year mark given all that is expected to transpire over the year so...yeah I made a cliche thread. I may not be as active anymore, but I hold no-ill will towards any of you OOC and wish you all immense success in your personal lives. IC some of you need to just disband. to all my old CDS family who still plays. -TimLee
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