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Everything posted by Shimmer

  1. Congrats on dropping Sparta. Unless you plan to drop MHA or FARK in the near future.
  2. Congrats to the good people of AB and DoD. May this relationship prove fruitful.
  3. Interesting. I've always had a soft spot for RIA. Probably all those ex-CDS that you have running around.
  4. Interesting. Always thought TSI's closest ally was TPF. Congrats to you both.
  5. You seem mad. If you believed all of those things about MI6 why did you try to join? I have not been relevant nor do I claim to be, outside of the past week. I've posted maybe ten times in the past year - year and a half. I frankly could careless what happens in CN. I know NSO has a lot of excellent members that I have immense respect for. NSO has a lot of terrible members. I believe as an alliance NSO has underachieved since its inception, that is my opinion. Arguing about it certainly isn't going to change my mind.
  6. Don't worry. You're still #1 in terms of being the first person denied entry into MI6. Also, here is an image that describes 9 out of 10 of your posts. I also look forward to a long fruitful relationship with TOP. EDIT: Post about topic.
  7. I see the hate is strong in the Napoleonic Order. All those years of existence with being nothing, but an ankle biting and foot humping third string alliance.
  8. Well. Sometimes you used people and other times you get used by them.
  9. Very original. Oh wait, it's been done repeatedly before.
  10. I seem to recall NPO and IRON canceling on each other after they both fell the first time. They signed their treaty again once their images had been rehabilitated. tl;dr You can have friendship without a treaty. Congrats to Umbrella and best of luck to the rest of DH moving forward. Edit: has to had.
  11. Congrats Prather. Nice to see you active again.
  12. I wouldn't claim that they lost the war. I imagine they accomplished every objective they set out to and no one things that to be the case is the interesting part. It's a surrender on paper, but the other side paid a heavy price with depleted war chests. Umbrella is still statistically superior (not to the same degree) and still has better war chests.
  13. I wouldn't say this war was the most epic. GWII or GWIII came down to what many believe on the losing side to IRON's entry. IRON choose not to enter, but was still granted access to our coalition channel and funneled intel to NPO and Co. I don't recall if that was GWII or III. Pretty sure the channel was #sanctum or something like that. Been far too long. tl;dr: We lost. CDS disbanded. ~> COLD formed from ex-CDS. Merged with TF! and TPF was born out of it. (CDS disbanded because the Prime Minister at the time just wanted to nuke GOONS and ourselves into oblivion.) Circle of life. GWII was fun. I enjoyed being in The League though our treaty was LEAP or something. Edit: I also enjoyed fighting GOONS like 3-4 wars in a row. Every single war we would hit GOONs.
  14. Graduation and moving gets most of us at least once in our lifetime. :awesome:
  15. Glad to see this finally announced. Hate I am showing up on on page 3. :( Ready to work with the Vikings.
  16. I'm rather excited to see maxfiles as Minister of Defense. That could go one of two ways both of which are polar opposites. Congrats Kerschbs. I couldn't think of a better GATOan to serve as AC. You're truly top notch.
  17. I know nothing about (PT) or what this means. Best of luck to you Cynic. You're a stand-up fellow.
  18. Congrats to my friends in DT and DRN may the relationship continue to prosper and the tech flow.
  19. I'm excited to be allied to TOP for the first time in my ~7 year career. May the party never stop.
  20. Welcome back to bloc status AZTEC. Congrats to AB, GLOF and DT.
  21. Never really meshed with Valhalla. I wish you nothing but the best though and look forward to seeing where you land in this mess.
  22. Quite a sudden departure. I hope all is well with you Dre4m if you happen to see this. Feel free to drop me a line if you need to. Good Luck Manis, you have big shoes to fill.
  23. :wub: Come back to me some day. I like you. I like you a lot.
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