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Everything posted by Robster83

  1. No shit genius. I already pointed that out to you. Maybe you should read for once instead of continuing your spewing. I am saying you are pathetic, and you say nothing of substance. Yes, that guy is in peace mode due to not having a warchest. As are a couple of other guys. What's your point? There's plenty in NG who are in the same predicament. Don't try and pretend otherwise, we've carried out spy ops too. It's just that I have the brain cells to realise when something is the exception, not the norm. Everyone in our coalition is literally laughing at this. Given that we attacked you in short notice, and there was a change of plan. The war as a whole? Maybe. UPN on NG specifically? No, in fact it was never even considered up until several hours before the DoW. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Ok Steve, whatever you say. Glad to hear you're having fun.
  2. There were no targets for our upper tier guys, and we decided that it will be better for those who cannot find targets at the time of the DoW to peace and get a selection of who to attack at a later stage. By now most of the upper tier have already left peace. Are you really complaining about 4 out of the top 15 nations being in PM? If DBDC want to do something, they have plenty of targets. Perhaps instead of trying to spin it you could take a check of those who were in PM, and who will remain in it for the entirety of the war? That would be a better indicator on whether I was being genuine about what I said. Also well done. You found one of a few nations that do not have a warchest. Let's pretend that no one in NG is in a similar predicament. Honestly, this is the equivalent of making jokes about the use PM. I thought people were past that stage. Although I wouldn't expect anything other than this from you Steve. After all you are the biggest hypocrite of this war thus far. ... Please keep up the crying and butthurt though! PS: Send out Trigger, Multi and James from PM. And I will gladly back up my words. :awesome:
  3. Just wanted to say thanks for this Ogaden. It's really cool!
  4. Stop with these mass generalisations. Conistonslim hit the nail on the head with his post.
  5. It's easy to make comments like that, but without considering the context on a macro-level, it makes you look silly. We're doing what we feel is in the interests of our coalition, and moving to our strategic advantage. Just a hint for you: Hitting NG wasn't on the cards, until yesterday. As for PM. There are no targets for most of our guys, that aren't already being covered by Umb, VE, DoD.
  6. Sorry to see it turned out this way. NPO doesn't deserve your loyalty. I hope both my friends in MI6 and TPF have fun!
  7. In fairness they did declare on TOP, whom we hold an MDoAP with. Looking forward to fighting some of my friends in NG! Should be fun.
  8. Have fun in your last ever war Anarchy Inc. o/ Ave Legio
  9. Put those multis to work! o/ Kaskus, have fun out there.
  10. Have fun stacking those casualties Umb! o/
  11. I've seen NG'ers mocking others for jumping the gun and hitting without a DoW, as well as a lack of swift declarations. Pretty funny to see you guilty of both of them, as well as blowing a stagger so early on. :laugh: Hope my friends in NG and TOP have fun. o/ TOP. Wreck them!
  12. What's up with you being all moralistic lately Steve :P ?
  13. Just imagine how dull CN would be without magicninja.
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