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Everything posted by Lurunin

  1. You know, considering that this subject comes up almost every single time Sparta and odn are in the same thread, you'd think that 1- you would keep atleast a relatively same story each time and 2- drop the logs Drop the logs and clear everything up
  2. What can I say, I'm just that good :P Also what kind of pirates would we be if we didn't have one foot in each door ;)
  3. good concept video...but quite possibly the one thing you don't want to happen lol. [spoiler]a thorough routing for the Baratheon army by the enemy is not something you want in your own DoW guys :P[/spoiler]
  4. o/ SRA o/ Sugar Tits United bout time you guys signed lol
  5. i can vouch this this old fart :P. iKrolm isn't one who usually shies away from a fight
  6. Finally NSO might be involved in a global war....its only been since what? Bipolar?
  7. some people seriously don't read much into OPs do they? numerous times it was listed that URON is The Outlaws Republic going back to their old name (hint, before they were TOR, they were URON). normally renaming an alliance =/= creating a new one
  8. i swear there was a war declared for less
  9. Sadly, that actually is how most of the "war-faring" alliances think
  10. Doch, when have we as a community ever responded to a formal DoW as "so what did you mean when you declared on our allies? And for how long are you going to attack them?" The appropriate response has always been to mobilize for war to defend friends/ideals/against threats against your own alliance. GOP saw a DoW that fully stated "TDO is the first neutral we plan to attack in our holy war against neutrality" and defended against it. Same as if someone were to declare on say TOP and state "they're only the beginning, all of their allies are next" As for the debate about whether GOP is a neutral alliance or not. Let's distinguish this. There is pacifism like a Buddhist Monk who won't retaliate even on the brink of death, nor would they think about killing a single insect. Then there is neutral, not taking an sides and isolating themselves from the world, providing a safe haven. If someone threatens their little village, they won't let themselves get conquered, but protect their well being.
  11. I'm fucking loving GOP right now....they have more fighting spirit than 90% of the fucking war alliances on Bob
  12. Sail the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something And we found some loud asses :P
  13. You know, it was a lot of hard work staying off of these lists :P Also hooligans merged into hb. Tene just disbanded as well
  14. I'd hardly mention TTE tbh. Those raiding MQ have put up more in the war than them. Had TTE committed out the gate with TDO rather than mass-peace moding, they actually outnumber MQ in quite a few tiers and GOPs help would have been just to stagger/allow for restocking rather than taking over the entire battle GOP have truly been a great help for those TDO nations. Finally, those of you stating that GOP quickly signed and hid behind VE..are you nuts? If I remember right quite a few of youere confused as to why a neutral would have. a protectorate at all after the fall of UjA. This has been on the books for quite awhile and one look at the wiki could tell you all you need to know
  15. wow CoJ...now this is something i thought I'd never see. it's been great enjoying the reads and the philosophy you guys rallied under.
  16. I would suggest fox fire take a step back before posting a bit just to calm down and take a deep breath lol now are there any timelines we can look at this with? lol. it seems there are about 6 different sides?
  17. True, but 1 man alliances are not alliances in my book. I hold to the notion of needing at least 5 to even be considered as an alliance as a single entity can not be allied to themself. Traditionally that stance has been held around the world, just with a different number attached. Very few believe 1man AAs are true alliances As for the other comment, TDO had a signed Declaration of neutrality since their founding from multiple alliances on top of their charter. That is in a sense, a treaty. And to my knowledge, NEW's forums only stopped a few months ago, before that they had quite an active one
  18. Are you guys still arguing if MQ is a true alliance? do they have a charter? do they have forums? do they have a form of government? do they have treaties? are they protected by another alliance? was thriller a true alliance or a rogue alliance? was ninjas a true alliance or a rogue alliance? there are many more examples but still
  19. ...you know you don't need to announce every plan you are thinking of making right? Announce when it happens, not what you are wanting to happen. Embassies are best for this kind of thing
  20. Wait...you found active NoR govt to upgrade o.O it took me weeks to get ahold of any of them Guess something that odd deserves an upgrade :P
  21. huh...Invicta?..was expecting GOD?...maybe they're next :huh: never was much of a fan tbh, but atleast your splinters are good people ^^
  22. You know, the reason viceroys are banned was due to individuals owning forums and having it taken away, alliance owner can see a rebirth of it Also I like the idea of swearing fealaty as a surrender :P
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