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wes the wise

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Everything posted by wes the wise

  1. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1340684072' post='2996596'] I'll make you easy question: What happened first? ( ) NoR attack on LSF ( ) GATO/TLR attack on R&R ( ) IRON attack on LSF ( ) CRAP attack on ODN Hint: they are in chronological order. So following the logic in your reply, The International will ignore their MDoAP level treaties even if they are activated first if there is even a slightly possible of you need to honor a MADP? Therefore all alliances who have a treaty with The International and aren't in CnG have worthless piece of papers. [/quote]You could be right about all of this except for the part where you called it "paper"
  2. Well CRAP. Good luck to all of CCC's allies Europa, MCXA, and Legion. May you all fight with honor.
  3. Best of luck to the Christian Warriors in TTK o/ <3 The CCC
  4. Careful with that knife, NADC! Go gettem!
  5. Whats that on ODN?! It looks like CRAP all over their face. Good luck to both of you.
  6. GOD wills it!!! Kick Unkajo in the rear for me. Hi Randy!
  7. I don't have an axe to grind with ODN, but I hope your SDI's fail over and over. CCC loves you MCXA, go gettem!
  8. NATO NATO here we go! Knock them Mushrooms to and fro! GOOOOOOO NATOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o/ NATO!!! yeah! everyshroom. must. die. and so on Btw MK you guys have fun too mmkay?
  9. Have fun gents. Sauteed mushrooms, anyone?
  10. Do what you must, but save some nukes to launch at CCC! :3
  11. [quote name='Garion' timestamp='1340204879' post='2990047'] Mixed feelings: CCC are okay (loyal guys, polite etc.), RoK I'm starting to warm up to (Valt, welshgazza, Alfred...) ... but they still allow Isaac to post on the OWF :| [/quote]I'll come bother you on IRC soon. YOU ARE GONNA BE MY FRIEND!
  12. You know what, I usually don't care about these things enough to comment but I can't help myself... Our MDP partners in GR would never have done this. The Athens I knew would have never done this. The Rush I was acquainted with would have never done this, and the TLR I came to respect would have never done this. Remember when MK declared war on CCC while we were MDP'd GR??? Remember what you all had to say back then about what MK did? I remember.
  13. How refreshing! Nice to see this done. Its been a blast getting to know you guys. o/ RoK
  14. If your not willing to take responsibility for your actions, you should probably quit
  15. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1339995236' post='2987238'] Who INT decides to hold a treaty with is entirely their business and their business alone for whatever reason. [/quote]Yes it is their business...and they just happen to have a MDoAP with LSF ...I really do understand the issue though, LSF screwed up, but from what I've seen INT didn't help things either. Looks to me like they enabled LSF by initially telling them they had their backs, they even posted a DoS if I'm not mistaken...but does any of this matter? They have an MDoAP to honor, don't they?
  16. [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1339785386' post='2985061'] We have references! See: CCC [/quote] References? The Ambassadors of God do the work of the Holy One whilst your nations waste in sins of debauchery, theft, gluttony, and murder. The streets of the Mushroom Kingdom shall lay in waste, thine homes will be cursed, and your hats shall shrivel, and your princess taken. Cave sancti exercitus ursi
  17. Ok lets just take the gloves off and let it all out guys! Anyone else not like someone? DoW them.
  18. [quote name='Mandellav' timestamp='1339651358' post='2982985'] I would like to point out this announcement cannot be confirmed by LSF government and that the INT announcement is simply an official statement of support, not any sort of declaration of military or economic aid. [/quote]Your Speaking for INT?
  19. Good luck LSF and NoR. Have fun, and lets have a good clean fight.
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