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Everything posted by CubaQuerida

  1. There were no nukes launched between 11:59 and 12:05. I'm not sure either way on it, but as someone who doesn't usually nuke at 12:00:08 it doesn't bother me terribly yet. The minute after update is the most frustrating minute to navigate, last night my screens went completely locked for 3-4 minutes despite being in before update. Cost me 36,000 tank that did :(
  2. Think of alliances like companies: they have identities, enemies, friends and official policies. When you join an alliance you are trying to fit into their gameplan and help them grow as they help you. Colors are pretty tied to alliances, but each color has its own set of politics, usually pretty minor things that you won't notice until you get bigger. As was said earlier, the alliance you join will probably have you switch to their color if they have a dominant color. The Wiki page is a good place to start for unbiased information, but it has a lot of details you'll probably need someone to explain to you.
  3. good times. Bout time you guys made it to a war! o/
  4. That sounds like a really boring camp. Buncha old people talking about what they would have done and could have done and how we ruined the game. I don't think anyone is naturally starting in the anti-DBDC mindset, it's just that we really don't mind if our actions push people that way. It's a sacrifice we've been willing to make and we've established our friends/allied base, officially even. Nothing says two alliiances have to hate each other if they're not allied and nothing says two alliances must necessarily like each other's friends if they are allied. I'm gonna leave this one just hanging out there as a rhetorical exercise because it seems to hold more emphasis than if I just confirmed what everyone already knows about the OWF.
  5. Tanks only supplement your ground attack strength. You can't attack with only tanks. They are useless without soldiers.
  6. <-- umbrella AA jumper, how'd that work out? This is why reps are bad. Because we get stalker posts like these about matters no one cares about. It's vitriol, why must you troll and why the hell is this worth its own thread?
  7. Yes, that's why the picture on the far right has a shirt that says Doombird Doomcave's Heiress on it. Stock photo for sure.
  8. I like how an alliance of less than 25 members can pull off: DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE (+4.30)
  9. I'm a moralist too then. What a dumb word.
  10. yeah let's definitely go there... my assumption was lack of targets combined with lack of CN awareness.
  11. #shotsfired Those numbers are too close to call. Especially if they aren't doing the nuking, that's like one nuke difference from net positive. Now Javahouse League... :(
  12. My first war of note was PB-NpO (from Dark Templar). Dark Templar entered in defense on an ally, LoSS and was promptly countered by CSN (within 12 minutes!). This war had one of the worst endings in CN history, with CSN having called in ghosts like Timmehhh and Vespassianus (the B*st*rds) and one of the most heated OWF debates I've ever been a part of (86 pages!). CSN, despite being the aggressor, had the audacity to extort reps from DT, a move so unpopular that it would ultimately lead to their downfall in the Grudge War. Outcome: This war left such a bad taste in my mouth that I resigned from Dark Templar due to future stability/protection concerns, a move that is still lamented. Notable show of naivete by me: I actually called upon high-ranked friends I had in Umbrella: Xavi and others, to see if they could help me defeat Timmehhh, since I was 40 days deep in war and had no nukes. They informed me they were on the other side of the war... What I learned: This defeat inspired me to never again be out-tech'd in a war and grow my nation as fast as I could, so that someday I could blindside Timmehhh as he had done to me. Unfortunately I picked probably the worst possible target to catch, as he began a tirade of raiding and nation building unrivaled for 2 full years. Interesting observation: It seems the DOOMBIRD spirit was strong in me even at that time, the world was just not ready. Amusingly I think Tim had something like 18k tech to my 10k but he was still unbeatable. :)
  13. Brb attacking #26. Also, who is Erik?
  14. You mean overpost meaningless drivel until everyone ultimately ignores you and you become a sideshow glimmer of what you once were? I cannot wait.
  15. man I was about to post that finally we have a thread that isn't about DBDC and you beat me to it. /me declares war on Icewolf, consequences be damned.
  16. and we tagged one before everyone fled to PM. They will be targets until they aren't.
  17. A) the sanctions have already been lifted, so see step B B) don't whine to the sphere and OWF every time something doesn't go your way C) don't fight against the coalition most of your sphere controls and finally D) reconsider your status before mindlessly posting lovely insights like: Nicholai (11/27/2014 5:41:25 AM) timmehhh is a worthless retard. He is very lucky the war birds have not tired of him yet. It's not a hard recipe to follow, but it's the same on every sphere. Show respect, get respect.
  18. I think the fact that I will officially never be able to talk about polar capabilities speaks volumes.
  19. you are just being modest. You definitely do.
  20. Wrong forum, but off chance he reads this. If you think it's a bug then post in http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/forum/17-report-a-bug/
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