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Everything posted by CubaQuerida

  1. Uninvolved is such a subjective word. There are enough ways to legitimize and rationalize who is a threat, who is not a threat, and more importantly who is obstructing us from operating efficiently as the killing beasts we are.
  2. yep you sure got me. Prozenz: 1 Cuba: 0 no rematch
  3. No because I'm too competitive. It'll start as a duel then I'll end up making a flag run or a casualties run and ain't nobody got time fo dat
  4. o/ DS sadly polar didn't put up enough challenge. I know the feeling :)
  5. I did that. He turtles there too and I won that round.
  6. Why are you being so hard on the guy? He's posting what I consider rational thought processes and honestly some of the more truthful insights ITT. Obviously the disclaimer that he does not speak for IRON's official policy is well known, so why the grilling? IRON and DBDC are allies anyway and RIA are acting like, well RIA. Somebody has to call them on their ignorance.
  7. Congrats on Most Condescending Post of December! I find it hard to maintain a rational dialogue when you just hurl physical insults and overplayed legitimacy claims from 2013. Congrats on Most Defeated Sounding Post of December! The mark has, however, been moved up to 170k. I struggle to understand why this is still a thing. It doesn't matter if we 'belong' or if subjective terms like 'good' can be applied to us. My nation has just as much a right to exist as yours and the only difference is we've freed ourselves from the bonds of having to restrain our war declarations. It's very liberating and as long as we're prepared to face the consequences, it's our deal. We've been extremely consistent with not giving a crap about sovereignty since the beginning. By all means, continue to publicly agree with the biggest troll CN has to offer and maybe you'll find your new calling. Obviously super tier relevance ain't your thing.
  8. The war with Jutopia is a huge reason for our involvement. As for stats, I wouldn't look too hard at the summation page, most of what he's killing was stolen on the initial hit. Starting/Ending NS is still the best barometer. While we're not quite ready to blanket declare on anyone in the top 250 not allied to us, the statement is more truth than myth. As for the details regarding Hellas, it's pretty inconsequential who said what, or how things went down. We are where we're at now, so that's where I'll begin commentary. He's attacking AB, and we feel compelled (moreso than usual) to defend that interest.
  9. I would not call him a coward for his actions in battle. He's always been on the opposite side of every war I've ever been a part of. This is my third time fighting him, and every time I declare with a bit of a frown on my face because I know he's going to land every nuke and turtle. It's no fun fighting him, so I will call him mechanical, but not cowardly. What Artigo is referring to is his timely abandonment of Sparta during one of its multiple beat-downs. That was a questionable act at best and an act of treason at the worst. Good on Sparta for taking him back so we can declare a legitimate war. He was on our hit list to begin with until he escaped to Peace Mode at the onset of this conflict. Time is irrelevant to us, however.
  10. No I definitely said that to you at 9:15 and 13:15. I don't know that you're going to catch me though: Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons that targeted your technology by Alexandros o Megas. Your fallout shelters have limited the damage caused by this attack. You lost 252326 soldiers,
  11. I will expound upon this. We did in fact surrender, meaning that we conceded the war and victory to RIA. We did not wish to deal with a long term stalemate and assumed they wouldn't either. Fast forward six months and RIA hits on a nation that wasn't even in DBDC at the time of the original war. This, done in the name of an expired/surrendered war, is expected to hold up to owf scrutiny. Intelligent people are expected to just look past the entire coalition effort and assume that wars declared on DBDC are somehow allowed to be independent from everything else because it makes sense in ria's fantasyland?
  12. Agree completely about baldr Additionally, It's usually a safe assumption that smurf's assessment is 'off the mark', but at least it's consistently off.
  13. Amen brother. Found this on page 4 and I might just stop here.
  14. Nothing says credibility in log dumps like time stamps that don't exist (or IRC nicks for that matter) ;)
  15. As exciting as exercises in futility seem, I'm leaving this thread now. Always a pleasure.
  16. you've described literally every alliance ever. Everyone says the exact same thing. apparently RIA is inflicting great harm upon our nations, and their protectorates too, so much so they deserved an entire thread. Yet here we arrive at the most tired argument of the last two years. I've accepted that we will never satisfy our detractors with adequate war. 30k tech and an EMP, shame on us. I am not about to take responsibility for my enemies lack of nation building. You act like it is a coincidence that we find common ground with elite alliances that value tech and growth and community. We shaped this climate for ourselves, we didn't just magically arrive here by pandering to the owf.
  17. do you just type as fast as you can without regard to logic or rational thought? "You do not actually care about friends who can't benefit you"?? What does that even mean? I cannot force myself to delve for higher meaning in a nonsensical statement like that, because it's null. I like how DBDC is being questioned for not warring enough in multiple current conversations. I've declared more wars personally in the last 365 days than several of involved alliances in this global war. Believe me we war plenty, or we wouldn't be here listening to the whining about how we shouldn't have hit X or Y. Ultimately no one cares. We fight, someone wins someone loses and everyone rebuilds. I'm not going to get swept up over who is getting the better of who, or who is winning or losing. Spending more than five minutes reading this contentless garbage here is loss enough.
  18. It continues to sadden me that you look at it that way Mogar. We've established our diplomacy with our friends and nations/alliances that have become our friends. Even in the most dire of cases, such as IRON, we both realized the collision course we were on and decided to take the higher path and work things out peacefully. It's not a new concept to have friends as allies, and believe me, with all the crap we get tossed at us, you can never have enough friends. But you seem to be in the camp of many of our enemies, who choose to look at diplomacy as a 'what can you do to benefit us' instead of seeing them as potential warmates and overall good people to have on your side. This explains the perennial fence-sitting by default since it appears your FA is DOA. I'm all for defending what needs defending. I cannot fault you for standing up for principles, it just doesn't usually end well.
  19. What? The champion of 'omg hey everyone look how amazing my nation is, remember me from 2007?' can't get his head around the mechanics of Bob? There's not too many updeclares for me, and we almost always go for #1 first. I do appreciate it, and I'm all for hitting nations who didn't really expect to be hit, but go big or go home, don't go rogue to try to win your war! Yes, weep weep weep goes poor me. I'm not sure you're grasping the concept of how DBDC war tactics go. I'm definitely saddened by the state of affairs in RIA, though it has little to do with war.
  20. Oh no, not 9400 tech. How will our new recruit ever survive this? It would have carried a lot more weight/respect if you hadn't paired it with the most ridiculous of downdeclares on uninvolved GLOF nations. Obvious grandstanding aside, welcome to the battlefield, and best of luck against our already turtling comrade.
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