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Everything posted by Daimos

  1. Issue here is the 30 day notice. I get why the peanut gallery is upset. I personally would not have done it knowing it will be a war game with Sparta but our Emperor has given his reasons and I can see the logic in it. Our detractors will use this against us and our closest allies will see it as is. Was it worth it? Time will tell.
  2. It is human nature to blame the powers at be on the state of this world. Umbrella and TOP are doing what they think is best for their respective alliance. They are not obligated to provide fun for everyone else. If you are not having fun in this world, you can only blame yourself.
  3. [quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1350063395' post='3040673'] Well, no not everybody. I find something else rather ridiculous. I do know we inspired two major major mega ultra alliances to comemorate their mutual bonding with our mega cool theme. [/quote] These kind of reaction alone was worth the 30 day notice. It will be forever be a reminder on the origin of the treaty name. I wish them a long lasting relationship.
  4. Umbrella and TOP. Reavers they are not. Two super powers joining forces is news though. It deserves more than 6 pages! Heres my contribution...
  5. [quote name='Imperium of Cadia' timestamp='1350046700' post='3040580'] We were waiting for this?!?! I was hoping for at least FAN.. [/quote] We already do war games with FAN on a annual basis.
  6. I am actually surprise there is not a lot more whining about this than again it’s still early. I think this is a brilliant way to wage war without dragging the whole treaty web. Maybe next time it does not have to be one vs one alliance. It can be 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 or bloc vs bloc. NPO + 2 allies vs DH next? I would personally like to see that happen.
  7. I guess this is what happens at countdown zero.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Sj89hMVYhI
  8. I remember VE being the face of Karma for NPO up until Archon’s post stole their thunder. VE deserves tons of credit for that war imo.
  9. Good read! The casts has changed but Pacifica on it’s 9th season will continue to bring quality action, intrigue and drama you come to expect from her. Stay tuned!
  10. After the DH/NPO war, Leet did a great job representing MK in the NPO forums. My distrust of MK towards NPO was lessened because of him. Good luck on your OOC endeavors.
  11. [quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' timestamp='1345127666' post='3022424'] The analogy of NPO to a felon might not hold up, but the idea that Pacifica exists today on a probationary status definitely does. You were released from MK's custody on good behavior, and now as long as you toe the line, you won't get rolled again. It's pretty straightforward really. Also, it's no uncommon nor unreasonable in analogies to treat alliances as singular individuals, since that's how they behave on the global stage. [/quote] Are you implying NPO exist today because MK allows it?
  12. Good read. Ultimately, alliance leaders will make decisions base on what is good for their alliance. It is as simple as that.
  13. Invicta you deserve better. I wish you luck with this.
  14. This thread entertainment factor just went up. Thanks Tim Lee.
  15. I am halfway of the first radio show (archived). Not a lot of CN stuff but Jorost as President Clinton was funny.
  16. If there is a lot of interesting CN political content in it I am in.
  17. VE you have gained more than you have lost. I think this will be evident post war. Good luck in rebuilding.
  18. Rest in peace fellow CN gamer.
  19. Nice looking group. I say we make a bloc out of it. At the very least it will give us another shot in changing the name.
  20. [quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1341525398' post='3004163'] What really should have happened is you shouldn't have activated an optional treaty to facilitate an unprovoked war of aggression against us. [/quote] RIA and MK were faced a similar situation. Both were attacked by NPO’s direct allies. Our emperor issued a public warning that we will defend our ally regardless who attacked them. MK bit the bullet and told her allies to not counter. RIA did not. There lies the difference. You have to look at the big picture of the situation. Sometimes you have to take one for the team. MK played it smart here.
  21. [quote name='Akama' timestamp='1341539239' post='3004415'] It was a no win situation. The alternative was leaving the biggest alliance in your coalition to fight RIA alone and pick off other alliances at their leisure. Then another NPO ally could attack us (GOD) and draw in VE on them and draw in NPO. Our coalition doesn't have the luxury of avoiding certain alliances to keep other alliances out(in this case the BFF alliances and NPO) like yours does. The BFF alliances and NPO drew the line so it was difficult to avoid their involvement. [/quote] I agree it was a no win situation. The more reason you wanted the war contained. Which alliance do you think would attack GoD that were allied to NPO?
  22. [quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1341532836' post='3004344'] Viridia declared war on NPO at own their discretion. And yes, considering Non Grata has four alliances up in its lower tiers rather than one around a third of it's size, i'd say that it's taken some pressure off RIA. I can understand that GOD and ultimately VE are "prolonging this conflict" and that ultimately it would've been "pragmatic" to dogpile MK to avoid direct damage to ourselves and VE, but uh, that'd be ignoring the biggest alliance in your coalition at the cost of our blocmate. Didn't sit well with us. [/quote] So to save RIA from a fast burn vice a slow burn you add GoD and VE into the mix. Now they are all burning. How does that favor your coalition?
  23. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1341525499' post='3004166'] RIA needed the help a lot more than CSN did/does; we already had some backup where they had none. VE hit NPO of their own accord. [/quote] Not sure who your back ups are but maybe they were better suited declaring on NG and have GoD declare on MK. Who is going to counter them in that scenario? The way your coalition distributed your forces it seemed like you added more wood into the fire.
  24. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1341525396' post='3004162'] and left RIA to burn? [/quote] Has RIA stop burning since GoD declared?
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