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Everything posted by Daimos

  1. Congratulations Schattenmann! Congratulations Cult of Justitia!
  2. [quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1329491702' post='2922592'] In regards to the original accusation about bros using access to spy on our boards: At this time, I can confirm that at the time of spying that Bros did not have FTP access to our boards. While I cannot confirm that there was not a separate way for him to access the boards, there was a purge of older postless accounts prior to that point in time. I cannot confirm if any backup account he had was deleted, but it is believed it would have been. At the time of the spying, we were not on the server that Bros originally helped set up. With that said, we are disappointed in finding out that our friends in MK did not inform us of the theft of information at a later time to ensure that we were properly secured. [/quote] Demand some kind of rep from MK. I heard Archon would have given UPN just about anything if they asked. Could not hurt NSO to try?
  3. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329432009' post='2922062'] I do have the logs. I mean, I wouldn't have said it if I didn't. I'm just extrapolating from a broader general point. I mean, it's not the first time I've made the claim, is it? I told it to worldconqueror before I accused you and I told Daimos about it. He didn't seem to see an issue with it. [/quote] If I recall, you queried me if our emperor lied about not defending TPF. Although I found it strange that you would ask someone who has no official capacity to the NPO therefore would not be privy to your question. I still replied by saying "With your pre-empt, we will never know". Something to that effect. To your current dillemma...you are a former high ranking official of the most powerful military alliance. Well respected (before this tirade). You just exposed the most influential alliance in the game of cheating. The thread was set and ripe for some juicy political drama. If you left it at that you would have been remembered much more differently. You should take the advice you gave our emperor. "Calm down".
  4. NPO’s new emperor is probably the most accessible person the Body Republic has ever seen. I do not think BR has ever been this well inform in regards to NPO’s direction and intentions since I have been a member. I expect this kind of openness to extend to all alliance willing to engage NPO in a dialogue.
  5. Can't say I would still be in this planet if it was not for NPO always finding themselves in the thick of the action. For the sake of Planet Bob, let us continue to keep it interesting. Here is to six more years. Hoorah!
  6. I will not be surprise if XX disbands after this war.
  7. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1326899956' post='2902132'] Who is your real enemy? [/quote] I bet you [i]think[/i] you know But really. Just know that this war particularly FARK and NPO are wasting their time and pixels on each other but if FARK decides to stop playing and this is how they want to go down (a meaningless war with an alliance that got no beef with them) then so be it.
  8. FARK, look at the big picture. NPO is not your enemy. NPO does not want you destroyed. You are in this position on your own doing. Our real enemy is laughing at us. Accept the term as it stand (which is only asking you to admit what is already obvious to everyone) so we can all go on our business of rebuilding and preparing for the next war which hopefully would pit us with our true adversary. Decline the term and you will turn NPO to a true enemy for dragging this war further than it needs to be.
  9. Not everyone in our ranks is happy FAN and FARK are getting white peace but our leadership is more lenient than some of us. There is more noble cause to lose all your pixels. This is not one of them.
  10. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1326479113' post='2898901'] Maybe, but this topic is really boring. [/quote] I see you still lurking in this thread. Obviously, not bored enough.
  11. It’s been a slow OWF day. This thread was needed.
  12. [quote name='Moose Hole' timestamp='1326476168' post='2898850'] It should be at least 100. We are getting a ton of tech from this tech raid, and if we only have to pay 50 tech per day, it's more economically advantageous to keep the war going. [/quote] I want some of that beer you are drinking.
  13. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1326444044' post='2898700'] Pacifica was the biggest enabler of Karma.[/quote] This.
  14. For the most part I agree with the award winners. I enjoyed the commentary. Overall, it was good effort by the OP.
  15. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1326251273' post='2897173'] Though I'd really like to avoid engaging you in any way that will make you focus on Cybernations, I feel it necessary to argue that MK was significant for a long period in which Umbrella was not. Umbrella's influence did not, by any means, build MK's influence. It could be argued, though perhaps not fully, that MK's influence played a large part in building that of Umbrella. [/quote] have to somewhat agree with this statement. Never knew anything about Umbrella leading to the DH/NPO war. I do not even know where Umbrella fought in Karma. VE was the main focus of NPO leading to that war. I think VE does not get enough credit on the role they played in Karma.
  16. I will abstain in rating my own alliance. Perception wise, I imagine no one wants to deal with TOP and Umbrella in a war. I think if you are truly honest most will agree to this hence I will put them at the elite category. Now my rating base on my experience with nations of the following alliance: Karma: VE = Performed great RoK= Performed poorly I fought a lot more alliances (some disbanded OV, Vox, some I forget) during Karma but those two are the only ones that stuck in my mind. DH/NPO MK = Good FAN = Good GOONS = Good NoR = Performed poorly FARK/NPO FARK = Average FAN = Good Sparta = Performing poorly
  17. OP should have created a 10 man voting panel who’s views and opinions are respected by most. It gives the awards more meaning and legitimacy imo.
  18. Did the thread come out yet? If so, where is it?
  19. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1325761068' post='2893263'] I still want to know what exactly we risked anyway. A losing war? Unlikely. Quite a number of things didn't go according to plan like NoR hitting wF and the CSN-DT thing holding them up even longer. I wasn't really counting on SF as a whole not following through on the rhetoric about NPO just so they could gloat about how we were having to aid GOONS. I guess I did overestimate the reading capabilities of the average OWF goer. The fact that people still think NPO was going to stay out and that they were telling the Legion not to honor the Polar treaty is something that frustrates me a lot since it was always transparently obvious that Legion was being held off by Polar, kind of like RIA was held off by Polar in this war. Critical thinking was in short supply a year ago. Political capital? Everyone was saying DH was spent. As this war has shown political capital is more or less a joke to talk about, really. RIA supposedly had a lot of political capital at some point. They looked really popular and everything. Fark was once considered one of the more popular alliances in CN. Yet both who looked like good guys during that period are now smouldering ruins. IRON was once made fun of on these forums, so I don't know what to tell you. TOP same thing. The alliance that maligned them the most allied them after. Why was I the only one defending the validity? Because Archon disappeared(he thought it was valid as a preemptive strike as well, based on the logs you can read in the blog entries I wrote about it) and couldn't enforce a steady PR line on his members, who for some reason, were under the impression we attacked for !@#$% and giggles. You can find how that was a source of much frustration. Also as an insignificant relic, I don't really want to lumped in with Schattenmann who either was lying the entire time or was actually fooled by the BS. [/quote] Roq, we already had this debate on this thread [http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=101252&st=100]. My opinion than and now has not change. Summarize by this quote. Posted 10 May 2011 - 11:43 AM "My opinion, the pre-emptive strike against NPO was a poor strategic move for DH. The amount of political capital lost is not worth what little militarily a pre-emptive strike had achieved. A counter attack on NPO entry to the VE-NpO war would had zero political risk and would have spared DH a lot of headache defending their actions. If DH could do it over again, I am willing to bet they would have done it differently." [end quote]. With the status YOU are currently in, not sure how you can deny that.
  20. [quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1325694163' post='2892329'] You are on the right track but let me spell it out for you...FAN and FARK chose to die side by side. [/quote] I guess paperless treaties don’t work either. Don’t die on us FAN!
  21. Glad I opened this thread. I did not expect to find answers in why Roq was no longer in Umbrella. I have questioned and argued the DH pre-emptive strike on NPO during that time. It just did not make sense to me to risk so much on a hunch. I noticed than that Roq seemed to be the only one actively defending it’s validity. I surmised than that it must have been his idea. This thread has been unexpectedly very illuminating. In regards to the OP, it has been MK’s age since Karma. That has not change.
  22. What do you think the political landscape will look like after this war?
  23. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1325232461' post='2889090'] Actually, it's more because I don't like the idea of it being an MK client state and don't want to put up with their crap. [/quote] Can you be more specific? Always wondered why you left Umbrella. Was a shock to me. In regards to OP's terms. No reps. Beating them up to your satisfaction should be reward enough.
  24. That was pretty good OP. Happy Holidays!
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