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Everything posted by Daimos

  1. The show was uploaded. You can listen to it at your leisure. Can comment after.
  2. If you had a problem on what he was saying how come I did not hear anyone refute him? I would have liked to see a debate between Brehon and someone in Umbrella. That would have made it a good show. I came to see a show that discuss the current war and that did not really happen until Brehon showed up.
  3. Did you listen to the show? I would like to hear your comment on it. Instead of assuming I am just throwing a mindless hail because of my alliance affiliation.
  4. Typical DH response. I am giving a honest opinion. Bro's was terrible so was Litha who is NPO (guess she was drunk). The rest were ok. I implore someone who is impartial to listen to the show and tell us your assessment.
  5. Show became good when Brehon showed up. Not so much before and after.
  6. Radio show became good once Brehon showed up. Before and after. Not so much.
  7. Ruthless agression is right. Against the innocent? Try again.
  8. GPA has already taken over CN. You guys just do not know it yet.
  9. Vasilys war analysis is impressive. I rate it 5 stars. Please conitue.
  10. Do not know much of Deinos but hopefully I will get to know some of you in the battlefield. I just put a request to my battalion commander to move my nation to your front. See you all soon.
  11. Overall, I think US did a good job. I especially enjoyed his comments for each category winner. Kudos.
  12. You know there is something wrong in your coalition. If you can make sworn enemies fight side by side just to get a piece of you.
  13. Would have been a perfect no bawwing on the DoW if it was not for this guy. I guess he did not get the memo.
  14. Wish Jack was still here to see this (RIP). I think he would approve.
  15. Finally someone to play with in our range and VE always delivers. This should be fun.
  16. This makes me smile. Welcome to the fray CoJ.
  17. Nice. Hope it will be updated at least weekly.
  18. [quote name='Amossio' timestamp='1358604601' post='3079896'] please kind sir, stop the madness, give us peace!are you npos alterego by any chance? [/quote] Is that a yes or a no? It's a valid question.
  19. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1358592642' post='3079824'] Thank you Captain Obvious. Also, we may all be disappointed Umb says they'd rather not give everyone the satisfaction of this war or something like that.....I heard it through the grapevine. Fine with me I guess. [/quote] Umbrella not calling in their allies? I can hear the crying of a lot of mid tier and smaller nations.
  20. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1358575554' post='3079655'] [color=#0000ff]My hands are more or less clean. The worst of the atrocities began only after the UJW, and I had little to do with it. All wars prior to then were justifiable. Some of the wars prior to FAN, particularly against ONOS, were questionable. However, when I left in disgust in late 2007 I atoned for my sins by defending the weak. In the years since then I have not abandoned my duty as a champion of justice. Sometimes it is necessary to have been part of an evil in order to effectively oppose it.[/color] [/quote] Pacificans have atoned for their sins by staying and absorbing the beatdown post-Karma. You cannot forgive yourself and not forgive others.
  21. [quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1358602021' post='3079868'] A couple of months ago I said that NPO were a terrible ally to GATO because they would jump at a chance to to start a war with CnG allies. Brehon angrily denied it, but hey, it's two months later and I'm right and he's wrong. [/quote] NPO is allied to TLR and GATO not C&G. Last time I look our allies is not allied to Umbrella.
  22. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1358601147' post='3079862'] The issue isn't with what my allies in NPO and TIO have done. I'm fine with it. They did what they felt they needed to. I wish them the best. The criticism is for those few individuals claiming this to be the best CB they have ever seen in all the history of Bob. It really isn't. It's good enough so I'm good with the war. I've fought for CBs shakier than this but there have been better CBs with more concrete proof. So all I want is for things to be called as they are and not overblown...in either direction. AI and pals I think do realize its a good enough CB but need to realize it isn't perfect and Umb and pals need to realize that while its not perfect alot of the evidence shows something fishy was happening. [/quote] I think he meant your other allies in C&G.
  23. [quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1358568262' post='3079518'] Havent you been around long enough to know how it work?. You dont declare with just enough for the target, you declare with enough to make those who might be tempted to meddle think twice about it. On top of that of course Umbrella being so TOP-heavy it wouldnt be surprising if several alliances need to combine their high end to get them, even if on paper that means dragging in tons of smaller nations that cant actually get any of the action. And at this stage that is exactly what has happened, several alliances pooled their upper ranks to hit, and their lower ranks are just sitting there with nothing to do. [/quote] Oh I have a feeling the smaller nations of these alliance will have something to do very soon. Going to be glorious!
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