Day 17: Text Based Web
Winter War 2013 Topics:
Current Web:
Blue vs. Red ~ Equilibrium Front
Purple vs. Green ~ NPO/NSO - Kaskus Front
* = DBDC
Text Based Web
So some real life stuff just happened and I'll be staying at my grandparent's house for the next month. Since I dont have my computer, all updates will happen via my iTouch via BBC code I send myself for the update. The Web isn't the same and I'll try to redo it, even nicer! in the next two days. In the mean time, I spen
Day 16: PPO declares on VE, and NADC declares on NG
Winter War 2013 Topics:
PPO Sails to War (PPO declares on VE)
Defendo nostrum Socius (NADC declares on NG)
Current Web:
Blue vs. Red ~ Equilibrium Front
Purple vs. Green ~ NPO/NSO - Kaskus Front
* = DBDC
TDT changed to DT.
MK x RIA added.
DB4D x VE added.
R&R/TPF/NADC/TIO x MK to be fixed tomorrow.
Text edits to be fixed tomorrow.
Text web to be added tomorrow.
Day 15: Web Fixes
Winter War 2013 Topics:
Current Web:
Blue vs. Red ~ Equilibrium Front
Purple vs. Green ~ NPO/NSO - Kaskus Front
* = DBDC
Star = Color coated marker that represents that the alliance is on another place on the web.
Line to TOP is not fully extended.
TDT declaring on TSO and Alchemy was added.
NEW's wars made to flow left to right.
I'll fix the NEW arrows tomorrow, what did I miss today
Day 14: NEW declares on MW and UCoN
Winter War 2013 Topics:
Operasi Tikus Mondok (NEW declares on MW and UCoN)
Current Web:
Blue vs. Red ~ Equilibrium Front
Purple vs. Green ~ NPO/NSO - Kaskus Front
* = DBDC
NPL now has a star (Light Blue).
TTK now has the same star (Lime Green).
NG moved so it represents the right defense.
I'll fix the NEW arrows tomorrow, what did I miss today
Day 13: NoR declares on RIA, Deinos declares on NPO, GATO, MW, and UCoN declare on DB4D, and GATO declares on R&R
Winter War 2013 Topics:
A Nordreich Declaration (NoR declares on RIA)
War from Deinos (Deinos declares on NPO)
Mortal Wombat & UCoN's super secret plan to blow up DB4D (MW, and UCoN declare against DB4D)
An Announcement by the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization (GATO declares on R&R, and DB4D)
Current Web:
Blue vs. Red ~ Equilibrium Front
Purple vs. Green ~
Day 11: NG declares on TTK
Winter War 2013 Topics:
Apology from Non Grata (NG declares on TTK)
Current Web:
Blue vs. Red ~ Equilibrium Front
Purple vs. Green ~ NPO/NSO - Kaskus Front
* = DBDC
NPO changed to NpO declaring on TLR
CCC now attacking ODN, INT and TLR
SoA, TOR, and TENE now attacking VE. Apoligies that I didnt get to add them vertically. I didn't have much time before I had to go. I'll update them to the tree unless you guys like it like this.
The 'Summer War 2012' news
Day 10: FAN, and GO declares on GOONS, Alchemy declares on GLoF, and IRON declares on VE
Winter War 2013 Topics:
FAN Announcement (FAN declares on GOONS)
Guru Order Declaration of War (GO declares on GOONS)
Alchemy DoW (Alchemy declares on GLoF)
IRON Supports AI (IRON declares on VE)
Current Web:
Blue vs. Red ~ Equilibrium Front
Purple vs. Green ~ NPO/NSO - Kaskus Front
* = DBDC
Added UCR declaring against INT and ODN.
Added Ava/Legion/NADC/NPO/RIA/TTK declaring against TLR
Day 9: BAPS declares on MK, NPO declares on VE, LoSS, and NPL declare on GOONS, and GPF surrenders to VE
Summer War 2012 Topics:
BAPS DoW (BAPS declares on MK)
A Clerical Notice from the Viridian Entente (NPO declares on VE (acknowledged by VE since NPO didn't post an official DoW))
LoSSes to be had (LoSS declares on GOONS)
Welcome the end (NPL declares on GOONS)
SoA Riding Out (SoA, TOR, TENW declare on VE)
GPF Announcement (GPF surrenders to VE)
Current Web:
Blue vs. Red ~ Equilibri
Day 7: GOONS,and VE declares on AI, OTR, and TSO declare on AB, and GLoF, TLR declares on Sparta, GATO declares on GOD, and Invicta, and CoJ declares on Umb
Summer War 2012 Topics:
An Announcement from the Viridian Entente (VE declares on AI)
Joint OTR & TSO Announcement (OTR, and TSO declare on AB, and GLoF)
GOONS Administers a Turing Test (GOONS declares on AI)
What is 2x2? (TLR declares on Sparta)
An Announcement by the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization (
)Now the Sword (CoJ
Day 6: CA and SNAFU declares on TOP, and Grä declares on DBDC,and GATO announces the protection of the The Survivors AA
Summer War 2012 Topics:
A brief and slightly delayed announcement (CA declares on TOP)
Stockpiled Nukes Are Finally Used (SNAFU declares on TOP)
AI DoW (Grä declares on DBDC)
A GATO Statement of Intent (GATO announces the protection of the The Survivors AA)
Current Web:
Blue vs. Red ~ Equilibrium Front
Purple vs. Green ~ NPO/NSO - Kaskus Front
Pink vs. Yellow ~ Grä -
Day 4: SL declares on Kaskus, AB, Arg, GLoF, ML, TPF, NX, Snk, TDT, and TORN declare on TOP, Ava, CRAP, Fark, GOD, Inv, Legion, LSF, MCXA, MHA, NADC, NPL, NpO, R&R, RIA, Rok, Sparta, and TTK declare on INT and ODN, and, DBD, and NEW declare on INT
Summer War 2012 Topics:
A Shangri-La Announcement (SL declares on Kaskus)
A joint announcement (AB, Arg, GLoF, ML, TPF, NX, Snk, TDT, and TORN declare on TOP)
Just an ordinary DoW (Ava, CRAP, Fark, GOD, Inv, Legion, LSF, MCXA, MHA, NADC, NPL, N
Day 3: INT and ODN declare on NATO, MK and TOP declare AI
Summer War 2012 Topics:
INT is 4 years old (INT declares on NATO)
The Network Hungers (ODN declares on NATO)
Deshi Basara (TOP declares on AI)
Mushroom Kingdom Declaration (MK declares on AI)
Current Web:
Blue vs. Red ~ Equilibrium Front
Purple vs. Green ~ NPO/NSO - Kaskus Front
NPO/NSO - Kaskus front added. I'll try my best to add in the topics at update but I have to get off to study for finals and will probably miss most.
Day 2: NSO declares support for NPO, Fark declares neutrality?
Summer War 2012 Topics:
An Imperial Decree (NSO declares support for NPO)
Did someone ask for aquahogs? (Fark declares neutrality?)
Current Web:
Blue vs. Red ~ Equilibrium Front
Web with TNS (Thanks for fistofdoom)
Web revised since the TIO block was a bit messed up. Is Fark's post actually a neutrality?
Day 1: AI, IRON, NPO, NATO, TIO declare on Umb
Summer War 2012 Topics:
Never bring an Umbrella to a gun fight (AI, IRON, NPO, NATO, TIO declare on Umb)
Current Web:
I'm back and doing web in good-ish quality. Atleast better than last time.
Disclaimer: Updates will be done at 7:30 (Or earlier depending on what's going on) Pacific. I Apologize in advance for some topics being a day late.
Summer War 2012 Topics:
<witty title here> (CSN surrenders to MK/GOONS, Invicta surrenders to MK)
Peace For Our Time (R&R surrenders to MK/TLR/GATO/HB)
Yet More Peace (RIA/TTK/GOD/BM/AGW/App surrender to NG/MK/TOP/INT/NPO)
Added Day 53
Summer War 2012 Topics:
Peace Time (Legion, NADC, CCC, CRAP, and TSI surrender to TLK, ODN, BFF, GATO and BN) (NPL and CRAP peace out with Int)
Added Day 52
Deleted Legion's indication marker
Oh my gosh a post :omg: Sorry if you missed not knowing there was anything new, it was "requested" for this blog to be limited to only worthwhile posts.
Credit to Shinfat on making some propaganda with the
Day 45: GATO x Legion
Summer War 2012 Topics:
An Announcement from the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization (GATO declares on Legion)
Added Day 45
Summer War 2012 Topics:
Peace and all that Jazz (NEAT/PPO/GPF/MHA surrenders to LoSS/TIO/DT/Holli/Brain/GATO)
Added Day 42
GOD's Indicator removed, web now fully connected.
Day 41: Nothing new
Summer War 2012 Topics:
MK is being attacked by the right people instead of GOONS
Sparta is no longer depicted as attacking MK
Day 40: Sparta x IRON/MK/TOP/ODN/Umb, Ech <3 HB
Summer War 2012 Topics:
A Joint Announcement of Some Importance (Sparta surrenders to IRON, MK, TOP, ODN, and Umb)
Echelon Peace (Ech and HB peace out)
Added Day 40
Got rid of TLR's and MK's connection tags
Day 38: GO <3 GATO/HB/Brain, SRA $ GPA/NEAT/PPO
Summer War 2012 Topics:
Peace was Reached (GO peaces out with GATO/HB/Brain)
Added day 38
Removed GATO's marker