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Everything posted by Smooth

  1. [quote name='Arcturus Jefferson' date='03 February 2010 - 12:39 AM' timestamp='1265179197' post='2155842'] VE, I'm really happy for you, and I'm gonna let you finish, but Fark had one of the best blitzes of all time! One of the best blitzes of all time! [/quote] I lol'd hard. Also... /me facepalms
  2. This is a pretty awesome Declaration, if I do say so myself. Too bad it didn't happen in the Karma War...at the Karma Club.
  3. You have always been a classy alliance. o/ STA I know this must have been a very hard decision to make, and I am glad I did not have to make it.
  4. You know why I love DoW threads? Everyone on the alliance declaring's side is like "WOOH" and while everyone else is like "OMG I USED TO LIKE YOU" and stuff. It happens in every war in every thread. It makes me laugh because, come on, are any of us ever going to change each other's minds? I think not. Polaris - Have a good fight, I know we will. We're all just defending our allies here. o/
  5. [quote name='Essenia' date='02 February 2010 - 08:52 PM' timestamp='1265165536' post='2154382'] FIST. That was the start of the huge cancellation wave. [/quote] Yep. I remember it quite well. I believe ES told Ardus to "go ****" himself. [quote name='AlmightyGrub' date='02 February 2010 - 09:27 PM' timestamp='1265167640' post='2154426'] Indeed it was. I recall it with much fondness. [/quote] Oh really? I distinctively remember you trying to suck up to us after that war for what ES did. Singing a different tune now, huh? I wish I still had the logs... I purged myself of all my logs when I quit after the Karma War.
  6. [quote name='Delta1212' date='02 February 2010 - 04:59 PM' timestamp='1265151568' post='2153997'] I can think of another time it [i]almost[/i] happened, though. [/quote] I can think of another time when it did happen. It was Polar. Imagine that.
  7. Valhalla and FAN is such the awesome match up. I'm going to enjoy this.
  8. I'm glad you have decided to ignore 5 treaties. I won't be surprised when you guys are dropped. o/ GOD
  9. Finally! Maybe this thing will start getting good now.
  10. These are some intense warchests haha. My poor little re-roll doesn't have nearly that much
  11. Cool I guess? I like how you try to look all tough about it but had you any balls you'd have done this a long time ago.
  12. [quote name='chris8967' date='31 January 2010 - 12:52 AM' timestamp='1264920779' post='2146981'] Yes, you would bottom line. I don't care what alliance your in, most likely they would hand you over to us, if not then I would still put in the order to have you crushed. Welcome to the wonderful world of ZI pal. [/quote] With his wonderful allies to back him up. Don't $%&@ with our allies.
  13. [quote name='Mr Damsky' date='31 January 2010 - 12:20 AM' timestamp='1264918834' post='2146926'] Perhaps he didn't know? (Shocking I know for a [b]new[/b] player that just created an alliance to not grasp politics :gasp). Perhaps he thought it was funny? (Even though no one thought it was) Perhaps he is bored out of his mind? Anyway if RoK isn't willing to accept his apology they are just really sad and need to lighten up. [/quote] Fixed that for you. [s]Also, if RoK isn't willing to accept his apology it is probably because they don't care at all about this. Perhaps.[/s] Disregard that, I've been corrected!
  14. o/ Our protectorate! I love you Doitzel, and Srqt, and others!
  15. Coors sucks and you obviously know nothing about beer.
  16. Good to see. Glad to have helped out in this process. o/
  17. [OOC: I am so glad I did not quit CN before tonight haha] Congrats NPO!?
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