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Astronaut Jones is preparing for re-entry.

Welp, I've got to prepare for re-entry now. Dope mission control has told me to go into radio silence and actually start doing work and !@#$, instead of just flying around in my fly-$@! spaceship and buzzing vorpulonians and getting them to shake their fat @#$% for me. So, radio silence time. I got work to do, things to prepare for, civilian life to look forward to. Bye-bye!

astronaut jones

astronaut jones

Astronaut Jones military service is coming to an end.

In about 10 days time, my military service here on planet bob, and of course flying high above planet bob, will be coming to an end. I've talked to my superiors, and they've given me my identification papers to slip back into civilian life, and boy am I surprised at the name they gave me. A little strange, but I'm certain I'll get used to it in no time. So, while I can't become my civilian persona for 10 days time, and with no real military tasks ahead of me, I have decided to randomly spy aw

astronaut jones

astronaut jones

Astronaut Jones wants to know what his motivation is.

Not really. I want to know what your motivation is. What is your motivation to do what you do, if there is any motivation beyond pure and simple entertainment? What motivates you to continue doing what you're doing? Do we even have any motivation beyond pure and simple fun? Fun comes in a variety of different flavours, but so long as we're not malicious with our behaviour and with our motives, then is there really anything to get bent out of shape about during war, peace, rogue attacks, or

astronaut jones

astronaut jones

Astronaut Jones has trust issues.

You know the people I trust at this point in time? The people in alliances like Poison Clan, \m/, or goons. At least with them, what you see is what you get, and they'd never say they would refuse to defend allies to an alliance looking to declare on one, and they would then never declare against those they had just given their word to, in defense of that declaration. So this is why Astronaut Jones doesn't trust any damn one of you anymore, because those he did trust, or at least would trust,

astronaut jones

astronaut jones

Astronaut Jones talks about alliances.

What do you owe your alliance? If your alliance has not helped you grow, what do you owe them? If you have not taken anything, do you owe them simply for being there, and the "protection" they offer, knowing that every other alliance offers the same protection? There is this notion that you owe your alliance ... something, for merely being able to join. Because they offer protection, and the potential for growth, and all they ask in return is for you to abide by their rules, and to give ...

astronaut jones

astronaut jones

Astronaut Jones asks some questions.

How do you measure loyalty in a place where today's friend is tomorrow's enemy? How do you measure friendship when, time and again, people and alliances are used for their power and influence alone? Is that really a bad thing? Why is it acceptable to outright lie to your alliance membership and the public at large about everything? What do you do during war when you find both sides equally detestable for very different reasons? On one side you have alliances that at one time politically man

astronaut jones

astronaut jones

Astronaut Jones hates you all part 2.

It's not weakness to show a little compassion for your fellow man. There's no reason why you should feel compelled to disregard the feelings of others in order to further your own goals. You can play the type of character you want to play, your alliance can be as sovereign as the next alliance, without resorting to being an outright !@#$ stain on the face of planet bob in the process. We're all trying to do our own thing, and that's fine, that's what we all should be doing. I'm out for num

astronaut jones

astronaut jones

Astronaut Jones hates you all.

Not all of you, but most of you. Most of you are !@#$%^&*. Most of you don't have a core set of values or beliefs, because you're too lazy to stick to them, or too lazy to attempt to have any in the first place. Most of you will, at some point, cry about people taking this thing too seriously, while at the same time going after someone, in some fashion, minor or otherwise, in an OOC manner, because you're taking this thing too seriously. Most of you are hypocrites. Most of you willingly

astronaut jones

astronaut jones

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