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New Frontier

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Everything posted by New Frontier

  1. The thought of one person failing so many times. It's truly amazing, God's creation.
  2. Geutentag. As the architect of the Maroon War, I think I count double in this thread.
  3. A pretty, young alliance called TGR.
  4. This reflects me, except not RIA, and my bit was a bit longer.
  5. A certain pretty, young, Star Wars themed alliance.
  6. This makes me happy. As my High Envoy has already told you, your presence is required on Coruscant.
  7. I personally disagreed with Viridia's use of the "You can't quit you're fired" tactic.
  8. This. However, polls don't answer anything. Just because the masses believe something doesn't make it true.
  9. Good luck to our friends in the Order. If it gets too much for you, let us know
  10. People grow balls when it's the cool thing to do, not the right thing to do.
  11. I love how everyone grows balls when it becomes the "popular" thing to do.
  12. ODP with Soldier PIATs with TOOL, ACF, USN and FnKa I will take my cookie now, good sir.
  13. The courage involved in this is somewhat less considering that you waited for everyone else to go first.
  14. I was expecting a distinct lack of class when I entered this thread. You dissapointed me in a good way.
  15. Oh wow, it sure is courageous and inspiring to push around those smaller than you.
  16. And Lycurgus Rex fails at sarcastic deflection. <3 NSO TGR: That cute boy everyone wants to talk to.
  17. *Cheyenne goes to demask all the MK diplomats. Oh, wai-
  18. We need LUE back before we can have another GW. And none of this LUE2 shiznit. )): I'm looking at you, MK.
  19. Congratulations CSN. You guys are great people, and will forever hold my respect.
  20. Won't people notice who's doing the spying when you send them aid money?
  21. I would suggest to you that Hoo is a far better leader than anyone your Legion has to offer.
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