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New Frontier

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Everything posted by New Frontier

  1. This is the official position of the Galactic Republic. You are all cowards. You have no place in a civilized cyberverse. Signed, Cheyenne Rorschach of New Frontier Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic Rear Admiral of the Fleet President of the Cheyenne Fan Club
  2. I think most of those treaties include a clause that says only the NAP part remains in effect during the cancellation period. This doesn't excuse their actions, of course, but I'm just saying.
  3. I love how when WC says it, you all agree. When I say it, I'm wrong/irrelevant/both.
  4. This is what I'm talking about. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54884
  5. I expect you're right. My point isn't that Karma as a ruling body (if you'll be able to unite after the war, or if you even want to) will be as tyrannical as Pacifica. I'm not sure I even have a point. This is simply the rambling of a crochety old !@#$%^& who detests bandwagonners.
  6. So some of us actually believed in the rhetoric used in the second GPW. Make no mistake. I certainly don't oppose the principles of Karma. I am glad to see that some of us who suffered and died on the battlefield last time are finally making a comeback. However, I loathe bandwagonners, regardless of the side.
  7. Doesn't anyone else here feel as though the anti-NPO coalition is no better than the Continuum ever was? Certainly there are several alliances that have held true to their convictions always, people like MK, GR and most of the Superfriends. Others have had a true change of heart, due to government and membership changes. However, they've been reinforced by a group of flip-floppers who are merely suctioning themselves onto the strongest side. Anyone that knows me knows I'm not the hegemony's biggest fan, but anyone with a brain knows that I'm certainly not defending them here as a sycophant. If that's what I was, I'd be posting something completely different. At some point, everyone in this game is going to own up for their treachery, of that you can be sure. Things like this don't just get swept under the rug. I believe Great Wars 2 and 3 tell that story fairly well.
  8. I assure you, the Republic doesn't care about whether or not you consider us important. We'd rather you didn't, actually.
  9. And then there's Dark Fist, which is currently vying for the third spot, making your entire post absolutely irrelevant. Come back when you have something interesting to say.
  10. I assure you I am not. Regardless of any faults that Soldier may have, or that TheAUT may have had in a past life, they are steadfast allies. In times such as these, that is rarer than one would expect. Soldier shall always have my support.
  11. We in the Republic respect our allies in this move and any others they should make. Dark Fist, you have lost the support of a great alliance.
  12. The best part of my time in CN, bar none. Maroon, how I miss thee.
  13. Really? I've always pronounced it "Stah".
  14. Agreed. The last war was far more obvious in terms of who had honour and who did not. This time, I'm not so sure.
  15. That is utter !@#$%^&* coming from the Vox camp. Heaven knows I'm not the biggest fan of the hegemony, but your hypocrisy is mindboggling. You say that NpO isn't responsible for being tyrants because they're different now, but apply a completely different standard to TPF.
  16. To any and all former members of the Federation: Sup team. Anybody there?
  17. itt someone shows why their alliance doesn't warrant a PIAT.
  18. While Soldier's government may change and fluctuate, their commitment to their allies does not. The same can not be said of several other alliances I could mention.
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