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Master Hakai

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Everything posted by Master Hakai

  1. I've just been informed that SteelersFan is not Pensfan, and I have one question: Why?
  2. so what's next for pootshik destroyer?
  3. these new pips are comedy gold. bravo!!!
  4. Kashmir isn't hiring right now, sorry. I hope you find what you're looking for. @Lord Draculea make a post somewhere else/quit posting
  5. oh nothin just reading a really weird thread and found a post where someone called lord hitchcock a victim of hate crimes. sup with you?
  6. why are you announcing treaties in these perilous times? this is very irresponsible.
  7. Sure, but who is Lord Hitchcock? And what does FA department mean?
  8. will someone please do or say something to help theol feel better? i hate seeing someone going through it in this way.
  9. so why toilet paper factory in particular
  10. thrash and kapleo out here like
  11. Oh yeah, we all look back fondly on the lysergide era and wonder: where have the days gone? And what happened to the cn we all knew and loved? things were different under the vision and guidance of lysergide.
  12. What do they do, sit around doing absolutely jack sh**e for 5 years and then go 10 AAs to 1 for no reason only to get str8up ripped apart anyway? If that’s the case then hell yeah, goofy ass conformists need to learn how to be more different from each other better. btw what is cobra sphere and friends?
  13. My hearing isn’t very good, would you mind reposting in all caps?
  14. iron said yeah we’ll join as long as the other side is outnumbered 50:1 and they will still get their b*tt carved up like a dang turkey
  15. away drift cowart drift DRIFT ! !! ! ! woo!!~
  16. lol this dude sucks where yall find this guy?
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