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white majik

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Everything posted by white majik

  1. Hmm kaskus has their new shiny global odp. Good time to put it to use
  2. If only we could think of a catchy name for a 3 way treaty that isn't a bloc, this sig could be useful
  3. Congrats Obligatory cheat code Start A Trigger Up Right Down A Y B A B Y Props to whoever remembers this one
  4. It use to be umbrella... but they never lasted more then a day
  5. Time to roll NPO. No one can import more tech then us
  6. Fine fine, just a normal STA treaty works too
  7. Why not just make this a bloc with STA. It would make a lot of people happy
  8. How about the year he spent hiding in a neutral AA? Seems very hippy-ish to me. Just gonna leave this here.... 388,315 Attacking + 68,405 Defending = 456,720 Casualties
  9. Then you became a hippy which voided your claim to the title.
  10. I wish the lolcommies werent so bad at building nations...
  11. You mean the constant talk of multis and release of ooc personal info isnt enough? Haha
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