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Augustus Autumn

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Blog Comments posted by Augustus Autumn

  1. Very nicely put. I doubt you'll see any avoidance of such tactics going forward since, ultimately, using analogies and then arguing over their validity is a great way to side-track any discussion into oblivion and thus avoid it all-together. Still, this post is definitely worth keeping around as a future reference point.

  2. I don't understand why there is/was a need for this to be posted. Polaris may not exactly be the most-liked alliance around, but I don't think you're going to see any other alliances taking casual potshots at them because they might have been thinking bad thoughts about stuff. It's been pretty clearly stated by several members of the Box Bloc that you guys will probably be viewed with suspicion, but beyond that exactly diddly is going to get done.

    On that note, I'd recommend all of Polaris start acting suspiciously. Very suspiciously.

  3. You mistake the purpose of reparations.

    The purpose of reparations in the modern age is not to enrich the victor but destroy the loser.

    If you increase the amount of aid the loser can send to the winner by a factor of X, then the winner will demand more reps by a factor of X. The purpose is to gain blood and treasure of your enemy but to maintain your enemy in a subservient position for as long as possible while weakening them.

    I think this is something which has been forgotten - all too often the argument for reparations mimics the reasons to engage in a viking raid.

  4. 1) When did you leave Pacifica?

    Sometime last summer? Might have been August or so, I really can't remember. I'm sure Gandroff or one of the other members of the Praetorian Guard would prove helpful if you're really interested in nailing down the date.

    2) So your position is that nobody is brave unless they strike out on their own, outnumbered 500 to one, and everybody hates them, and that nobody notices the war? Seriously, dude? Yes, I guess I'm 'weak' and a 'coward' because, despite fighting a losing war, people noticed my war. This is possibly the largest stretch I've ever seen in CN.

    No, my position is that what you are doing is not brave. To clarify, my position is that this is yet another cry for attention from a national ruler who needs to be in the spotlight more than have a cause to fight for and gain the spotlight for that. There seems to be no consistent rationale to your behavior beyond being inflammatory, insulting and condescending simply to get a rise out of others. The moment it looks like you're about to fade from center stage you launch into a new ridiculous arc of behavior which thrusts you back to the front. This time it's as a laughing stock but, for better or worse, you're getting the attention you desire.

    3) I assure you I have not gained the ire of my long-time ally and former home, Ragnarok. They have no issues with what I have done, and if they do, they have not communicated that with me (and they would have). In fact, the only criticism I have received has been from VA (an alliance I am embarrassing, again.), some old hegemony members who hate my guts, and OO's supposed leadership.

    I'll look forward to your remarks on the conversation Alfred has alluded to planning on having with you in about two weeks.

    4) I have time to talk here and escalate this war. Just watch and see!

    I have no constructive counter-commentary on this point.

    5) No, you haven't struck a nerve, you're just a complete idiot.

    I think this pretty much sums up your stance on any attempt to have a dialogue and strengthens my point - when in doubt, call the other guy names in attempt to get a rise. Have fun with your war, Penkala.

  5. I saw the Pacifican pip and somehow read your AA as 'New Pacific Order". CLEARLY this mistake means I am fudging the data.

    Yep, you went off half-cocked without attempting for a second to actually figure who I actually was, then dismiss my comments as being politically motivated by an alliance I'm no longer a part of. That shows either 1) you're too lazy to do basic look-arounds or 2) you didn't bother actually taking into account what I said. Either way, you fudged your way through the answer instead of attempting a real response.

    How do I 'have backing' right now? I'm facing about a half-dozen alliances and fighting 6 v 1. I'm pretty much completely on my own, and I'm not only fighting VA, I'm acting the same way I did a week ago when I was in CSN. In fact, if anything, I'm acting more aggressive publicly, which is a very dangerous thing to do while unprotected.

    Backing comes in many forms, not just the numerical. Getting attention from others as well as getting 1+ nations to follow you into the breach certainly counts as having backing. That this latest foray has not gone like the last couple and, indeed, seems to have gained you the ire of a few people along the way (reference is to Ragnorok government commentary in the OO thread about government impersonation) as well as make you look like a massive joke. If everything was going according to plan you wouldn't be here showboating, you'd be focusing on your war and spending time gathering the resources necessary to make it stick. Yes, your poterior is out in the wind here. I doubt that was the intent from the beginning, thus the comparison to the attempted lunch money theft.

    The only one 'fudging the data' here is you, moron.

    From this I can only infer 1) I've struck a nerve and 2) you're attempting to twist this line of conversation into a name-calling contest. Very brave, sir, very brave.

  6. Oh look, a Pacifican! Someone would have absolutely no reason to dislike me. Oh, wait....

    I'd check your information on this one, chief. Last time I checked my AA read "The Imperial Order" but, hey, you can keep fudging the data all the same. And no, I simply dislike you because your prattling and attention seeking behavior are repetative in the extreme. You've consistently demonstrated that, when you have backing, you're a tough guy and a hard liner but when the chips are down you run screaming like an eight-year-old who just had his attempt to steal someone's lunch money backfire badly.

  7. I would hazard a good part of the problem lies in the grow of an "Old Boys Club" where the ability of players to rise within established alliances is severely hampered by how long someone has been a part of the game. In smaller alliances you see members taking the helm relatively rapidly but are never handed much credibility due to being "n00bs" or whatnot while in the older alliances established members tend to hold onto their posts long past when they have been effective. This can create a very intimidating environment for a new member of an alliance who has ideas but cannot find a venue for them, being told it's important to sit and watch the more experienced and follow in their footsteps. Lack of upward movement leads to disenchantment, sees these members split off to form their own alliances which are then laughed or crush off of the 'verse which leads to quitting all together.

    What's the answer? There really isn't one unless the entirety of the game becomes one large meritocracy which isn't going to happen.

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