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Everything posted by eyriq

  1. Good luck rebuilding. Maybe the hiatus from power will allow Ivan some time to build up his nation? Edit: Just so this doesn't seem dickish congrats on the 1 year birthday! You guys have been great for the community.
  2. I find it interesting that there [i]are[/i] so many former allies opposing TOP. If surrender terms continue to remain of the crippling variety and this war drags on with such painful consequences I can imagine that the desire to fight on will eek out much quicker on the C&G and friends side. TOP does not make a very good monster.
  3. Congrats to our allies in Umbrella and our friends in Asgaard for another victory. To Legion a speedy recovery.
  4. Something tells me you are enjoying this one! How 'bout them apples? Edit: Nothing like a good friendly rivalry. Great job to all the other players out there!
  5. Is it typical for a 2 vs 1 war to have roughly even damage counts?
  6. I wonder if the community really has the will to watch a TOP or IRON slowly whittled down to irrelevancy. TOP's community in particular doesn't really strike me as the thuggish or shady type deserving of such a corrective action. You combine the communities possible lack of stomach for such a prolonged beat-down with the total cost of said beat-down to those doing it and I just don't know that a prolonged war is all that feasible or reasonable. Then again declaring white peace would be a pretty big slap in the face for C&G even with talk of this being a preemptive strike in a coalition war and what not.
  7. I laugh every time I see that pic! o/ peace
  8. The Umbrella war machine rolls, to the dismay of their enemies... and the delight of their allies. o/ Umbrella
  9. This sucks. From almost the beginning of my nations existence I noticed in Citadel something special. I was inspired by their building prowess and their maturity in politics. I and my mates looked up to them and were inspired by them. It really does kill a little of the dream to see them fall apart, especially when their presence was most needed. Anyway, o/ Citadel, you were truly the greatest bloc that I've seen in my time and you've given a heritage to CN that many in the future will strive to fulfill.
  10. Voted Bob Janova. Would vote again.
  11. Chaining to me means anything at least one degree removed from the original declaration. Pretty much how you said it. So if offensive-1 attacks defensive-1 any of their direct treaty partners would be entering without chaining. It is once the allies of offensive-2 or defensive-2 get involved that the treaties start chaining and you start seeing fronts x number of degrees removed from the original declaration.
  12. I'd like to think this is a win for everyone though having dealt with a fallen giant before I do have a sense of apprehension. Something about a nation having a +billion dollar war-chest, nukes, and a full compliment of wonders, spies, ect, while being in the 15k-35k range paints a different picture. Maybe the high tech levels will really prevent the bigs from reaching that low a ns range, but just one fallen giant in that range would chew up and spit out any non-fallen foes it came across; imagine what dozens would do?
  13. Nah, I'd say these days are pretty good. I mean, we've had a Staring war, a Moralist war, and now a Whoops war all in like the past month or so.
  14. Opening up the C&G front was a pretty audacious move, speaking in my mind to how the "Polar side" saw this war going. Would this have tipped the scale towards Polar's long-term benefit I can't say, but the fact that they peaced out their front after this front got geared up and going leaves us with another lopsided war. I agree with Bob Janova though, the amount of damage that TOP and Co is going to deliver should seriously open some eyes.
  15. I had the same thought, that TOP just sorta went rogue in a pretty massive way. I'm still in shock over the cluster $%&@ that has become Citadel politics though.
  16. This makes me very happy. Good show Umbrella! o/ Umbrella
  17. Proving yourselves to be the awesome treaty partners we know you are. o/ Umbrella
  18. My alliance I'd say is best described as Lawful Good in our internal dealings, and Chaotic Good in our external dealings. My character is most like Chaotic Good. Citadel strikes me as Lawful Good, C&G as Chaotic Good, SF as Neutral Evil, Remnants as Lawful Neutral.
  19. Mostly Harmless Alliance: Kindhearted The Order of the Paradox: Nonchalant New Polar Order: Ambitious Independent Republic of Orange Nations: Glossy Sparta: Boundless Orange Defense Network: Talented Fark: Hilarious Green Protection Agency: Ethereal New Pacific Order: Unequaled Viridian Entente: Jaded FOK: Elite The Order of Light: Potential
  20. Good call bringing this to my awareness. I need to post this thingy on my face book! I've brought 3 people into the game from my rl friends, though none of them currently play. I talk about it a bit, as personally I think it is a swell, free, game to play .
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