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Everything posted by eyriq

  1. Yeah, I'd roll like this Triumvir: Jack Shepard Triumvir: Bob Janova Triumvir: Dr. Dan FA: Dilber IA: AirMe Mil: Big Z Econ: Sceptor Recruit: Van Hoo III Advisors: Tygaland, Archon, Ivan Moldavi, Moo, and Sponge
  2. Pretty dull compared to the Karma buildup. All the quality productions are missed. There is not enough Sponge (where did you guys put him?), and Star Wars themes are the best entertainment we have (though at least Schatt posts about stuff). People desperately are trying to stick the most likable group in the game, Citadel, with the Hegemony label. Dull compared to before the war, Citadel does not a good bogeyman make. I'm optimistic about the future however unrelated to Foreign Affairs these potential developments may be. Edit: Grammar hey
  3. Hey, thanks for the previous update, and hopefully you find the time to keep this up to date!
  4. That was a well done write up and an enjoyable read. Thanks!
  5. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Congrats on victory Karma! Also, congrats on maintaining sanction NPO, though I wonder if reps will finish what the war started... at least temporarily.
  6. Good job getting peace. It seems responsible forces are at work keeping this war geared towards what was needed, a return of competitive balance, and away from what many want, the destruction of their enemies.
  7. Thanks for the response! You guys do things the right way, something I personally try to emulate. Good luck though I doubt you need it.
  8. I've been dying to ask this so I'll just ask this here; what's been going on with your member count? Ever since April Fools you've been dropping, and I don't like seeing my favorite alliance seemingly struggle. Also, awesome post. I'll have to recommend some Ninja BBQ's, they look like fun.
  9. You both win at life! That duet was pure brilliance. I'm still laughing!
  10. Awesome Vid. Seriously epic stuff. Is that Michigan St.? That would make sense I suppose, lol. BTW, Magic suck and I hate life. Thanks for listening.
  11. This war has already begun to lose it's luster, but that is probably because I'm not involved. Seriously though, I wonder what objectives are best sought after in concluding this war. One is to break up the hegemony; this has been done but probably needs the symbolic drop of NPO from the top spot before it will be really tangible. Second is the secured freedom of FAN and Vox, which to me symbolizes the reestablishment of a competitive, fluid, and rich political environment. This can be secured if Karma wishes it to be so at this point. I think that if this war turns into an "Eye for an Eye" affair and the NPO is dragged along for a grueling beating that this war looses it's luster and actually begins to work against objectives 1 and 2. I do not envy those leaders that are having to decide how to conclude this war, as a defeated yet living NPO is a terrifying reality. I think though that the process of the NPO attempting to rise again will be worth the risk just based on entertainment value alone! Also, Karma leaders are savvy enough this go around to go toe to toe against the best that the NPO or others can bring. With that in mind maybe some ammo can be saved from the Karma stockpiles; saved for a rainy day.
  12. You deserve a vacation and a medal (GGA joke goes here) for sticking to your guns all those dark years (or year?) while in the wilderness. Glad to hear you are not going anywhere!
  13. Congrats Sparta. You have a great alliance and an awesome sphere.
  14. The biggest thing to come from this conflict could be the Orders finding themselves on equal footing for the 1st time in probably ever. Polar really went through the refiners fire so to speak and came out looking really impressive and I have no reason to doubt that Pacifica won't come out of this in a similar manner. I'd look for that relationship to be renewed and stronger than ever.
  15. Hey, that does sound like fun. I'll be paying you a visit!
  16. Attempting to dissolve the NPO would be a spectacular mistake I think. It would show callous hatred unbecoming of the revolution and it would create another Vox scenario. However, if the NPO isn't destroyed than I think this war is only act I in a struggle for the ages. The bonus being that this scenario is much funner for everyone!
  17. I don't get it. What is it you guys do? From what I've seen of NSO this certainly has potential.
  18. I would base it on OWF presence and personality, in which case I'd go; 1a) Grämlins 1b) Mushroom Kingdom 1c) Vanguard They are all smallish, tight nit, and active. Of course I'm leaving out the alliance I'm already in, which are all friends from outside of CN so that is and will be my 1st choice always, but as we are not public and this topic is about public alliances, there you go.
  19. I think one thing that will evolve out of this mess is more inter-color unity. NPO's dominance of red allowed them to move into other spheres, which created tension and division. The blue and green spheres are perfect examples of this. This trend will compete with intra-color blocs like Citadel, SF, and C&G. Because of the power vacuum left by the NPO and Q I don't see another Hegemony cropping up anytime soon.
  20. I've introduced my wife's family to A1 sauce. Once they got over saying it tasted like "coke", they've not gone back to anything else. B)
  21. This is hopefully a new trend. The NSO-Galactic Republic thematic relationship and now these maps make for some fun times.
  22. For Blue Lightning; what role in the post-war political climate would you like to see Citadel take? For the NPO; do you see this war as a clear sign of a Vox victory in their war against your alliance?
  23. Really? Could you elaborate more, I'm interested. (Also, good to see you posting more, these boards had a distinct lack of Tolkien for too long).
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