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Bob Ilyani

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Everything posted by Bob Ilyani

  1. Congratulations to our allies in Umbrella. Certainly a fine treaty.
  2. Thank you Yevgeni for your service. It is sad that you must focus your full attention to matters of Spartan government, but alas. The government is in Cent's capable hands.
  3. This is a thread announcing a treaty upgrade with us- who, as you well know, share our plans frequently via screenshot leaks. Otherwise it's all just too easy.
  4. Meh, I think we have different perspectives on the same situation. Honestly, this planet's politics aren't radically different in structure from how they were in 2008 when I first came here, or in the years preceding that. The major difference was, rather, that there were a significantly larger number of characters who were interested in investing a lot of time and effort into the political maneuverings of the world. You yourself were one of them, as you mentioned. But now, most of them are gone. I don't think that is because of the game world, or the fight between autocratic governments and democratic ones. Rather, I think it's because [OOC]the game mechanics are almost identical to how they were a few years ago, and that gets incredibly boring when the game mechanics weren't super exciting in the first place[/OOC]. Today, there are democratic and autocratic alliances on all sides and power spheres- the spheres aren't built upon ideology or government type. Of course, this is an an aside. I'm glad that the leak is fixed and now we can get down to actual business without all you snooping on our forum posts, as exciting as they may be.
  5. Will Youtube comment fights prove to be worse than the OWF ones? Only time will tell...
  6. You monsters! Worse than NPO and MK... combined!
  7. Easily the most controversial of the R&R threads lately... good luck dealing with the fallout from this.
  8. I'll rephrase the question: will ex-SF alliances and members ever cease to loathe me? The answer to my question is the same as the answer to yours.
  9. Meh. You don't really have a right to complain about the competition for power among alliances nowadays considering neither you nor your alliance even try to be a part of it. Also, I literally have no idea what you mean with the whole "tyranny vs. democracy" thing. Aren't we the ones who attack and subjugate small alliances? But didn't we also lose the last war?
  10. Isn't Tom Mulcair the leader of NDPstan nowadays? :(
  11. Oh man. I know you lot are loving my proverbial lynching, but don't you remember Argent being one of the larger supporters of greater MJ-PF relations, as well as a pretty successful cooldown of tensions over the GPF protection issue, done partly because our two blocs wanted to get closer together? Do you remember directing us towards BN for a treaty in order to find the best fit for our blocs? Do you remember that it was largely on RoK and NoR's initiative- NoR towards TOP and ourselves towards Argent/BN- that the post-war plans for our blocs to get closer occurred? I understand that its in vogue with your current bed friends to criticize TOP members, but this level of tunnel vision (not to mention complete disregard for Argent-RoK relations during my time there) is simply ridiculous. I feel like you lot missed the part where I specifically stated that I didn't want to take credit for it, and that our success was largely driven by greater political machinations of the time period. But sure, cherry-pick my post for percieved criticisms, it seems to be working very well. RoK's internal troubles weren't the reasoning behind MJ's disbandment. I invite former MJ gov to verify this, though to be honest I doubt they care. The motions for the bloc's dissolution had been made before I was Emperor. It was a simple understanding, with our primary objective completed and the major bloc alliances drifting on contrasting directions, that the bloc was no longer tenable. The fact that that dissolution coincided with RoK's internal issues is pure coincidence. Though, of course, the remainder of my post simply validates the theory that SF, unlike MJ, never figured out when to call it quits. Though I would love to see that medal- I need something to attack to my OWF signature.
  12. You know, when I heard of this I was dying to come in here and say something really snarky. But I suppose there wasn't really a point. When running RoK's FA in a post-SF time, I made it my primary goal to diplomatically isolate the SuperFriends, and to reduce them to a political irrelevance. While I'm not going to take credit for that occurring (MJ was simply a cog in the greater political maneuverings, and its not as if MJ could have achieved anything that it did without it fitting into the larger desires of the power players), I'd like to think that I helped hammer in a nail of this proverbial coffin, and that is something that makes me happy. I'd say that being a high government member of SF was a positive experience, but it really wasn't- I came into the fold in RoK during a time of pretty high animosity between the alliance and their SF blocmates, and the relationship was extremely negative all around. It's a shame that the old RoK forums are gone, because some of the posting matches there were pretty damn intense. I will say this, though- working with MJ against SF was one of me favourite times in leadership on this planet. We had a very specific, very isolated goal, and any steps taken were for the achievement of said goal. The OWF sparring matches were fantastic and I haven't seen many on the same scale since. So, I'll have a drink for SF tonight. It brings me sheer joy to know that we defeated you, and that said defeat was the death blow that has led you limping to this moment. But this planet is not entertaining without enemies, and SF filled that place (for a time) with passion and vigor. My time on this world would not have been as entertaining had adversaries like the SuperFriends not existed. So, for the last time, fuck SF, and fuck Xiph. Winter is coming, cheers.
  13. My irresistible sense of humour aside, you guys most certainly are. XX (Read: Sparta) has a considerably worse diplomatic position than you guys do, and if anything this opens you up for further diplomatic options that will be an improvement over your previous position. So, congrats. I guess.
  14. Yeah, wow. It's been two years already. Time flies when you're having fun(?) Congrats, and best of luck in the third year. Not that you'll need it.
  15. Not sure who's getting the better end of the deal here.
  16. He's not incorrect. If I remember correctly, the thread title itself was "war ratings". But keep looking for angles to make villains out of us- this one is even better than the "TOP are Nazis" talk from last war.
  17. You've seen the nation yourself- he's been a member of TOP for nearly 1200 days. While there is considerable proof beyond a reasonable doubt that he was the spy, a Paradoxian of that tenure deserves to at least have a chance to speak before the sentence is given. Justice is stern, but it doesn't have to be unfair at the same time.
  18. If you were in the situation, what would you do, oh beacon of morality and virtue? This is a cool government, and I'm glad to be a part of it. #platysphere4lyfe and what not.
  19. Honestly this. But yeah, the Platysphere hungers and what not.
  20. Play a few rounds of beer pong with us and we'll do anything.
  21. Good riddance to this. NG, you're better off.
  22. Great to see. Best of luck, Wu and friends- if you ever need anything, you know where to call.
  23. Good protectors for a good alliance. Best of luck, friends.
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