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Bob Ilyani

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Everything posted by Bob Ilyani

  1. Oh damn. I've always held JGoods in a strong light- this is a real shame.
  2. Oh no, I know you were, and Holton probably was as well. Doesn't change the fact that he has this odd habit of dumping on alliances that he hops away from.
  3. Holton, I really don't get your obsession with shit-talking alliances after you hop away from them. It makes you look like an idiot, and with your turnover it means you'll be complaining about everyone in 6 months or so.
  4. People have been proposing a "CN UN" since this world came into existence. It was a bad idea then and it's a bad idea now. Loki, your ideas aren't particularly intelligent and your proposed implementation is downright inane. I fail to see how anything you propose will improve this world. In fact, much of it seeks to make war less common and politics even less fluid, actually taking entertainment value from this venue.
  5. New boards look much better than the old ones. Congrats and I hope the transition goes smoothly.
  6. Who plays the dominatrix when two submissives get together? Or is the join channel just two groups bending over for each other?
  7. We didn't fight on the same front during eQ, but we appreciated your support against superior numbers. That's enough to earn my respect- best of luck in your new homes, wherever they may be.
  8. Congrats on the government, Valhalla. Hope it serves you guys well.
  9. Warning to TIO: If DDL ever dislikes your future leadership and/or the moves they make, expect him to shut your forums down and assist in an illegal coup attempt- even if he hasn't been in TIO for months. Carry on.
  10. Damn, your secret weapon has been revealed. But yeah, this gov sucks and death to Paradoxia and what not
  11. I'm hoping this isn't some sort of strange Ayn Rand-ian theme going on. Good luck.
  12. Bob Ilyani


    This is a blog post. There aren't rules on staying on topic with regards to an original post- you've brought yourself into this mess with your dumb comments, and your attempts to get out of them aren't really working. I do enjoy your cheap shot at RoK though, and I'm not afraid of my past. I've had my successes, and my failures, but I can rest easy knowing my successes are considerably greater than yours- not to mention that I earned mine with basic intelligence and work, not with donations.
  13. Bob Ilyani


    You're arguing that people's choices of avatar are impacted by their IC personalities, in order to prove some sort of point that the MQ people aim to offend with their themes/posting styles. While your comments were not directed to me, they were made in a way that made a general implication of members of this community. As a member of said community, I felt that the post applied to me (how does it not? go back and read) and offered my input. Of course, you're posting this in a public place, so of course you want it to be digested and responded to by the general public. If not, you'd take it to PM, as you've done in the past. You're just pulling out this "I wasn't talking to you, so stay out of this" argument because-get this!- you're wrong and would rather not admit it. I will give you one thing though- your posting style and IC mannerisms pretty well reflect your character. You're asinine and act like a child when you don't get what you want... explains a lot of the decisions you've made in getting your nation so large.
  14. Bob Ilyani


    Seeing Hime slowly break down in this thread is amusing. As for your comment on avatars, I don't really see it. During my time in this world, I have taken as an avatar (among other things, these are the ones I can think of): a communist care-bear, Jaime Lannister from ASOIAF, Art Spiegelman's mouse character from Maus, the logo of a little-known record label, Col. Hans Landa from Inglorious Basterds, and Frank Underwood from House of Cards. Please, please find a way to rationally connect all of those things together. If you do, I'll gladly concede the point and not bring it up again.
  15. You should be glad you missed him on IRC last night- he wanted to include "rape" in the list of war crimes he's drawing up against MQ.
  16. Are you actually criticizing others for being opportunists while simultaneously defending the alliances that have attacked MQ? They're literally as close to opportunists as you're going to find- they're hitting MQ not because they have treaty obligations or feel threatened, but because they don't like MQs members and can. Not that there's anything inherently forbidden about that, but it's just funny how your incredibly skewed worldview leads you to literally contradict yourself, over and over again.
  17. You know you can't take the heat when not only do you get out of the kitchen, but you try and get it shut down by the Department of Health. As a sidenote, the moderation staff on this board haven't been filling thread lock requests for years. The topic of current discussion is completely relevant to the topic presented in the OP (i.e. GOP's hostile action against MQ) as well. So what are your actual grounds for wanting to get out of this, aside from a few calloused fingers and a thoroughly tarnished reputation?
  18. Chax, what's the point arguing with someone who literally bases their political opinions on what shitposters in OWF threads say?
  19. Marx did far too much to help the second \m/ while he was there to make this relevant or worthy of criticism. Try again next time.
  20. TOP cancellation incoming Nice gov, friends.
  21. I knew we allied you guys for a reason Glad to know I wasn't wrong
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